A federal parliamentary inquiry is focusing on identifying challenges and opportunities for Australia to capitalise on our abundant natural resources to drive economic growth, create new industries and jobs and become a green energy superpower.
Media release issue date:
Thursday, 16 March 2023
A federal parliamentary inquiry is focusing on identifying challenges and opportunities for Australia to capitalise on our abundant natural resources to drive economic growth, create new industries and jobs and become a green energy superpower.
The Joint Standing Committee on Trade and Investment Growth will hold a public hearing in Perth on Friday, 17 March 2023 for its inquiry into Australia's transition to a green energy superpower. The committee will hear from the Western Australian Government and Fortescue Future Industries, among others. This builds on the hearings previously held with the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, AusTrade and Export Finance Australia.
Committee Chair, Mr Steve Georganas MP said “Australia is well on its way to becoming a green energy superpower, and I hope this inquiry will be a valuable opportunity to ensure we are doing everything possible to strive further towards a green energy future. The committee is excited to hear about the Western Australian perspective this Friday.
The Committee has received a high number of quality submissions to the inquiry and is looking forward to hearing from Australian governments, businesses, and other interested parties from across the community about where trade and investment activities are already having a positive impact; emerging and possible future trends, areas of growth, and how can these be accelerated.”
The inquiry will have particular regard to areas that play to Australia's strengths, including: renewable energy, battery storage, energy supply and infrastructure, the electric vehicle industry, infrastructure; advanced manufacturing, and services and technology.
Public hearing details
Friday 17 March 2023, 9am to 12pm
Committee Room 1, Ground Floor, Legislative Council Committee Office of WA, 18–32 Parliament Place, West Perth
The Committee intends to hold more public hearings in due course.
Further information about the inquiry, including published submissions and hearing transcripts, are available on the inquiry webpage.
Media inquiries
Office of Mr Steve Georganas MP
0437 387 378
For background information
Joint Standing Committee on Trade and Investment Growth
02 6277 2233