Stronger Futures in the Northern Territory (Alcohol Management Plans) Rule 2013

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Stronger Futures in the Northern Territory (Alcohol Management Plans) Rule 2013

FRLI: F2013L00290

Portfolio: Families, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs


2.1        This rule prescribes the minimum standards required to be met by alcohol management plans (AMPs). AMPs are plans, negotiated at a local community level, for the management of alcohol use among community members, and for the reduction of alcohol-related harm to individuals, families and communities in the Northern Territory. The provisions of the Stronger Futures in the Northern Territory Act 2012 relating to AMPs are in addition to any Northern Territory Liquor Act provisions.

2.2        The minimum standards prescribed in this rule relate to:

Committee view

2.3        The committee has decided to examine this instrument as part of its examination of the Stronger Futures package of legislation.

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