Part 2

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Part 2

Legislative instruments registered with FRLI 16 February – 19 April 2013

Consideration of legislative instruments

2.1        The committee has considered 492 legislative instruments registered with the Federal Register of Legislative Instruments (FRLI) between 16 February 2013 and 19 April 2013. The Committee also considered an instrument previously examined in its First Report of 2013 and subsequently deferred in its Third Report of 2013.[1] The full list of instruments scrutinised by the committee can be found in Appendix 1.

2.2        403 instruments do not appear to raise any human rights concerns and are accompanied by statements of compatibility that are adequate.

2.3        74 instruments do not appear to raise any human rights concerns but are accompanied by statements of compatibility that do not fully meet the committee's expectations. As the instruments in question do not appear to raise human rights compatibility concerns, the committee has written to the relevant Ministers in a purely advisory capacity providing guidance on the preparation of statements of compatibility. The committee hopes that this approach will assist in the preparation of future statements of compatibility that conform more closely to the committee's expectations.

2.4        The committee is seeking further information from the relevant Minister on the following instruments before forming a view about their compatibility with human rights:

2.5        The committee has deferred its consideration of the following instruments to allow closer consideration of their impact on human rights:

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