Chapter 4: Foundation principles for a future Australian system |
1 | Rebuild a Commonwealth Employment Services System underpinned by intergovernmental agreement(s) | | | | Design and negotiations to commence relatively quickly in relation to a rebuilt Commonwealth Employment Services System, with a view to having agreement(s) signed in the medium-term to inform design and implementation. |
2 | Guiding vision and principles for a rebuilt Commonwealth Employment Services System and adjustments to service eligibility | | | | The vision and principles to be finalised well before the rebuilt system is in place. Trials of changes to service eligibility to commence as soon as possible (subject to resourcing and legislative constraints), with eligibility for services finalised before the rebuilt system is in place. |
3 | Establish Client Council(s) and Employment Services Coordinating Council to help advise on issues impacting clients’ experiences and ensure expert and stakeholder input | | | | Consultation on a policy framework for Client Councils to occur early on, with a view of having the councils established in the medium term. Councils should have input into the rebuild of the Commonwealth Employment Services System. Employment Services Coordinating Council to be established to provide ongoing expert and stakeholder guidance. |
4 | Establish Employment Services Australia and network of regional hubs and service gateways | | | | Preliminary work to establish Employment Services Australia within the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (DEWR) should commence right away, with the new entity established before the rebuilt Commonwealth Employment Services System is in place. Establishment of delivery roles and transfer of existing functions to Employment Services Australia to occur on a progressive basis, with the transfer of functions from the Digital Services Contact Centre (DSCC) prioritised. |
5 | Commonwealth Social Procurement Framework | | | | The Social Procurement Framework could be developed concurrently with the Social Enterprise Strategy outlined in Recommendation 50. |
6 | Government strategies to provide long-term unemployed people with work and training opportunities | | | | Target to be implemented in the medium term. Development of these targets is linked to but not dependent on the rebuild of the Commonwealth Employment Services System. |
7 | Administrative traineeships for disadvantaged jobseekers in the electorate office of each Commonwealth Member of Parliament | | | | Creation of administrative traineeship could be achieved in the short term (potentially next Budget) to create more opportunities for jobseekers and enhance parliamentarians’ understanding of the challenges facing disadvantaged people. |
Chapter 5: Supporting jobseekers and employers |
8 | Core service model for the Commonwealth Employment Services System | | | | Consultation on the service model to occur as soon as possible following signing of relevant agreement(s), with the model forming part of a rebuilt Commonwealth Employment Services System. |
9 | Develop, trial, and implement measures to embed pre-employment and vocational support within a person’s primary human service | | | | The identification of the primary human services that clients’ access that would be appropriate to trial embedding pre-employment and vocational support could commence relatively early with the aim for arrangement to support, and implement, trials to occur in the medium term. |
10 | Government consider the lessons of former Australian services and international services in designing higher intensity supports for those furthest from the labour market | | | | DEWR to review prior services and international evidence of services delivered to those furthest from the labour market, to inform the design of the higher intensity case management service for those furthest from the labour market. This naturally would feed into the achievement of the relevant part of Recommendation 8. |
11 | Youth-specific employment services assistance | | | | Consultation on the service model to occur as soon as possible following signing of the relevant agreement(s). Ideally trial an integrated youth service in some regions to build the evidence base. Final model forming part of a rebuilt Commonwealth Employment Services System. |
12 | Improving attitudes to the employment of mature age persons | | | | Engagement and development of training and education material to address attitudes towards the employment of mature age persons to be achieved over the short to medium-term, with its full rollout achieved in the medium term. |
13 | Establish specialist service for people with experience of the criminal justice system | | | | Paper to go to State and Territory Employment and Corrections Ministers to seek agreement for a reform piece of work. Consultation on the service model to occur as soon as possible following signing of the relevant agreement(s), with the service model implemented in the medium term and retained under a rebuilt Commonwealth Employment Services System. |
Chapter 6: Workforce and service capability |
14 | Actions to help stabilise the employment services sector workforce | | | | As part of the rebuilt Commonwealth Employment Services System and the implementation of the Committee’s recommendations, appropriate regard should be had medium-and longer-term arrangements for pay and conditions to help stabilise the workforce. |
15 | Professional competencies and qualifications framework for frontline staff | | | | Consultation on a professional competencies and qualification framework to occur early on, with implementation of the framework completed in the medium term. |
16 | Supporting ongoing capability development for frontline staff, including an Employment Services Capability Fund | | | | Consultation on a framework to commence in a timely manner, with the framework—including the establishment of a Capability Fund—implemented in the longer term. |
Chapter 7: Regulation, accreditation, and oversight |
17 | Urgently resolve issues impacting the functionality of IT systems and implement a program and fund for the continuous improvement of IT systems | | | | Key IT issues to be resolved as a matter of priority. Further enhancements to the IT system, including the implementation of the continuous improvement program and fund, to be progressed as the Commonwealth Employment Services System is rebuilt. |
18 | Adoption of ‘tell government once’ principle | | | | The key pain points being experienced by clients in needing to retell government information to be identified, with a view to identifying and implementing necessary arrangements to support the sharing of that information across government in the medium term, with the appropriate privacy and data security safeguards in place. |
19 | Enhancing the use of Single Touch Payroll | | | | DEWR and the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) to reach agreement regarding the use of Single Touch Payroll (STP) data in the administration of employment services as soon as possible. If legislative changes are needed, government to consider a narrow legislative amendment allow STP data to be used in the administration of employment services program. Legislative and policy changes should be finalised in the medium term, and before a rebuilt Commonwealth Employment Services System is in place. |
20 | Improved communication channels and collaboration between service partners and government agencies | | | | The implementation of the dedicated service line in Services Australia should be able to be actioned in the short term, as it was recommended in the Committee’s interim report (Recommendation 24). Similarly, arrangements improve collaboration between Services Australia, DEWR and service partners should be implemented in the short term, as there are previous arrangements that could form the basis of such arrangements. |
21 | Streamline and simplify assurance and accreditation arrangements | | | | The current assurance and accreditation approach should be reviewed, and consultation should occur with key stakeholders in a streamlined system. Measures to streamline and simplify assurance and accreditation should be implemented in the medium term. |
22 | Establish an Employment Services Quality Commission | | | | Preliminary work to establish the Quality Commission should commence in a timely manner on signing relevant agreement(s), with the new entity established as the Commonwealth Employment Services System is rebuilt. Transfer of functions to the Commission should occur on a progressive basis. |
Chapter 8: Innovation, continuous learning, experimentation, research, and evaluation |
23 | Adoption of data transparency principles and implementation of a program of data release | | | | DEWR should develop and publish its data release strategy and release the first tranche of data in the short term. The release of additional data items and implementation of other components of the data release strategy should occur on a progressive basis. |
24 | New employment services evaluation framework | | | | The Evaluation Strategy for Workforce Australia Employment Services 2022–2028 should be revised in the short term to ensure it incorporates broader measures of performance. |
25 | Establish a co-operative evaluation and research unit with the Employment Services Quality Commission | | | | Government should begin work to establish the unit, including identifying academics, practitioners, and other experts who may be engaged and in place in the medium term. A unit should be established before a rebuilt system is in place. |
26 | Access to data for service partners | | | | Providing access to data should be progressed concurrently with other measures to resolve key IT system issues. |
27 | Operational capacity to support trialling and innovative service delivery | | | | Identification and implementation of rule changes to support testing and experimentation should occur in the short term, to ensure that service trials can be conducted as the new system is developed. |
Chapter 9: Gateway to services |
28 | Reframe government’s initial contact with clients | | | | Reframing of government’s initial contact with clients should be completed in the short term. Ongoing efforts should also be made to ensure that no government information uses language that creates shame or stigma for people accessing income support or employment assistance. This should occur concurrently with the implementation of recommendations of the Robodebt Royal Commission. |
29 | New client assessment framework | | | | Trialling of amendments to the Job Seeker Snapshot to ensure the Snapshot effectively identifies those who would be suitable for online services to commence early on. Broader reforms to the assessment framework should be implemented in the medium term. |
30 | Streamlined reassessment and transfer processes | | | | Consultation on reforms to the reassessment and transfer processes to occur to inform the implementation of the agreed measures in the medium term. |
31 | Review interaction between Community Development Program (CDP) and mainstream employment services for those who move in and out of remote locations | | | | Implementation of simplified arrangements for clients who move between remote and non-remote services should occur over the medium term and be timed to align with reforms to the CDP. |
32 | Consider reinstatement of the Sickness Allowance | | | | Changes to employment services exemption policy to be implemented early to give effect to the intent of the recommendation, with legislative, IT and policy changes to support the reintroduction of the Sickness Allowance implemented in the medium term. |
33 | Consider possible adjustments to identify extremely long-term unemployed people eligible for a Disability Support Pension (DSP) | | | | The circumstances of extremely long-term unemployed persons can be assessed to identify those who could more appropriately be on the DSP and identify what arrangements might need to be implemented to grant access to that benefit. These potential changes to be considered and possibly implemented by Government in the medium term. |
34 | Measures to reduce cost of obtaining medical evidence | | | | Consultation to identify potential approaches to reduce the cost of accessing medical evidence to inform measures to be implemented in the medium term |
Chapter 10: Service provision and program design: Digital or hybrid services |
35 | Access to training and support to improve digital literacy | | | | Measures to improve digital literary should be implemented in the short term and subject to ongoing enhancements in line with government’s skills reform agenda. |
36 | Ensure tools and assistance are available in multiple languages and accessible to key cohorts and develop a Digital Protections Framework | | | | Measures to be implemented in the medium term to ensure that the Workforce Australia app and key government websites are available in at least those languages in which the Centrelink Express Plus app are available. Digital Protections Framework to be implemented in the medium term. Further enhancements to accessibility to be implemented on an ongoing basis, supported by an implementation strategy. |
37 | Properly resource the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (DEWR) to support its transition to a hybrid provider. Conduct service improvement trials, including proactive outreach | | | | Additional resources to be provided in the short term. Service improvement trials should commence in the short term and be subject to monitoring and evaluation. |
38 | Trial different default timeframes for online-hybrid services, and provide the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (DEWR) with the ability to mandate referral to face-to-face services | | | | DEWR to be given the ability to mandate referrals to face-to-face services as soon as possible. Trials of different ‘default’ times to commence in the short term. |
39 | Government seriously consider implementing an integrated online jobs marketplace | | | | Consultation with commercial jobs marketplaces and other relevant stakeholders may commence in the medium term, with agreed changes implemented in the longer term. |
Chapter 11: Service provision and program design: For jobseekers |
40 | Design and implement a new policy framework to underpin enhanced employment pathway planning, including the development of a new Participation and Jobs Plan | | | | Consultation on the new framework to start early with a new employment pathway planning approach implemented in the medium term—including any necessary IT, policy, and legislative changes. |
41 | Develop and articulate guiding principles for job quality and metrics to evaluate the success of the system in supporting clients to obtain quality employment | | | | Jobs and Skills Australia to consult with other experts on possible approaches to develop a job quality measure and associated metrics, with the measure and metrics to be implemented in the longer term. The measure and metrics would be updated as needed to reflect new indicators of job quality. |
42 | Develop, trial, and implement a career progression service for those in lower-paid, entry-level, and insecure jobs | | | | Consultation to occur on a career progression service, with the service to be trialled before being rolled out nationally (subject to outcomes of the trial) in the medium term. Implementation of the career progression service will be impacted by implementation of a new measure of job quality (Recommendation 41). |
43 | Review governance arrangements for the Employment Fund, with a view to enhancing clarity and flexibility. Give consideration to annual credits to the Fund for very long-term unemployed clients | | | | Key measures to increase the flexibility of the Employment Fund implemented in the short term. Review of governance arrangements to be ongoing, consistent with a focus on continuous improvement in the system. |
44 | Default principles prohibiting referral to in-house and third-party services, and use of the Employment Fund for those services, without pre-approval | | | | Measures to be implemented in the short term, noting that the Committee recommended a very similar measure in its interim report. |
Chapter 12: Service provision and program design: For employers |
45 | Establishment of an employer-focused service delivered through regional hubs | | | | Consultation to occur on services for employers to be delivered by Employment Services Australia and service model to be finalised and implemented as the regional hubs are established (see Recommendation 4). Development of the employer-focused service to be informed by learnings of a partnership with the Tasmanian Government in relation to the Tasmanian Jobs Hubs Network (see Recommendation 74) and trials of the regional hub service in target regions. |
46 | Greater and more targeted use of intermediaries and bridging services | | | | Arrangements to support easier and more seamless use of intermediaries and bridging services such as not-for-profit labour hire firms, social enterprises, or sector / industry bodies, to be implemented in the medium term, and actioned in concert with other relevant recommendations, such as Recommendation 5 for the Social Procurement Framework. |
Chapter 13: Active labour market and complementary programs |
47 | Streamline and simplify complementary programs | | | | Consultation on complementary and facilitation programs to occur with measures to consolidate programs implemented progressively over the medium term. |
48 | Refocus Work for the Dole and ensure that participants receive a supplement that realistically covers their costs | | | | Work for the Dole to be refocused over the medium term in line with the recommendations and findings. |
49 | Codesign and trialling of a ‘Work in the Community’ community employment program in a limited number of regional areas and places with entrenched disadvantage | | | | Consultation with key stakeholders to occur, with the program to be implemented in the medium term. |
50 | Develop and implement a Commonwealth Social Enterprise Strategy | | | | Consultation with stakeholders on the development of a strategy to occur as soon as possible, with a strategy finalised in the medium term. Social Enterprise Strategy to be developed concurrently with the Social Procurement Framework outlined in Recommendation5. |
51 | Direct funding to social enterprises, including trialling of complementary funding measures | | | | Consultation on approaches to directly fund social enterprises, including review of various funding measures, to occur in the short term. Trialling of complementary funding measures to occur as soon as possible. Full implementation of proposed funding mechanisms expected in the medium term, informed by the trials. |
52 | Centralise administration of wage subsidies (and other ALMPs), with funding de-linked from the Employment Fund | | | | To be implemented in the medium term, noting that wage subsidies previously were funded separately from the Employment Fund. |
53 | Review wage subsidies to ensure they are efficiently and effectively priced and targeted | | | | Review to commence early on, with measures to address identified issues to be implemented in the medium term. Wage subsidies should also be subject to ongoing review, consistent with a focus on continuous improvement in the system. |
54 | Simplify access to and administration of wage subsidies across jurisdictions | | | | Engagement between the Commonwealth, States, and Territories to identify the various wage subsidy programs in place and negotiate an agreement for the development of a single national portal should start early. Portal to be implemented in the longer term. |
55 | Consider properly designed paid work experience | | | | Consultation to occur on a paid work experience program, with the service to be trialled before being rolled out nationally (subject to outcomes of the trial) in the medium term. |
Chapter 14: Mutual obligation, activation, compliance, and enforcement |
56 | Broaden mutual obligation requirements and tailor requirements to the individual | | | | Consultation on new a framework to cut red tape, stop driving employers away from the system and be more effective in supporting jobseekers into work. Framework to broaden and tailor the range of mutual obligations to the individual and determine ‘meaningful participation’. |
57 | Urgently implement changes to the current compliance framework and Points Based Activation System while a new framework is developed | | | | Measures to update the Points Based Activation System and to reduce the impact of sanctions to be implemented in the short term, noting that they aim to reduce pressures on jobseekers while other reforms are progressed. IT and other system changes to implement this recommendation should be prioritised. Interim framework to be replaced with a new Shared Accountability Framework (Recommendation 62) over the longer term. |
58 | Monitor impacts of the proposed extension to the income support nil rate period, and review eligibility for the nil rate to ensure criteria take account of people impacted by seasonal work | | | | The Employment White Paper extended the income support nil rate period. The impact of this policy change should be monitored. Subject to the experience with the changes contemplated by the White Paper. Government may need to consider a further extension in the medium term. Review of eligibility criteria and any potential changes to be undertaken in the medium term. |
59 | Remove automatic exemption from mutual obligation for people exiting the criminal justice system and update participation options for people in medical treatments | | | | Review and implementation of changes to occur in the short term. |
60 | Replace default mandatory activation requirement with a new availability test framework | | | | Consultation on a new framework to occur, with the framework implemented in the medium term. Implementation of the framework should occur concurrently with the new framework for mutual obligations set out in Recommendation 57. |
61 | Implement a partial income support holdback as alternative to payment suspension | | | | Implementation should occur in the short to medium term and should inform the development of the new Shared Accountability Framework (Recommendation 62). |
62 | Replace the Targeted Compliance Framework with a Shared Accountability Framework | | | | Consultation on a new Shared Accountability Framework to occur as soon as possible, with the new more efficient and effective framework implemented in the medium term. |
63 | Trial incentives for engagement with employment services | | | | Trials to commence in the medium term, subject to any legal constraints. Trials to continue over the longer term, with improvements to the national system implemented as appropriate, subject to evaluations of the trials. |
64 | Consider options to simplify income reporting requirements for those not intending to work and those who are participating in self-employment programs | | | | Implementation could be informed by implementation of a similar measure in the Committee’s interim report. This may allow a shorter implementation timeframe. |
Chapter 15: Commissioning, funding, and regulatory culture |
65 | New model for regulatory culture and relational contracting | | | | Engagement with key stakeholders and experts, and development and implementation to be achieved over the 9-12 months following the tabling of this report. New model for regulatory culture and relational contracting in place before new approaches to commissioning are trialled or determined. |
66 | Revised commissioning approach to reduce barriers to entry and support greater stability | | | | Consultation on and trialling of commissioning arrangements to occur, with some changes implemented in the medium term (such as longer license terms) and others implemented as the new system reaches maturity. Commissioning arrangements will be dependent on the service model for the rebuilt Commonwealth Employment Services System. |
67 | Streamline business transmission arrangements | | | | Consultation on key business transition requirements to occur, with changes to contracts made in the medium term. |
68 | Commission more specialist providers including Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations (ACCOs) and CALD service partners | | | | Identification of locations and necessary contract or license changes to occur in the short term, with providers engaged and operational in target areas in the medium term. First Nations ACCOs should be the priority. |
69 | Implement trial arrangements to rebuilt public sector understanding of and capacity to deliver high-quality employment services | | | | Arrangements to be implemented in the medium term, with options for ongoing delivery assessed as the rebuilt Commonwealth Employment Services System matures. |
70 | Co-design and implement funding arrangements based on a more relational contracting model | | | | Consultation on changes to the funding model to occur early on. A new funding model to be in place before the rebuilt Commonwealth Employment Services System matures. Funding models to be reviewed on an ongoing basis, consistent with a focus on continuous improvements to the employment services system. |
71 | Consider a second service fee for those who reach 12 months in employment services | | | | Arrangements for providing a second service fee for clients who have reached 12 or more months in employment services to be considered in the short term. The arrangements would be balanced by a corresponding reduction in outcome fees so as not to increase the overall cost to the Budget. |
72 | Review the Provider Performance Framework | | | | Assessment of providers under the current performance framework may be paused or deferred while a review of the framework is completed. A new performance framework should be in place within 12 months of the tabling of this report. Poor performance can still be identified via standard contract management processes. |
Chapter 16: Implementation and transition arrangements |
73 | Demonstration partnership with Victoria | | | | Partnership agreement to be finalised in the short term. Services delivered under the partnership between the Commonwealth and Victoria to be monitored to inform reforms to a rebuilt Commonwealth Employment Services System. |
74 | Demonstration partnership with Tasmania | | | | Partnership agreement to be finalised in the short term. Services delivered under the partnership between the Commonwealth and Tasmania to be monitored to inform reforms to rebuild the Commonwealth Employment Services System. |
75 | Develop and publish Roadmap | | | | Roadmap for reform to be published within 12 months of the tabling of this report. Roadmap to be updated periodically to reflect the progress of reforms. |