Documents and resources to help you keep track of the work of the Senate.
Proposed schedule of business published each sitting day morning
Schedule for the upcoming sitting week, published the Friday before
Official list of business before the Senate
A guide to the weekly order of business in the Senate
All bills the Senate is currently considering
Bills inroduced by non-government senators
To inquire and report views on the bill from organisations and individuals
Matters being investigated and reported on
Held by committees to take further evidence
Scrutiny of government expenditure
Search questions submitted in writing and answers provided by ministers
Business initiated by senators who are not ministers
Proceedings as they happen in the Senate and Senate estimates, includes bills, motions and documents
Significant events and decisions made each sitting day, with links to source documents and video replays
The official record (minutes) and most authoratative source of information about activities and decisions
Edited transcripts of debates
Statistical records of the work of the Senate including legislation, questions and hours of sitting
Documents presented in the Senate
Progress and outcomes of committee inquiries into bills and other matters
Legislative highlights and commentary on procedural matters arising during each sitting period
A searchable database of votes by division
A website exploring the work and achievements of committees from 1901
Rules and guides on the conduct of proceedings in the Senate and Parliament
Resources about the Australian Senate including the rules it follows, how it works, articles, stories and research papers
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