Live Federation Chamber Minutes

Federation Chamber - Draft Minutes

These minutes are a draft record of the proceedings of the Federation Chamber as they occur, and are subject to revision. The official record of proceedings is the Votes and Proceedings

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Last updated: Thursday, 22 August 2024 at 12:24 PMNo updates available
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Draft Federation Chamber Minutes

No. 142

Thursday, 22 August 2024

- 9:30:10 AM

 1The Federation Chamber met at 9.30 am.

- 9:30:24 AM


Members’ constituency statements being made—

Mr Thistlethwaite 9:30:27 AM. Mr Pasin 9:33:33 AM. Ms Templeman 9:36:37 AM. Ms Price 9:39:42 AM. Ms McBain 9:42:47 AM. Mr L O’Brien 9:45:33 AM. Ms Stanley 9:48:23 AM. Mr Stevens 9:51:19 AM. Ms Thwaites 9:54:17 AM. Mr Bandt 9:57:19 AM.
- 9:58:05 AM

Suspension of meeting

At 9.58 am, a division having been called in the House, the proceedings were suspended.

- 10:09:25 AM

Resumption of meeting

At 10.09 am, the proceedings were resumed.

- 10:09:28 AM

Members’ constituency statements continued.

Mr Bandt (in continuation),  10:09:31 AM.
- 10:12:21 AM

 3Climate Change, Energy, Environment and Water—Standing Committee—MOTION TO TAKE NOTE OF DOCUMENT

The order of the day having been read for the resumption of the debate on the motion of Mr Zappia—That the House take note of the document (presented on 28 May 2024), viz.

Climate Change, Energy, Environment and Water—Standing CommitteeDrowning in waste: Plastic pollution in Australia’s oceans and waterways—Report, May 2024

Debate resumed.

Ms Byrnes 10:12:41 AM. Mr McCormack 10:22:32 AM.
- 10:32:38 AM

Debate adjourned (Ms Belyea), and the resumption of the debate made an order of the day for the next sitting.

- 10:33:01 AM

 4Ending gender-based violence—STATEMENTS

Statements being made—

Ms Miller-Frost 10:33:07 AM. Mr Wood 10:38:43 AM.
- 10:47:02 AM


Mr Wood, by leave, presented the following document:

Letter from Jason Wood MP to Chief Commissioner, Victoria Police force—2 May 2024.

- 10:47:02 AM

Statements continuing—

Mr Shorten 10:49:46 AM.
- 10:56:27 AM

Suspension of meeting

At 10.56 amthe Deputy Speaker left the Chair due to the lack of a quorum.

- 10:58:27 AM

Resumption of meeting

At 10.58 amthe Deputy Speaker resumed the Chair, and a quorum being present—

- 10:58:37 AM

Statements continued.

Mr Shorten (in continuation),  10:58:37 AM. Mr Conaghan 11:03:36 AM. Mr McCormack 11:13:42 AM. Ms Watson-Brown 11:23:59 AM.
- 11:29:25 AM


Ms Scrymgour moved—That the Federation Chamber do now adjourn.

Debate ensued.

Ms Chaney 11:29:38 AM. Ms J Ryan 11:34:24 AM. Mrs Archer 11:39:25 AM. Mrs Elliot 11:44:09 AM. Mrs Andrews 11:49:04 AM. Ms Scrymgour 11:54:08 AM.
- 11:56:39 AM

Question—put and passed.

At 11.57 am, the Deputy Speaker adjourned the Federation Chamber until 10.30 am on Monday, 9 September 2024.