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- Date
17 Mar 2010
- Chamber
House of Representatives
- Status
Immigration and Citizenship
- Summary
Amends the
Immigration (Education) Act 1971
to implement the Adult Migrant English Program by: removing annual administration fees for English courses; providing that certain New Zealand citizens are unable to access English courses; extending the registration period in an English course from three to six months; providing that English courses are completed within five years; clarifying eligibility for English courses; and enabling the secretary to extend registration, commencement and completion timeframes for English courses retrospectively.
- Date
04 Dec 2003
- Chamber
House of Representatives
- Status
Justice and Customs
- Summary
Introduced with the Customs Legislation Amendment (Application of International Trade Modernisation and Other Measures) Bill 2003, the bill amends the
Import Processing Charges (Amendment and Repeal) Act 2002
to extend the application of cost recovery charges during the transition between the Customs legacy electronic systems and the new Integrated Cargo System.
- Date
19 Jun 2002
- Chamber
House of Representatives
- Status
Justice and Customs
- Summary
Continues the operation of the import processing charges imposed by the
Import Processing Charges Act 1997
after that Act is repealed until certain other provisions of the Customs Legislation Amendment and Repeal (International Trade Modernisation) Act 2001
are proclaimed, and during certain moratorium periods. Also amends the Import Processing Charges Act 2001
to clarify the amount of self-assessed declaration charge that is payable in relation to reportable documents.
- Date
25 Mar 1999
- Chamber
House of Representatives
- Status
Justice and Customs portfolio
- Date
06 Dec 2000
- Chamber
House of Representatives
- Status
Justice and Customs portfolio
- Date
15 Mar 2010
- Chamber
House of Representatives
- Status
Not Proceeding
- Summary
Amends the
Imported Food Control Act 1992
to: require the packaging of any imported bovine product to display the country of origin and the last recorded date of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (mad cow disease) in that country; and provide that a food control certificate cannot be issued for an imported bovine meat product unless the country of origin has cattle identification and tracing systems for bovine meat products exported to Australia.
- Date
28 May 2008
- Chamber
House of Representatives
- Status
- Summary
Part of a package of three bills, the bill imposes the First Home Saver Accounts misuse tax to be payable on any gain made by an account holder from the improper use of a First Home Saver Account.
- Date
07 Feb 2007
- Chamber
House of Representatives
- Status
- Summary
Further to the simplified superannuation taxation law framework introduced by the Tax Laws Amendment (Simplified Superannuation) Bill 2006 and five related bills, and as part of a package of five further bills, the bill makes consequential amendments to the
Income Tax (Former Complying Superannuation Funds) Act 1994
in relation to the imposition of tax on certain superannuation funds.
- Date
07 Feb 2007
- Chamber
House of Representatives
- Status
- Summary
Further to the simplified superannuation taxation law framework introduced by the Tax Laws Amendment (Simplified Superannuation) Bill 2006 and five related bills, and as part of a package of five further bills, the bill makes consequential amendments to the
Income Tax (Former Non-resident Superannuation Funds) Act 1994
in relation to the imposition of tax on certain superannuation funds.
- Date
04 Jun 2008
- Chamber
House of Representatives
- Status
- Summary
Part of a package of three bills, the bill imposes a transitional tax rate of 22.5 per cent for the first income year of the new withholding tax regime for distributions of managed investment trust income to foreign residents of certain jurisdictions and allows them to claim deductions for associated investment expenses.
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