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- Date
09 Mar 2023
- Chamber
- Status
Before Senate
HANSON, Sen Pauline
- Summary
Amends the
Therapeutic Goods (Poisons Standard—February 2023) Instrument 2023
to amend the regulatory framework for medicinal cannabis by: re-scheduling medicinal cannabis, thereby allowing prescription by any medical practitioner; adopting a definition for cannabis as a regulated product that allows a higher level of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC); and allowing whole plant cannabis products with certain limits of THC and cannabidiol to be sold over the counter at a chemist or veterinary clinic to persons over 18 years of age.
- Date
06 Mar 2023
- Chamber
- Status
Before Senate
- Summary
Amends the
Governor-General Act 1974
to cease the payment of allowances to a former Governor-General, or a spouse of a former Governor-General, where they have engaged in serious misconduct.
- Date
08 Feb 2023
- Chamber
- Status
Before Senate
ANTIC, Sen Alex
- Summary
Amends the
Criminal Code Act 1995
to introduce three new offences relating to the incitement of trespass, property damage or theft and unlawful obstruction of traffic in central business districts and other centres of significant business or cultural activity in Australia.
- Date
08 Feb 2023
- Chamber
- Status
Before Senate
- Summary
Amends the
Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918
and Referendum (Machinery Provisions) Act 1984
to: lower the minimum voting age in Australian federal elections and referenda from 18 to 16 years; provide for 16 and 17 year olds to be included in the certified list of voters (but not to be given a penalty notice if they do not vote); and provide that an eligible voter, who is not yet on the electoral roll or enrolled at their correct address, is able to cast a provisional vote on election day.
- Date
08 Feb 2023
- Chamber
- Status
Before Senate
CANAVAN, Sen Matthew
ANTIC, Sen Alex
RENNICK, Sen Gerard
- Summary
Amends the
Fair Work Act 2009
to add COVID-19 vaccination status as an attribute protected from discrimination.
- Date
08 Feb 2023
- Chamber
- Status
- Summary
Amends the
Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012
to: require the Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA) to publish gender pay gap information of relevant employers for each reporting period; rename the current 'minimum standards' as 'gender equality standards'; require relevant employers to provide executive summary and industry benchmark reports to all members of their governing body; include 'sexual harassment', 'harassment on the ground of sex' or 'discrimination' as gender equality indicators; change the title of the 'Director' of the WGEA to 'Chief Executive Officer'; and make a technical amendment to the definition of 'reporting period'.
- Date
07 Feb 2023
- Chamber
- Status
Home Affairs
- Summary
Responds to the decision of the Full Court of the Federal Court of Australia in
Pearson v Minister for Home Affairs
[2022] FCAFC 203 by amending the Migration Act 1958
to provide a clear basis for aggregate sentences (that is, one sentence imposed in respect of more than one offence) to be taken into account in a consistent manner for all relevant purposes under the Act and the Migration Regulations 1994
- Date
07 Feb 2023
- Chamber
- Status
Not Proceeding
MCKIM, Sen Nick
- Summary
Amends the
Migration Act 1958
to: require the minister to provide an offer of transfer to Australia to all persons in the offshore cohort in Papua New Guinea or the Republic of Nauru who have not had an adverse security assessment made against them by the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation; and provide that transferred persons will be placed in community detention while they pursue a durable solution, being resettlement in a third country which is a state party to the 1951 Refugee Convention or the 1967 Refugee Protocol.
- Date
07 Feb 2023
- Chamber
- Status
Before Senate
- Summary
Reinstates measures that previously applied under the
Stronger Futures in the Northern Territory Act 2012
which were aimed at reducing alcohol-related harm to vulnerable communities in the Northern Territory.
- Date
30 Nov 2022
- Chamber
- Status
Before Senate
FARUQI, Sen Mehreen
- Summary
Amends the:
Higher Education Support Act 2003
, Social Security Act 1991
, Student Assistance Act 1973
, Trade Support Loans Act 2014
and VET Student Loans Act 2016
to remove indexation on certain education and training loans; and Higher Education Support Act 2003
, Social Security Act 1991
and Student Assistance Act 1973
to: define 'median wage'; and raise the minimum repayment income and amend the percentage of income a person is liable to repay the Commonwealth for certain education and training loans.
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