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- Date
19 Aug 2024
- Chamber
House of Representatives
- Status
Before House of Representatives
- Summary
Amends the
Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Act 2009
to: expand the circumstances in which a person may be automatically disqualified from office and make it a criminal offence for a person who is disqualified from holding office in a registered organisation to continue to hold office or act in a manner that would significantly influence the organisation; provide for a disqualification scheme that allows the Federal Court to disqualify an official from holding office in certain circumstances; expand the grounds for the cancellation of registration of organisations by the Federal Court; and enable the Federal Court to make orders instead of cancellation of registration.
- Date
21 Aug 2024
- Chamber
- Status
Before Senate
- Summary
Amends the
Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Act 2009
to: expand the circumstances in which a person may be automatically disqualified from office and make it a criminal offence for a person who is disqualified from holding office in a registered organisation to continue to hold office or act in a manner that would significantly influence the organisation; provide for a disqualification scheme that allows the Federal Court to disqualify an official from holding office in certain circumstances; expand the grounds for the cancellation of registration of organisations by the Federal Court; and enable the Federal Court to make orders instead of cancellation of registration.
- Date
10 Feb 2022
- Chamber
- Status
Before Senate
ROBERTS, Sen Malcolm
- Summary
Amends the
Fair Work Act 2009
to require that labour hire workers covered by certain modern awards receive at least the same rate of pay as other employees performing the same work.
- Date
08 Feb 2023
- Chamber
- Status
Before Senate
CANAVAN, Sen Matthew
ANTIC, Sen Alex
RENNICK, Sen Gerard
- Summary
Amends the
Fair Work Act 2009
to add COVID-19 vaccination status as an attribute protected from discrimination.
- Date
27 Mar 2023
- Chamber
- Status
Before Senate
POCOCK, Sen Barbara
- Summary
Amends the
Fair Work Act 2009
to: prevent employers from contacting employees outside of work hours; and provide that employees are not required to monitor, read or respond to work communications from their employer outside of work hours.
- Date
31 Aug 2021
- Chamber
- Status
Before Senate
- Summary
Amends the:
Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999
to: establish the Commonwealth Environment Protection Authority (EPA) to exercise the routine administrative regulatory functions currently undertaken by the Commonwealth in relation to the Act and other Commonwealth legislation relating to the environment and undertake certain functions relating to communities; establish an Office of Monitoring, Compliance, Enforcement and Assurance within the EPA; and establish the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Environment and Energy; and Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999
and Water Act 2007
to make consequential amendments.
- Date
04 Nov 2024
- Chamber
House of Representatives
- Status
Before House of Representatives
- Summary
Applies the Food and Grocery Code of Conduct as a mandatory industry code for retailers and wholesalers who have an annual turnover of over $5 billion and provides for civil penalties for contraventions of the mandatory industry code.
- Date
07 Nov 2024
- Chamber
House of Representatives
- Status
Before House of Representatives
Skills and Training
- Date
19 Jun 2023
- Chamber
- Status
Before Senate
FARUQI, Sen Mehreen
MCKIM, Sen Nick
- Summary
Amends the:
Federal Financial Relations Act 2009
to: provide for additional designated housing agreements to include model tenancy standards; and create an instrument-making power allowing the minister to make additional payments to the states on the basis that the states agree to adopt the model tenancy standards, which would include implementing controls on rents and a ban on no-grounds eviction; and Reserve Bank Act 1959
to: insert an object stating that, in relation to differences of opinion between the Reserve Bank and the Government on questions of policy, the Government is ultimately responsible for monetary and banking policy; and provide that orders made to determine monetary policy can include freezing interest rates for a specified period of time.
- Date
25 Nov 2024
- Chamber
House of Representatives
- Status
Before House of Representatives
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