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- Date
30 Nov 2023
- Chamber
- Status
- Summary
Introduced with the Digital ID Bill 2023, the bill makes consequential amendments to 6 Acts; and provides for transitional arrangements.
- Date
30 Nov 2023
- Chamber
- Status
- Summary
Introduced with the Digital ID (Transitional and Consequential Provisions) Bill 2023, the bill: establishes an accreditation scheme for entities providing digital ID services; expands the Australian Government Digital ID System; and provides for privacy safeguards and a range of governance arrangements, including establishing the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission as the Digital ID Regulator and expanding the role of the Information Commissioner to regulate privacy protections for digital IDs.
- Date
29 Nov 2023
- Chamber
- Status
Before Senate
ROBERTS, Sen Malcolm
- Summary
Amends the
Customs Act 1901
to prohibit a person from importing goods involving child labour into Australia in certain circumstances where the importer has not complied with a notice in relation to the goods.
- Date
29 Nov 2023
- Chamber
- Status
Not Proceeding
THORPE, Sen Lidia
- Summary
Amends the
Human Rights (Parliamentary Scrutiny) Act 2011
to amend the definition of ‘human rights’ to include the rights and freedoms outlined in the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.
- Date
07 Nov 2023
- Chamber
- Status
- Summary
Amends the:
Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia Act 2021
to provide a judge of Division 2 of the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia (FCFCOA) with the same protection and immunity as a judge of Division 1 of the FCFCOA; and Family Law Act 1975
to make a consequential amendment.
- Date
06 Nov 2023
- Chamber
- Status
Not Proceeding
LAMBIE, Sen Jacqui
POCOCK, Sen David
- Summary
Amends the
Asbestos Safety and Eradication Agency Act 2013
to expand the functions of the Asbestos and Silica Safety and Eradication Agency in relation to silica safety and silica-related diseases.
- Date
06 Nov 2023
- Chamber
- Status
Not Proceeding
LAMBIE, Sen Jacqui
POCOCK, Sen David
- Summary
Amends the
Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1988
to implement presumptive liability provisions for first responders who suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder.
- Date
06 Nov 2023
- Chamber
- Status
Not Proceeding
LAMBIE, Sen Jacqui
POCOCK, Sen David
- Summary
Amends the
Fair Work Act 2009
to provide an exception to the operation of the small business redundancy exemption when a larger business downsizes to become a smaller business employer due to insolvency.
- Date
06 Nov 2023
- Chamber
- Status
Not Proceeding
LAMBIE, Sen Jacqui
POCOCK, Sen David
- Summary
Amends the
Fair Work Act 2009
to provide workplace protections against discrimination for employees who have been, or continue to be, subjected to family and domestic violence.
- Date
18 Oct 2023
- Chamber
- Status
Before Senate
ANTIC, Sen Alex
BABET, Sen Ralph
ROBERTS, Sen Malcolm
CANAVAN, Sen Matthew
- Summary
The bill: prohibits health practitioners from performing gender clinical interventions intended to transition a minor’s biological sex, subject to limited exemptions; and prohibits the Commonwealth from entering into arrangements involving the expenditure or payment of money that provides or facilitates the provision of such a procedure or treatment.
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The House of Representatives Selection Committee and the Senate Selection of Bills Committee routinely consider whether bills should be referred to committees for inquiry and report. The House Committee reports its determinations to the chamber, while the Senate Committee makes recommendations which the Senate may then adopt. Bills may also be referred to committees by either chamber or by the relevant minister to House and joint committees.
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