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  • Date
    04 Jul 2011 
    House of Representatives 
    Not Proceeding 
    ABBOTT, Tony, MP 
    The bill: provides for a national plebiscite to be held by 26 November 2011 to ascertain whether the electorate supports the introduction of a price on carbon; requires the Electoral Commissioner to provide the minister with a statement of the results of the plebiscite; and requires the minister to table the statement in both Houses of Parliament. 


  • Date
    02 Feb 2010 
    House of Representatives 
    Not Proceeding 
    Climate Change and Water 
    Part of a package of six bills to give effect to the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme, the bill gives effect to Australia’s obligations under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Kyoto Protocol by outlining: entities and emissions covered by the scheme; liable entities’ obligations to surrender emission units corresponding to their emissions; limits on the number of emissions units that will be issued; the nature and allocation of Australian emissions units; mechanisms to contain costs; linking to other emissions trading schemes; assistance in relation to emissions-intensive trade-exposed activities, coal-fired electricity generators and coal mining; voluntary inclusion of reforestation activities under the scheme; the domestic offsets program; the Australian National Registry of Emissions Units; and monitoring and enforcement. Also contains a regulation making power. 

    Bill | Explanatory Memorandum

  • Date
    22 Oct 2009 
    House of Representatives 
    Not Proceeding 
    Climate Change and Water 
    Part of a package of six bills to give effect to the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme, the bill gives effect to Australia’s obligations under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Kyoto Protocol by outlining: entities and emissions covered by the scheme; liable entities’ obligations to surrender emission units corresponding to their emissions; limits on the number of emissions units that will be used; the nature and allocation of Australian emissions units; mechanisms to contain costs; linking to other emissions trading schemes; assistance in relation to emissions-intensive trade-exposed activities and coal-fired electricity generators; voluntary inclusion of reforestation activities under the scheme; the Australian National Registry of Emissions Units; and monitoring and enforcement. Also contains a regulation making power. 

    Bill | Explanatory Memorandum

  • Date
    14 May 2009 
    House of Representatives 
    Not Proceeding 
    Climate Change and Water 
    Part of a package of six bills to give effect to the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme, the bill gives effect to Australia's obligations under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Kyoto Protocol by outlining: entities and emissions covered by the scheme; liable entities' obligation to surrender emission units corresponding to their emissions; limits on the number of emissions units that will be used; the nature and allocation of Australian emissions units; mechanisms to contain costs; linking to other emissions trading schemes; assistance in relation to emissions-intensive trade-exposed activities and coal-fired electricity generators; voluntary inclusion of reforestation activities under the scheme; the Australian National Registry of Emissions Units; and monitoring and enforcement. Also contains a regulation making power. 

    Bill | Explanatory Memorandum

  • Date
    02 Feb 2010 
    House of Representatives 
    Not Proceeding 
    Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs 
    Consequent on the implementation of the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme, the bill amends the:
    Social Security Act 1991
    Social Security (Administration) Act 1999
    Income Tax Assessment Act 1997
    to: increase pensions, income support allowances and family payments by 2.5 per cent over two years, commencing on 1 July 2011; and make adjustments to indexation arrangements;
    A New Tax System (Family Assistance) Act 1999
    A New Tax System (Family Assistance)(Administration) Act 1999
    to: increase certain family tax benefit rates (FTB) additional to the usual indexation; and introduce a FTB combined supplement;
    Veterans’ Entitlements Act 1986
    to: increase disability, war widow and widower, and service pensions by 2.5 per cent over two years, commencing on 1 July 2011; and provide for increases to payment rates and adjustments to indexation by legislative instrument;
    Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2004
    to increase the maximum rate weekly permanent impairment compensation, weekly compensation for wholly dependant partners and Special Rate Disability Pension by 2.5 per cent over two years, commencing on 1 July 2011;
    Income Tax Assessment Act 1936
    Medicare Levy Act 1986
    to increase the low income tax, Senior Australians tax, dependency tax, dependent spouse, housekeeper and child-housekeeper, invalid relative, and parent/parent-in-law offsets, and Medicare levy low-income thresholds; and
    Social Security and Other Legislation Amendment (Pension Reform and Other 2009 Budget Measures) Act 2009
    Veterans’ Affairs and Other Legislation Amendment (Pension Reform) Act 2009
    to make minor technical amendments. 

    Bill | Explanatory Memorandum

  • Date
    22 Oct 2009 
    House of Representatives 
    Not Proceeding 
    Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs 
    Consequent on the implementation of the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme, the bill amends the:
    Social Security Act 1991
    Social Security (Administration) Act 1999
    Income Tax Assessment Act 1997
    to: increase pensions, income support allowances and family payments by 2.8 per cent over two years, commencing on 1 July 2011; and make adjustments to indexation arrangements;
    A New Tax System (Family Assistance) Act 1999
    A New Tax System (Family Assistance)(Administration) Act 1999
    to: increase certain family tax benefit rates (FTB) additional to the usual indexation; and introduce a FTB combined supplement;
    Veterans’ Entitlements Act 1986
    to: increase disability, war widow and widower, and service pensions by 2.8 per cent over two years, commencing on 1 July 2011; and provide for increases to payment rates and adjustments to indexation by legislative instrument;
    Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2004
    to increase the maximum rate weekly permanent impairment compensation, weekly compensation for wholly dependant partners and Special Rate Disability Pension by 2.8 per cent over two years, commencing on 1 July 2011; and
    Income Tax Assessment Act 1936
    Medicare Levy Act 1986
    to increase the low income tax, Senior Australians tax, dependency tax, dependent spouse, housekeeper and child-housekeeper, invalid relative, and parent/parent-in-law offsets, and Medicare levy low-income thresholds. 

    Bill | Explanatory Memorandum

  • Date
    28 May 2009 
    House of Representatives 
    Not Proceeding 
    Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs 
    Consequent on the implementation of the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme, the bill amends the:
    Social Security Act 1991
    Social Security (Administration) Act 1999
    Income Tax Assessment Act 1997
    to: increase pensions, income support allowances and family payments by 2.8 per cent over two years, commencing on 1 July 2011; and make adjustments to indexation arrangements;
    A New Tax System (Family Assistance) Act 1999
    A New Tax System (Family Assistance)(Administration) Act 1999
    to: increase certain family tax benefit rates (FTB) additional to the usual indexation; and introduce a FTB combined supplement;
    Veterans' Entitlements Act 1986
    to: increase disability, war widow and widower, and service pensions by 2.8 per cent over two years, commencing on 1 July 2011; and provide for increases to payment rates and adjustments to indexation by legislative instrument;
    Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2004
    to increase the maximum rate weekly permanent impairment compensation, weekly compensation for wholly dependant partners and Special Rate Disability Pension by 2.8 per cent over two years, commencing on 1 July 2011; and
    Income Tax Assessment Act 1936
    Medicare Levy Act 1986
    to increase the low income tax, Senior Australians tax, dependency tax, dependent spouse, housekeeper and child-housekeeper, invalid relative, and parent/parent-in-in law offsets, and Medicare levy low-income thresholds. 

    Bill | Explanatory Memorandum

  • Date
    02 Feb 2010 
    House of Representatives 
    Not Proceeding 
    Part of a package of four bills to establish Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme (CPRS) fuel credits, the bill establishes a CPRS fuel credits program to provide transitional assistance to eligible businesses and gaseous fuels suppliers to offset the impact of the scheme emissions unit charge. 

    Bill | Explanatory Memorandum

  • Date
    22 Oct 2009 
    House of Representatives 
    Not Proceeding 
    Part of a package of four bills to establish Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme (CPRS) fuel credits, the bill establishes a CPRS fuel credits program to provide transitional assistance to eligible businesses and gaseous fuels suppliers to offset the impact of the scheme emissions unit charge. 

    Bill | Explanatory Memorandum

  • Date
    14 May 2009 
    House of Representatives 
    Not Proceeding 
    Part of a package of four bills to establish Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme (CPRS) fuel credits, the bill establishes a CPRS fuel credits program to provide transitional assistance to eligible businesses and gaseous fuels suppliers to offset the impact of the scheme emissions unit charge. 

    Bill | Explanatory Memorandum

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