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- Date
04 Aug 2022
- Chamber
- Status
Before Senate
- Summary
Amends the
Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2006
to: cancel Petroleum Exploration Permit 11, and Petroleum Exploration Permit/T/49P (King Island, Tasmania); prevent any petroleum exploration leases for the Otway Basin/12 Apostles being granted; and prohibit any further petroleum exploration in the three areas.
- Date
03 Aug 2022
- Chamber
- Status
Before Senate
SMITH, Sen Dean
- Summary
Amends the:
Social Security (Administration) Act 1999
and Veterans' Entitlements Act 1986
to enable age pensioners and certain veterans' entitlement recipients to have their payment suspended for up to two years, instead of cancelled, if their income, which includes some income from the recipient's own employment, precludes payment; and provide for the same suspension period for partners of the age pension, disability support pension and certain veterans' entitlements recipients, where the partner is receiving a social security pension or certain veterans' entitlements; Social Security (Administration) Act 1999
to make minor amendments to the existing suspension provisions for disability support pensioners; and Social Security Act 1991
and Veterans' Entitlements Act 1986
to: provide that working age pensioners, disability support pensioners and certain veterans' entitlements recipients, and their pensioner partners, can retain their pensioner concession card for up to two years after their payment ceases; and increase to $600 the amount of income age pensioners and certain veterans' entitlement recipients can earn each fortnight while still receiving maximum pension payments and provide for a review, and sunsetting, of these amendments.
- Date
10 Feb 2022
- Chamber
- Status
Before Senate
ROBERTS, Sen Malcolm
- Summary
Amends the
Fair Work Act 2009
to require that labour hire workers covered by certain modern awards receive at least the same rate of pay as other employees performing the same work.
- Date
01 Sep 2021
- Chamber
- Status
Before Senate
FARUQI, Sen Mehreen
- Summary
Amends the
Customs (Prohibited Exports) Regulations 1958
and Customs (Prohibited Imports) Regulations 1956
to prohibit the export and import of greyhounds for racing, breeding and commercial purposes.
- Date
31 Aug 2021
- Chamber
- Status
Before Senate
- Summary
Amends the:
Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999
to: establish the Commonwealth Environment Protection Authority (EPA) to exercise the routine administrative regulatory functions currently undertaken by the Commonwealth in relation to the Act and other Commonwealth legislation relating to the environment and undertake certain functions relating to communities; establish an Office of Monitoring, Compliance, Enforcement and Assurance within the EPA; and establish the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Environment and Energy; and Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999
and Water Act 2007
to make consequential amendments.
- Date
25 Aug 2021
- Chamber
- Status
Before Senate
- Summary
Requires the Treasurer to establish a Live Performance Federal Insurance Guarantee Fund to underwrite insurance for the live performance industry to enable future live performance events.
- Date
16 Jun 2021
- Chamber
- Status
Before Senate
RICE, Sen Janet
- Summary
The bill: requires the Minister for Energy and Emission Reduction to table in each House of Parliament an annual statement outlining Australia's strategy on electric vehicles; and provides for the reference of matters to the Productivity Commission, including Australia’s support for the manufacture, purchase and use of electric vehicles.
- Date
13 May 2021
- Chamber
- Status
Before Senate
WATERS, Sen Larissa
- Summary
Amends the
]Snowy Hydro Corporatisation Act 1997
to prohibit the Snowy Hydro Company and Snowy hydro-group companies from being involved in creating or investing in new fossil fuel-based electricity generation capacity.
- Date
04 Feb 2021
- Chamber
- Status
Before Senate
- Summary
Amends the
Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999
to: prevent the minister from approving an action which involves the clearing of koala habitat; and remove the exemption of regional forest agreements from requirements of the Act where there is, may, or is likely to have significant impacts on koalas.
- Date
09 Dec 2020
- Chamber
- Status
Before Senate
MCKENZIE, Sen Bridget
- Summary
Amends the
Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999
and Regional Forest Agreements Act 2002
to provide that forestry operations covered by a regional forest agreement are exempted from Part 3 of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999
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