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Report: Waste and recycling industry in Australia - Parliament of Australia

extracted natural material, shredder floc, trackable liquid waste, and coal washery rejects. Queensland. A landfill levy of $35 per tonne for construction and demolition (C&D) waste, commercial and industrial (C&I) waste, and contaminated soil was introduced in 2011 and removed in 2012.

Building Australia’s circular waste economy

Negotiators were given a broad mandate in terms of the objectives of the treaty to, among other things, target plastic rubbish in all its forms, including microplastics polluting the air, soil and food chain. The scope of the treaty will cover the entire life cycle of plastic as this was a key demand of nations, businesses and environment groups.

Chapter 9 - Removal and deportation – Parliament of Australia

Chapter 9 - Removal and deportation. 9.1 This chapter deals with two important aspects of the administration of the removal and deportation provisions of the Migration Act: the implementation of section 198 and the practices associated with the removal of unlawful non-citizens; and. the deportation of long term Australian residents convicted of ...

ParlInfo - Recycling and Waste Reduction Bill 2020

A Bill for an Act to reduce the environmental and other impacts of products and waste material, and for related purposes. Contents. Chapter 1—Introduction 1. Part 1—Preliminary provisions 1. 1............ Short title............................................................................................. 1. 2............

Chapter 2 – Parliament of Australia

Chapter 2. In this section. Waste management and recycling in Australia. 2.1 Waste is defined as materials or products that are unwanted or have been discarded, rejected or abandoned. Waste includes materials or products that are recycled, converted to energy, or disposed.

Waste reduction and recycling policies – Parliament of Australia

On 28 February 2024, the Senate referred an inquiry into waste reduction and recycling policies for inquiry and report by 22 November 2024. The closing date for submissions is 15 April 2024.

ParlInfo - Radioactive waste disposal in Australia.

Radioactive Waste Disposal in Australia 1. INTRODUCTION. On 5 February 1992, the Land and Environment Court of NSW ordered' that the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (Ansto) be restrained from bringing radioactive waste from elsewhere onto its site at Lucas Heights for storage; and that.

Waste management and recycling – Parliament of Australia

In August 2019 the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) agreed to establish a timetable to progressively ban the export of plastic, paper, tyres and glass waste.

Report: Waste and recycling industry in Australia - Parliament of Australia

The waste hierarchy recognises that some types of waste such as also hazardous chemicals or asbestos cannot be safely recycled or re-used and instead, direct treatment or disposal is the most appropriate management option.

ParlInfo - Same old Labor: spending, waste and mismanagement.

The waste on these recession-buster programs includes $30,000 being spent on a welcome sign in Tenterfield NSW, $250,000 for a shed worth $29,000 at a Queensland school and $38,000 for chain wire fencing around a junior oval in Carisbrook.

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