Senate Occasional Lecture Series transcripts and audio recordings - 2017

To listen to recordings you will need a computer with a sound card, speakers and Microsoft Windows Media Player (Version 6.4 or later) and the Adobe Flash Player.

All transcripts prior to 2008 can be found in the publication Papers on Parliament | Copyright Notice

Date Presenter Transcript Multimedia
Professor Simon Jackman Populism and Discontent: Comparing the United States and Australia
(Parlview) (MP3)
17/03/17 Dr Zareh Ghazarian Small parties,big changes:The evolution of minor parties elected to the Australian Senate
(Parlview) (MP3)   
David Fricker
Government-Citizen Engagement in the Digital Age
(Parlview) (MP3)
26/05/17 Russell Taylor AM Indigenous Constitutional Recognition - 1967 Referendum and Today
(Parlview) (MP3)
  Denis Strangman AM The defeated 1967 nexus referendum 
 30/06/17 Dr Anthony Bergin Parliament and national security: Challenges and opportunities
(Parlview) (MP3)
 21/07/17 Dr Yee-Fui Ng Between Law and Convention: Ministerial Advisers in the Australian
System of Responsible Government

(Parlview) (MP3)
 25/08/17 Professor Ian McAllister and
Sarah Cameron
Trust, Parties and Leaders: Findings from the 1987-2016 Australian Election Study
(Parlview) (MP3)
 20/10/17 His Excellency Mr Chris Seed The Anzac Connection: Trans-tasman ties in the century since Beersheba
(Parlview) (MP3)
1/12/2017 Bret Walker SC Annual Harry Evans lecture: Justified Immunity or Unfinished Business? (Parlview) (MP3)