Monographs and research

Dr Elizabeth Buchanan
Navigating our southern flank: Australian Parliament and Antarctica since 2000
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Dr Edward Scarr
Changing attitudes to mental illness in the Australian Defence Force: a long way to go…
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Dr Peter Brent
The twitter election

Dr Scott Brenton
What lies beneath: the work of senators and members in the Australian Parliament
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Dr Joel Bateman
In the Shadows: the Shadow Cabinet in Australia
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Dr Timothy Kendall, BA Hons (Melb), MA (Melb), PhD (La Trobe)
Within China’s Orbit? China through the eyes of the Australian Parliament
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Dr Sophia Dimitriadis, BSc (ANU), PhD (ANU)
Water recycling – issues, techniques and technologies

Dr Kate Burton, BA Hons (Macquarie), PhD (ANU)
Scrutiny or secrecy? Committee oversight of foreign and national security policy in the Australian Parliament
[PDF 326KB] Published November 2005

Dr Angela Pratt, BA Hons (Wollongong), PhD (Wollongong)
Practising Reconciliation? The politics of reconciliation in the Australian Parliament, 1991–2000 
[PDF 706KB]

Dr Maurice Rickard, BA Hons (Melb), MA Hons (Melb), MEd (La Trobe), PhD (La Trobe)
Principle and Pragmatism: a study of competition between Australia’s major parties at the 2004 and other recent Federal elections
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The Fellowship was not offered in 2001.

Dr Jennifer Curtin, BA MA Hons (Waik), PhD (ANU)
The Voice and the Vote of the Bush: The representation of Rural and Regional Australia in the Federal Parliament [PDF 789KB]

Dr Marion Maddox, BA Hons (Syd), PhD (Flinders), PhD (NSW)
For God and Country: Religious Dynamics in Australian Federal Politics
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Dr Adam Cobb, BA (Syd) MA (ANU) PhD (Cantab)
Tyranny of Insecurity

Dr Trish Payne, BA, MA Qual. (ANU), Dip Ed, PhD (Sydney)
The Canberra Press Gallery and the Backbench of the 38th Parliament 1996-98

1996 (Name changed to Australian Parliamentary Fellow)
As a one-off arrangement, the Presiding Officers agreed to the appointment of two Fellows for 1996.

Dr Gianni Zappala, BEc (Hons) (Sydney), MA (London), PhD (Cantab)
Four Weddings, a Funeral and a Family Reunion: Ethnicity and Representation in Australian Federal Politics

Dr Liz Young, BA (Hons), PhD (Adelaide)
Minor Parties...Major Players? The Senate, the Minor Parties and the 1993 Budget

Political Studies Fellow Monographs

Dr Keith Abbott, BA 1991 (Honours, First Class), Deakin University, PhD 1994 (Cantab)
Pressure Groups and the Australian Federal Parliament, Political Studies Fellow Monograph No. 3, 1996

Dr James Warden, BA 1982, University of Tasmania, BA (Honours, First Class) 1983, Political Science, University of Tasmania, PhD 1991, ANU
A Bunyip Democracy, The Parliament and Australian Political Identity, Political Studies Fellow Monograph No. 2, 1995.

Dr Stephen O'Kane, BBus (Public Admin.), BBus (Local Govt) (RMIT), Grad Dip Pub Pol (Melb), PhD (Deakin)
Senate Select Committees: Effectiveness, Co-operation and Public Accountability for the Perspective of the Loan Council Inquiry
(not published)

Dr David Lovell
The sausage makers? Parliamentarians as legislators, Political Studies Fellow Monograph No.1, 1994.

Dr John Henderson, BA, MA (Hons) (Canterbury), PhD (Duke, Nth Carolina).
Parliamentary reform in Australia and New Zealand: the views of the Parliamentarians.
(not published)

1990 (Name changed from Political Science Fellow to Political Studies Fellow)
Peter J Bayne, LL.B (Hons) (Melbourne) J.D. (Chicago)
The Court, the Parliament and the Government

Greg McIntosh, BEc, Dip.Ed (Monash), BA (Deakin)
Rounding up the Flock? Executive Dominance and the New Parliament House, APSA-Parliamentary Fellow Monograph, 1989

Kevin N Tuffin, BA (Hons) (Western Australia)
Government Expenditure and Accountability: The Joint Committees of Public Accounts and Parliamentary Scrutiny

Geoffrey I Skene, BA (Otago), MA (Hons) (Canterbury)
Specialties of the House: An Investigation into Subject Specialisation Amongst Australian Senators and Members of the House of Representatives, APSA/Parliamentary Fellow Monograph, Nov. 1988

Patricia Y Smith, BA (Hons) (Queensland)
Did not complete the Fellowship

Dr John G Uhr, BA (Hons) (Queensland), MA, PhD (Toronto)
Questions Without Answers: An Analysis of Question Time in the Australian House of Representatives, APSA/Parliamentary Fellow Monograph No. 4, 1982

Neil J Funston, (John) MA (Monash)
Southeast Asian Issues in the 31st Parliament, APSA/Parliamentary Fellow Monograph no. 3, August 1980

James A Walter, MA (Hons) (La Trobe)
The Acculturation to Political Work: New Members of the Federal Backbench, APSA/Parliamentary Fellow Monograph, 1979

Martin S Indyk, BEc (Hons) (Sydney)
Influence without Power: The Role of the Backbench in Australian Foreign Policy, 1976-1977, 22 Dec. 1977

David B Lundberg, BA (Hons) (Adelaide) Diploma of Social Sciences (Stockholm) Tutor in Political Science, Flinders University
The Role of the National Parliament in the formulation of Industry Development Policy in Australia

David H Stephens, MA (Monash)
Influences Upon Specialization in the Australian Senate, Dec. 1975

Brian L Hocking, BA (Hons) (Bristol), MA (Leicester)
Australian Parliamentarians and Foreign Affairs

Oliver D. Mendelsohn, BA (Hons), LL.B (ANU), MA (California)
Australia's Foreign Aid: The Perceptions of Parliamentarians, 19 Dec. 1973

Edward J G Prince, MA (Monash)
Information Supply to the Legislature: Characteristics of Legislative Research Service Written Output, 1968-1971, March 1972

Kenneth Chan, BA (Hons) (Sydney) PhD
Parliamentarians, their Source of Information, and the Parliamentary Library