The Department of Parliament Services (DPS) is established under the Parliamentary Service Act 1999 and is part of the Parliamentary Service. The Act states that the ‘Parliamentary Service serves the Parliament by providing professional support, advice and facilities to each House of the Parliament, to parliamentary committees and to senators and members of the House of Representatives, independently of the Executive Government of the Commonwealth’.
The DPS Secretary is the principal adviser to the Presiding Officers on matters relating to the department and, as the department’s leader, provides stewardship in the department and, in partnership with other department heads, across the Parliamentary Service.
The Presiding Officers act jointly in exercising their responsibilities in relation to DPS under the the Parliamentary Service Act 1999. The Presiding Officers also have responsibilities under the Parliamentary Precincts Act 1988.
Structure and processes
Committees advising the Presiding Officers
Joint House Committee
The Joint House Committee (JHC) comprises members of the House Committees of the Senate and the House of Representatives. It is the role of the Joint House Committee to consider matters which affect joint services.
Chair: The Speaker of the House of Representatives 19
- Senator the Hon Stephen Parry
- Mr Russell Broadbent MP
- Senator Carol Brown
- Senator David Bushby
- Senator the Hon Jacinta Collins
- Ms Jill Hall MP
- Mr Chris Hayes MP
- Senator Gavin Marshall
- Senator Anne McEwen
- Mr Ken O’Dowd MP
- The Hon Philip Ruddock MP
- Senator Anne Ruston
- Ms Joanne Ryan MP
The Committee met three times in 2014–15.
19As senior Presiding Officer at 30 June 2015 the Speaker of the House was chair.
Joint Standing Committee on the Parliamentary Library
Details on the Joint Standing Committee on the Parliamentary Library can be found at page 87.
Art Advisory Committee
The Art Advisory Committee assists the Presiding Officers in selecting artworks for the Parliament House Art Collection.
Chairs: Presiding Officers
Members: Deputy President, Deputy Speaker, Secretary DPS
Committee meetings are attended by an independent art adviser from the National Gallery of Australia.
The committee’s terms of reference are to:
- provide guidance on the Rotational Collection Acquisition Policy, and set short-term priorities for acquisitions
- assess acquisition proposals in accordance with the acquisition policy and priorities
- provide advice on other matters relating to the display and management of artworks in the collection, as considered necessary by the Presiding Officers.
The committee met once during 2014–15. Matters considered included:
- the purchase of two works of art by Helen S. Tiernan and Nick Howson
- the acceptance of a number of gifts offered to the collection, and
- the proposed digitisation program.
Parliamentary Information and Communication Technology Advisory Board (PICTAB)
PICTAB is the peak body overseeing and guiding all strategic elements of ICT service delivery within Parliament House and across the electorate offices. It was established following a recommendation of the Roche report, Review of information and communication technology for the Parliament (2012). Its role is to oversee the development and progress of the parliamentary ICT strategic plan and to provide guidance to the DPS Chief Information Officer on strategic objectives and outcomes.
Chair: Secretary DPS
Members: one representative each from the Government, Opposition, minor party/independent, Department of the Senate, Department of the House of Representatives, Parliamentary Budget Office and Parliamentary Service Commissioner. In addition, two non-member senior executive service (SES) officers from DPS attend meetings.
The board met four times in 2014–15. Matters considered included:
- the annual ICT work program to deliver key elements of the Parliament of Australia ICT Strategic Plan 2013–2018
- progress and direction of signature projects demonstrating commitment to the delivery of the outcomes identified in the Parliament of Australia ICT Strategic Plan:
- ParlWork Project
- Video Conferencing Project
- Transcription and Captioning Project
- ICT security matters in the parliamentary context
- annual AGIMO ICT benchmarking results.
Security Management Board (SMB)
The SMB was formally established in 2005 under section 65A of the Parliamentary Service Act 1999.
The function of the SMB is to provide specialist security advice and support to the Presiding Officers on security policy and the management of security measures for Parliament House.
Chair: Secretary DPS
Members: Serjeant-at-Arms, Usher of the Black Rod, Deputy Commissioner Australian Federal Police (from 1 April 2015)
The board met eight times in 2014–15.
Departmental committees
Under the Parliamentary Service Act 1999 and the PGPA Act, the Secretary is accountable for DPS’ performance and compliance. The Secretary is assisted in the management of these responsibilities by the Executive Committee and the Audit Committee.
Executive Committee
Chair: Secretary DPS
Members: Parliamentary Librarian and division heads
The Executive Committee considers the development and implementation of the DPS governance framework and associated strategies, including financial planning and budgeting, performance, risk management, business planning and organisation issues and other matters relating to the management of the department.
The committee meets fortnightly.
Audit Committee
Chair: independent external chair
Members: independent external member, three departmental representatives
The DPS Audit Committee provides independent assurance and assistance to the Secretary on DPS’ financial and performance reporting responsibilities, system of risk oversight, and systems of internal control and compliance.
In 2014–15, two independent members served on the committee: Mr Michael Harris (Chair) and Mr Darren Box. Three DPS officials served as management appointees to the committee: Dr Dianne Heriot, Ms Eija Seittenranta and Ms Karen Greening. Dr Heriot absented herself from three meetings while acting as Secretary.
Representatives of the ANAO and the department’s contracted internal auditors KPMG attend DPS Audit Committee meetings to provide information and advice to committee members. A number of departmental officials, including the COO, the CFO and others attend as observers and on occasion provide additional information and advice to the committee.
The committee meets once each quarter and holds an additional meeting to consider the department’s financial statements. Table 34 shows the attendance figures for 2014–15.
Table 34: Audit Committee attendance
Meeting attendance
Number of meetings
Mr Michael Harris—Chair
Mr Darren Box
Dr Dianne Heriot1
Ms Eija Seittenranta
Ms Karen Greening
1While Acting DPS Secretary, Ms Heriot was not eligible to attend three meetings.
To meet the majority independent membership requirements of the PGPA Act, a third independent member will be appointed early in 2015–16 to replace one of the departmental representatives.
DPS Work Health and Safety (WHS) Committee
Chair: Assistant Secretary, Strategic Asset Planning and Performance
Members: The WHS Committee is made up of the chair, one management representative from the Parliamentary Library, one from each of the other branches and one Health and Safety Representative from each branch, with the exception of Asset Development & Maintenance Branch where there is provision for two Health and Safety Representatives.
The committee’s terms of reference are to:
- advise the Secretary on WHS policy matters concerning our employees and other parties, and assist in the development and review of related policies and practices
- make recommendations to the Secretary on projects and programs to implement relevant departmental policies and practices on WHS matters, including priorities and awareness-raising for all staff
- review and report on the implementation of the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (WHS Act), and departmental WHS policies and practices
- regularly review and report on departmental trends in accidents, injuries and diseases, including usage of DPS’ Employee Assistance Program, and recommend appropriate policy responses
- consider and attempt to resolve, from a policy viewpoint, WHS matters referred to it which cannot be resolved at the branch level and escalate to the DPS Executive any matter that cannot be resolved by the committee
- liaise with relevant departmental employees, other parties and agencies on WHS matters.
The committee meets once each quarter.
DPS Consultative Forum
Chair: Chief Operating Officer (from December 2014)
Members: the DPS Consultative Forum consists of management representatives, union representatives and staff representatives as provided for in the certified agreement.
The role of the DPS Consultative Forum is to provide a forum for consultation and discussion between management, staff and unions representing staff on matters affecting the workplace.
The objectives of the DPS Consultative Forum are to promote good employee relations in DPS, improve mutual understanding between management and staff, provide a forum for consultation and open discussion between management and staff aimed at resolving different points of view in a mutually acceptable manner, and facilitate the mutual exchange of information.
DPS is committed to communicating, consulting and cooperating with employees on matters that affect them in their workplace.
The Forum met three times in 2014–15. Quarterly meetings have been scheduled for the future.
Departmental Governance
Senior executive
The names of the senior executive and their responsibilities are detailed on pages 15 and 16 in Part 2 of this report.
Corporate planning
In 2014–15, the DPS planning framework continued to evolve with the introduction of the PGPA Act. The department strengthened its internal planning, processes and controls to support broader corporate planning requirements. In addition, the department worked on developing a new 2015–19 Corporate Plan in accordance with the PGPA Act, building strong alignment with the department’s outcome statement in the 2015–16 Portfolio Budget Statements (PBS).
During the year, staff at all levels from all sections of the department participated in workshops and meetings to contribute their ideas and perspectives, identify challenges and opportunities, and develop key themes to be used in the new corporate plan and branch business plans. Risk assessments were conducted as part of the business plans, which also inform DPS Enterprise Risks and identify risk treatment strategies.
As 2014–15 drew to a close, DPS was finalising the 2015–19 Corporate Plan, and the business plans 2015–16 for each branch.
The new 2015–19 Corporate Plan clearly outlines the Department’s priorities and the strategic themes which will be used to guide our decision making and our activities over the next four years. It was finalised in mid–2015 and will be reviewed annually.
The corporate plan themes are underpinned by branch business plans, outlining how each branch will specifically contribute to the achievement of the strategic themes and priorities. These key documents can then be linked to individual performance agreements which clearly articulate expectations of managers in contributing to the achievement of DPS’ goals.
Internal audit
Primary responsibility for internal audit functions within the department rests with the head of internal audit, the Assistant Secretary, People, Strategy and Governance Branch. The head of internal audit provides the independent assurance to the Secretary and Executive Committee, through the Audit Committee, that internal controls designed to manage organisational risks and achieve the department’s objectives are operating in an efficient, effective and ethical manner. The head of internal audit also implements the internal audit program endorsed by the Audit Committee and the Executive Committee before being approved by the Secretary, and manages liaison with the Australian National Audit Office as the external auditor.
DPS has engaged KPMG to provide internal audit services. During 2014–15, the internal audit program was delivered in line with the annual internal audit plan.
Risk Management
DPS has a variety of mechanisms in place to assist managers and staff identify, monitor, report on and manage key risks, including environmental, financial, people, business, project, insurable, business continuity and fraud risks.
In 2014–15, the department’s risk management policy and framework, was reviewed against the enhanced risk obligations contained in the PGPA Act and the Commonwealth Risk Management Policy (CRMP), and updated to ensure consistency with those requirements.
The revised DPS Risk Management Policy and DPS Risk Management Toolkit were approved in late June 2015. The approach taken in the documents is embedded in DPS’ procurement documentation.
Enterprise risks
DPS promotes risk management throughout the organisation to ensure its services to Parliament House, building occupants and visitors are of the highest standard. The DPS risk management framework is consistent with the requirements of the PGPA Act, the CRMP and Australian and New Zealand Risk Management Standard ISO31000:2009.
Reviews of the department’s enterprise risks were undertaken in mid–2014 and in June 2015, resulting in an Enterprise Risk Treatment Plan that will be managed through an executive reporting process.
The department conducts risk assessments as part of business and project planning based on sensitivity and complexity. The People, Strategy and Governance Branch supports DPS staff in managing business and project risks.
Fraud prevention and control
DPS has a Fraud Control Plan that complies with the Commonwealth Fraud Control Policy, issued under s.21 of the PGPA Act. The plan establishes the framework for detecting, reporting and investigating fraud within the department. DPS regularly reviews its fraud prevention and control measures with a view to continuous improvement. A complete review of the plan began in 2015. A Fraud Risk Assessment was completed in June 2015 and the Fraud Control Plan 2015–17, together with the revised Fraud Control Policy, was approved in the first quarter of 2015–16.
Risk management training
The development of a comprehensive Risk Management Training Strategy began in late 2014–15. Implementation of the strategy will begin in 2015–16, with risk awareness training and the introduction of fraud and ethics training.
Comcover Risk Management Benchmarking Survey
DPS participated in the Comcover 2015 Risk Management Benchmarking Survey which measured Commonwealth agencies’ risk management capability maturity over the nine elements contained in the CRMP. DPS achieved an overall maturity rating of ‘Integrated’, which was consistent with the average maturity rating of the majority of Commonwealth agencies.
Business continuity management
In order to ensure continuity of services to its clients, DPS has identified 20 critical services that are listed under the following three major areas of impact:
- services to the Parliament
- services to the building
- services to support DPS activities.
Each critical service has a plan that identifies what arrangements will be put in place in the event of an interruption to business.
The high-level business continuity management plan outlines the arrangements for dealing with an incident or incidents that affect the ability of DPS to provide normal services.
A comprehensive review of the DPS Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Policy and Framework was undertaken in the last quarter of 2014–15. The review made a number of recommendations for improvement, and a revised policy and framework will be issued in early 2015–16.
Ethical standards and behaviours
DPS is committed to the standards of integrity, good governance and ethical practices set out in the Parliamentary Service Act 1999, the Parliamentary Service Values and Parliamentary Service Code of Conduct. To support the department’s commitment to ethical and lawful behaviour the department developed and provided an in-house training course for staff, ‘Being Professional in the Parliamentary Service’; six sessions were attended by 63 staff.
DPS takes allegations of inappropriate behaviour seriously. In 2014−15, three allegations of potential breaches of the Parliamentary Service Code of Conduct were investigated and finalised. All of the investigations were found to involve breaches of the code of conduct. As a result, one employee was reprimanded and two employees were reprimanded and had their salary reduced. Only one of the investigations finalised in 2014–15 related to bullying and harassment.
Public Interest Disclosure Act 2013
The Commonwealth’s Public Interest Disclosure Act 2013 (PID Act) promotes integrity and accountability in the Australian public sector by encouraging the disclosure of information about suspected wrongdoing, protecting people who make disclosures and requiring agencies to take action.
The department continues to provide readily accessible information to staff about the PID Act, including recorded video presentations by the Commonwealth Ombudsman, available via the department’s intranet.
In 2014–15 there were two trained DPS Authorising Officers available to handle public interest disclosures.
DPS’ operations are subject to scrutiny from a number of sources, including the Australian National Audit Office (ANAO), judicial decisions, decisions of administrative tribunals, and various parliamentary committees. As noted earlier, the department has been the subject of a number of inquiries in 2014–15. This section reports on inquiries, audits, reviews and legal actions relevant to DPS in 2014–15.
Reports by the ANAO
On 26 February 2015, the ANAO Performance Audit 2014–15 No. 24 Managing Assets and Contracts at Parliament House was tabled. The objective of the audit was to assess the effectiveness of the department’s management of assets and contracts to support the operations of Parliament House. The audit made six recommendations, and DPS anticipates most of the recommended improvements will be implemented by December 2015.
The following improvements arising from the six recommendations were completed in 2014–15:
- the Building Condition Assessment Report and Strategic Asset Management Plan were completed and informed the development of a four year administered capital works plan (which was finalised in early 2015–16)
- creation of a centralised contract register in the financial management information system
- a new procurement and contract management policy, manual and templates (which incorporate risk and performance measures, with monitoring to ensure compliance with the PGPA Act, PGPA Rules and the Commonwealth Procurement Rules)
- training for staff responsible for contracts and procurement together with the establishment of a quarterly DPS Procurement and Contracting Practitioners’ Forum to exchange ongoing learning
- release in May 2015 of the approach to market for the food, beverage and retail strategy (with consultants engaged in August for delivery of a strategy by December 2015), and
- development with staff of the Corporate Plan (which was published in August 2015).
At the request of DPS, the ANAO has included a follow-on audit, to cover more recent contract and asset management activities within the department, in its 2015–16 work schedule. It is expected that the follow-on audit will occur in the first half of 2016.
There were no other ANAO reports during 2014–15 that directly involved DPS.
Parliamentary inquiries
DPS appeared before Senate Finance and Public Administration Legislation Committee Estimates hearings on three occasions during 2014–15:
- Supplementary Budget Estimates—20 November 2014
- Additional Estimates—23 February 2015
- Budget Estimates—25 May 2015.
In addition, as outlined in the Secretary’s review DPS was the subject of the following parliamentary inquiries:
- The Senate Finance and Public Administration Legislation Committee commenced an inquiry on 26 June 2014 into:
- progress in implementing the recommendations of the committee’s 2012 reports into the performance of DPS, with particular reference to:
- workplace culture and employment issues,
- heritage management, building maintenance and asset management issues, and
- contract management;
- the senior management structure of DPS and arrangements to maintain the independence of the Parliamentary Librarian;
- oversight arrangements for security in the parliamentary precinct and security policies;
- progress in consolidating ICT services and future directions;
- the future of Hansard within DPS;
- the use of Parliament House as a commercial venue;
- further consideration of budget-setting processes for the Parliament and the merits of distinguishing the operating costs of the parliamentary institution and such direct support services such as Hansard, Broadcasting and the Parliamentary Library, from the operations and maintenance of the parliamentary estate;
- consideration of whether the distinction between the operations of the parliamentary institution and its direct support services, and the operations and maintenance of the parliamentary estate, is a more effective and useful foundation for future administrative support arrangements, taking into account the need for the Houses to be independent of one another and of the executive government;
- and any related matters.
On 26 March 2015 the Senate agreed that the Committee also inquire into the proposed Parliament House security upgrade works, including perimeter fencing, internal infrastructure changes and CCTV cameras, with particular reference to:
- security and safety considerations
- project management
- value for money
- design integrity
- heritage impact
- moral rights
- impacts on building occupants and visitors, and
- any related matters.
DPS attended hearings on:
- 17 November 2014
- 2 March 2015
- 16 March 2015
- 13 May 2015
- 14 May 2015.
Interim reports were tabled on 28 April 2015 and 25 June 2015; and the Committee’s final report was issued on 17 September 2015.
- On 18 June 2014, the Senate agreed that the Senate Privileges Committee inquire and report in the following terms:
In relation to the use of closed circuit television footage by officers of the Department of Parliamentary Services (DPS) for internal investigations involving DPS staff:
- whether there was any improper interference, or attempted improper interference, with the free performance by Senator Faulkner or any other senator of their duties as a senator;
- whether disciplinary action was taken against any person in connection with the provision of information to Senator Faulkner or any other senator; and
- if so, whether any contempts were committed in respect of those matters.
The Committee tabled its report on The use of CCTV material in Parliament House 160th Report on 5 December 2014.
The department’s response to these parliamentary inquiries is addressed in the Report in particular at the Secretary’s Review and Report on Performance.
Judicial decisions, decisions of administrative tribunals
During 2014–15, there was one application filed in the Federal Circuit Court under the Administrative Decisions (Judicial Review) Act 1977, which was finalised. There were no other judicial or administrative tribunal decisions relating to DPS.
Freedom of information
DPS is not subject to the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act), and therefore does not have an Information Publication Scheme. However, DPS has an administrative ‘information access’ policy. Under the policy, DPS responds where it can to requests for information, within the spirit of the FOI Act.
Office of the Merit Protection Commissioner
During 2014–15, one application for review was made to the Office of the Merit Protection Commissioner. This matter is still under consideration.
Fair Work Ombudsman
No matters were referred to the Fair Work Ombudsman for review.
Fair Work Commission
During 2014–15, there were three outstanding matters from 2013–14 that were finalised with the Fair Work Commission. In addition, two further matters were referred to the Commission for review in 2014–15. Both of these matters were also finalised.
Management of human resources
In 2014–15, a major focus of the human resources team was the implementation of a new human resource management information system, with modules implemented for payroll, recruitment and learning management. Other activities to build capability included:
- two audits of DPS’ Work Health and Safety Management System and one audit of its Rehabilitation Management System (RMS). These were carried out by independent external consultants
- development of a DPS Absence Management Toolkit for Team Leaders, including a DPS Absence Management Guide, a team leader’s quick reference guide, and access to the APSC’s better practice absence management guides
- introduction of ‘Share our Pride’—an online learning tool developed by Reconciliation Australia as a first step in cultural awareness training for the department
- a revised DPS Workplace Diversity Policy which is supported by the Fostering Inclusion and Respect @DPS 2014–2017 strategy and the Promoting Appropriate Workplace Behaviour @DPS guide
- development of corporate performance measures for unplanned leave, WHS incidents and training, which are reported monthly to the Executive Committee.
Workforce planning, staff retention and turnover
DPS workforce composition
As at 30 June 2015, DPS employed 862 staff (including staff on leave, secondment and inoperative staff). The DPS workforce comprised 721 ongoing employees (84 per cent) and 141 non-ongoing employees (16 per cent). Of the 141 non-ongoing employees, 62 are engaged for a ‘specified term or a specified task’ and 79 are engaged in ‘irregular or intermittent’ duties.
The DPS workforce comprised full-time, part-time, sessional and casual work arrangements — 74 per cent full-time; 9 per cent part-time; 8 per cent sessional and 9 per cent casual. These types of employment arrangements are used by the department to support the nature of parliamentary sitting patterns.
Figure 14: Composition of DPS Workforce at 30 June 2015
The total number of employees rose by 40 employees or 5 per cent (from 822 employees at 30 June 2014 to 862 employees) in 2014–15. Ongoing employment increased by 3 per cent in 2014–15, from 701 employees at 30 June 2014 to 721 employees at 30 June 2015, while non-ongoing employment increased by 17 per cent, from 121 employees at 30 June 2014 to 141 employees at 30 June 2015.
As at 30 June 2015, 63 per cent of the DPS workforce was male and 37 per cent was female. The proportions remained largely unchanged from the previous three years.
Table 35: Staffing headcount by classification at 30 June 2015 (figures include both acting and nominal employees).
Full Time
Part Time
Fixed Term FT
Fixed Term PT
Fixed Task FT
Irregular / Intermittent
Parliamentary Librarian2
1Indicates a broadband position. Under the Parliamentary Service Classification Rules 2010, the Secretary may allocate more than one classification (a broadband) to a group of duties if the group of duties involves work value applying to more than one classification.
2The Parliamentary Librarian was Acting Secretary at 30 June 2015.
Employee commencements and separations
During 2014–15 there were a total of 204 employee commencements and 164 employee separations. The department’s commencement rate for all employees increased by seven per cent from 17 per cent in the previous year to 24 per cent in 2014–15, as did all employee turnover which increased by 0.8 per cent over the same period from 18.2 per cent to 19 per cent (for the total workforce).
DPS employee separations have generally remained above employee commencements over the last four years. This year however, employee commencements have exceeded employee separations by five per cent.
Figure 15: DPS Employee commencements and separation rates, 2010-11 to 2014-15
Employee commencements
DPS continued to maintain a close watch on the filling of existing and essential ongoing vacancies to ensure the continuation of support services for the Parliament, Parliament House and its visitors. Most of the department’s ongoing recruitment focussed on acquiring capability in areas to support:
- Information Communication and Technology — as part of its direction under the Parliament of Australia ICT Strategic Plan 2013–2018, and the continued roll-out of ICT security projects and improvements, deployment of new ICT equipment, and in striving to achieve better value for money by replacing contracted with permanent staffing to better support client services for senators and members
- Finance and Procurement — where additional funding was provided to allow the department to target our capability gaps and build ongoing expertise in place of contracted staff
- Parliamentary Security Service (PSS) staff — where additional funding for increased staffing was approved following the increase in national threat level and changed security arrangements at APH
- Hansard Editors and Operations support staff — to fill existing and anticipated vacancies caused by retirements and resignations and build future capacity to service and support the operations of the chambers and committees.
A total of 91 ongoing employees were recruited in 2014–2015.
More than half of the department’s recruitment activity in 2014–2015 was for non-ongoing employment. Non-ongoing employment assists DPS to supplement its core workforce to meet service delivery demands during parliamentary sitting periods. DPS primarily uses non-ongoing employment in key customer service areas (i.e. Parliamentary Library, Security, Parliamentary Reporting and Recording and Visitor Services) to provide flexibility and assurance to manage peaks in service delivery and to maintain a high quality level of service to the Parliament, parliamentarians and their staff, and APH visitors. A total of 113 staff were engaged on non-ongoing employment contracts in 2014–2015.
This number includes individuals who were contracted on more than one occasion for short-term projects during the financial year.
Table 36 shows the employee commencement figures for 2014–15 while Table 37 shows a breakdown of commencements by age and gender for 2014–15.
Table 36: Employee commencement figures – ongoing and non-ongoing 2014–15 (by head count)
Commencements (all)
Commencement rate (all)
Table 37: Commencements by age and gender 2014–15 (by head count)
Age Group
<25 years
25–34 years
35–44 years
45–54 years
55+ years
Employee separations
During 2014–15, there were 164 employee separations. Of these 93 were ongoing employee separations, an increase of eight employees on the 85 separations in 2013–14, which resulted in an employee turnover rate of 12.8 per cent, up from 12.1 per cent in 2013–14.
There were also 71 separations of non-ongoing employees in 2014–15, as follows:
- 39 separations were the end of temporary contracts
- 30 separations were employee-initiated early contract cessations
- two separations were employer-initiated terminations of contracts
The highest numbers of separations in 2014–15 were employee-initiated resignations, of which there were 27. There were also 22 age retirements (i.e. 55+ years) which represented 24 per cent of separating ongoing workforce. Capability reviews and subsequent structural realignment resulted in 15 redundancies, nine fewer than in 2013–14.
Separations also included movements between the Parliamentary Service and the Australian Public Service. During 2014–15 there were 24 transfers at level or promotion to a higher level from DPS to other agencies outside the Parliamentary Service.
During 2014–15 employer-initiated terminations decreased by 4 per cent to 2 per cent, down from 6 per cent the previous year.
The majority of non-ongoing separations were in the Library and Parliamentary Recording and Reporting Branch. These areas use non-ongoing employment arrangements to supplement their workforce to meet peak workload and service delivery demands, to ensure essential services are available for the effective operation of the Parliament.
Table 38 shows employee separation by age and gender, while Table 39 shows staff turnover and separation figures by type.
Table 38: Employee separation by age and gender (by head count)
Age group
< 25 years
25–34 years
35–44 years
45–54 years
55+ years
Table 39: Staff turnover figures by type (by head count)
Staff numbers
Staff separations (total)
Staff separations (ongoing employees)
Turnover rate (ongoing employees)
Separations by type: ongoing
Age retirements
Invalidity retirements
Voluntary redundancy
Involuntary redundancy
Employment terminations
Separations by type: non-ongoing
Employee-initiated – early contract cessation
Employer-initiated – early termination of contract
End of temporary contract term
SES employment
The formation of the new Chief Operating Officer Division saw the recruitment of one new ongoing SES Band 2 and two ongoing SES Band 1s (to existing positions) to oversee the financial, governance, HR and other corporate support functions. Two SES Band 1s were recruited to fill vacancies in Security Branch and Asset Development and Maintenance. Two non-ongoing SES were recruited in the role of First Assistant Secretary, Building and Asset Management Division and Assistant Secretary Program Delivery Branch. The latter position is attached to the temporary Program Delivery Branch, which was established to undertake the suite of security upgrade construction works.
Four SES employees left the department in 2014–2015. Three employees transferred to the APS and one employee resigned. As at 30 June 2015 the SES turnover rate for the year was 25 per cent (four staff out of 16 substantive SES positions). This compares to a turnover rate of 27 per cent in 2013–14, when there were three separations.
In addition, one short-term non-ongoing Band 2 was engaged on a short-term specialist contract and is not counted for separation rate purposes.
Remuneration framework
Enterprise agreements and individual flexibility arrangements
The DPS Enterprise Agreement 2011–2014 sets out DPS’ classification structures, performance management framework, remuneration, flexible working conditions, leave, consultative arrangements, and other working conditions and allowances.
The agreement nominally expired on 30 June 2014. The terms and conditions in the agreement will remain in force until a new agreement is formally approved. The department commenced formal bargaining in December 2014.
The enterprise agreement allows the department to provide individual flexibility agreements to employees to recognise particular skills, capabilities or additional responsibilities or to help meet special workplace circumstances and/or operational requirements. At 30 June 2015, seven DPS employees had these agreements in place.
DPS’ classification scale is divided into PSL 1–6, PEL 1 and 2 and SES Bands 1 and 2. The PSL1–6 levels equate approximately to Australian Public Service (APS) levels 1–6, while PEL 1 and 2 equate approximately to Executive Levels 1 and 2 in the APS. Table 40 shows the number of employees covered by industrial instruments.
Table 40: Instruments of employment at 30 June 2015
DPS Enterprise
Agreement 2011–14
Section 24
Individual flexibility
SES Band 1
SES Band 2
1Indicates a broadbanded position. Under the Parliamentary Service Classification Rules 2010, the Secretary may allocate more than one classification (a broadband) to a group of duties if the group of duties involves work value requirements applying to more than one classification.
2The 3 people are PEL2s who were Acting as SES Band 1s at 30 June 2015.
Remuneration for senior executive service
SES employees are subject to individual section 24(1) determinations under the Parliamentary Service Act 1999. These determinations cover remuneration, performance management, leave and a range of other employment conditions. The level of remuneration varies for individuals but is applied within a bandwidth. Remuneration is based on a base salary and other conditions added as part of a package, including superannuation.
Generally, salary increases provided to SES employees are assessed through the SES performance management arrangements. Table 41 shows base salary and total remuneration for SES. Note: DPS has no employees at the SES Band 3 level.
Table 41: SES base salary at 30 June 2015
SES Level
Base Salary
Total Remuneration
Band 1
Band 2
The remuneration of the Secretary and the Parliamentary Librarian is set by the Presiding Officers after consultation with the Remuneration Tribunal.
Remuneration for non-SES staff
For non-SES staff, salary advancement is based on performance assessment as required by the DPS Enterprise Agreement 2011–2014. The agreement provides for salary advancement within a salary range subject to the achievement of an overall rating of ‘effective’ or higher through the performance management arrangements. Table 42 shows salary ranges by classification for non-SES staff. No DPS employee receives a bonus or performance pay.
Table 42: Salary ranges by classification for PSL officers and PEL officers
Salary Range
$47,480 – $55,297
$56,404 – $60,552
$61,900 – $64,685
$65,978 – $71,693
$73,126 – $78,452
$80,020 – $89,937
$97,379 – $111,183
$113,405 – 131,833 (barrier $134,4701)
1PEL2s will only progress beyond the top of the salary range to the barrier where they are rated ‘highly effective’ or better under the DPS Performance Management Scheme.
Non-salary benefits
Non-salary benefits available to DPS employees may include influenza vaccinations and the payment by DPS of membership fees for those wishing to join the Parliament House Health and Recreation Centre. Employees are also able to access the Employee Assistance Scheme at no cost. Parking is available at no cost to employees for onsite undercover parking in the private carparks at APH.
Staff development and training
Learning and development continued to be a focus throughout 2014–15 to ensure employees maintained the key skills and knowledge to undertake their duties and meet their responsibilities.
DPS organised 36 in-house training sessions, which were attended by 294 employees, see table 43 for details.
Table 43: DPS in-house training sessions
No. of participants
Being Professional in the Parliamentary Service
Information and Records Management in DPS
Performance Management Conversations
Selection Advisory Committee Training
WHS Awareness
WHS for DPS Supervisors
Writing Executive and Senate Estimate Briefs
Procurement and contract management
Other training provided to staff during 2014–15 included:
- Security Induction and Competency Maintenance Training
- Parliament House-specific Certificate III in Security Operations
- Enhanced finances
- DPS reporting and budget planning
- Share our Pride learning module
- Occupation-specific WHS.
The above training was corporately provided. Individual work areas have provided technical and professional training to their staff throughout the year.
Studies Assistance
The department provides advice and information to staff on requirements for applying for studies assistance and the appropriate approval process. Applications for studies assistance by 27 staff were supported in 2014–15.
APS DPS Employee Census
In 2014, DPS participated in the annual Australian Public Service Employee Census (the census). This was the first time a non-APS agency and parliamentary department had participated in the census, a development welcomed by the Australian Public Service Commission (APSC).
The department’s participation in the annual census allows DPS to regularly measure the level of employee engagement, morale and other aspects of departmental culture and workplace design.
A total of 445 DPS staff participated in the APS employee census, a 56 per cent response rate — which the APSC noted was a good result for the first year of participation.
The census found that employees’ engagement levels with their job, their supervisor and their team were comparable to levels in the APS. The level of engagement with DPS (as a department) however, was lower than the Australian Public Service result. Factors influencing the result related to senior leadership, communication, approaches to managing change, employee recognition and the provision of learning and development opportunities.
The department’s results are not included in the APSC’s annual State of the Service Report, as the department is administered under the Parliamentary Service Act 1999.
In 2015, the department again participated in the 2015 APS Employee Census. A total of 443 DPS staff responded to the census, a 53 per cent response rate.
Workforce Diversity and Inclusion
DPS continued its focus on raising awareness across the department of the importance of workplace diversity and inclusion. The ‘Share our Pride’ online learning module, developed by Reconciliation Australia, was made available to all staff via the DPS portal as a first step towards cultural awareness training. The learning module was launched and promoted to all staff via internal communications and is included in induction training for new employees.
As at 30 June 2015, DPS had a 0.92 per cent representation of Indigenous employees across the department. During 2015–16, DPS is developing an Indigenous Employment Strategy to support the goal of meeting the Government’s target of 2.5 per cent.
Work health and safety
Work health and safety improvements to Parliament House
In 2013–14, DPS received additional administered funding to address height safety issues in Parliament House for both visitors and staff working in, and around, the building. The work associated with this funding continued during 2014–15, and included the purchase of mobile plant and equipment to provide safer access for maintenance purposes, and the design and installation of fall prevention and protection equipment such as fixed ladders, staircases, platforms and handrails.
DPS conducted a large number of risk assessments across Parliament House in 2014–15, including:
- a comprehensive task analysis across DPS Maintenance Services
- a noise risk assessment in the Loading Dock
- chemical safety risk assessments
- plant and equipment safety risk assessments
- an ergonomic risk assessment of the Hansard work area
- a risk assessment of the Visitor Services section
- an electrical risk assessment of the Parliament House Data Centre
- a risk assessment of slip, trip and fall hazards in Parliament House.
Additional risk controls identified from these assessments have been implemented.
Consultation on WHS issues
DPS maintains a high level of consultation on WHS issues. Staff are represented in health and safety committees that monitor and advise on WHS programs.
Information about the DPS Peak WHS Committee is at page 143. The committee focuses on reviewing WHS policies and procedures and taking a strategic approach to WHS management across DPS. Individual branches hold their own WHS committee meetings quarterly.
The DPS Contractors’ WHS Subcommittee met four times. This forum provides a valuable mechanism to address WHS issues related to the work performed by the large number of contractors at Parliament House.
A key component of DPS’ management of health and safety is its network of health and safety representatives (HSRs), deputy HSRs, and harassment contact officers (HCOs). As at 30 June 2015, DPS had 20 HSRs and deputies and 16 trained HCOs.
WHS training
A range of WHS-related training was provided to staff throughout the year, including generic induction and refresher sessions for staff and managers. Approximately 150 PSS officers participated in WHS awareness training as part of their annual revalidation training program.
Occupation-specific WHS training was also provided, including:
- first aid
- working in confined spaces
- working at heights
- manual handling (for example, lifting and handling of objects)
- plant and equipment use
- construction industry white card training
- licences for forklifts and elevated work platforms
- defensive tactics.
WHS auditing
In 2014–15, DPS continued to undergo six-monthly surveillance audits of its WHS management system. An external audit confirmed that DPS continued to comply with the requirements of the SafetyMAP Initial Level auditing tool. DPS has continued to maintain certification to the Joint Accreditation System of Australia and New Zealand standards since its initial certification in November 2009.
In November 2014, DPS underwent its second Rehabilitation Management System (RMS) Audit. DPS improved its performance in the second audit, achieving 88 per cent compliance in 2014 as opposed to 72 per cent in 2013. DPS has implemented the report’s recommendations, which focused mainly on improvements to rehabilitation policies and procedures.
Incident reporting and investigation
Sixty-seven incident reports were submitted by DPS employees during 2014–15. One incident was notified to Comcare in accordance with section 35 of the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (WHS Act). Incidents were examined by DPS and remedial action was taken where necessary. Comcare did not formally investigate any of the incidents.
There were no Provisional Improvement Notices issued under section 90 of the WHS Act and no notices or enforceable undertakings were issued under Parts 10 or 11 of the WHS Act.
Asset management
The department manages departmental and administered property, plant and equipment and intangible assets with a net book value of $2,309.1 million (2013–14: $2,316.4 million). Administered assets of $2,220.5 million (2013–14: $2,225.9 million) primarily relate to Parliament House, incorporating the building, land and heritage and cultural assets. Departmental assets of $88.6 million (2013–14: $90.5 million) primarily relate to security infrastructure, information technology and communication assets.
The department manages asset replacements through an annual capital plan. The department monitors the management of this capital plan on a regular basis to ensure that the planned expenditure reflects the department’s business requirements.
The department undertakes annual stocktake, impairment and revaluation reviews, which are used to update and verify the accuracy of asset records and to review the condition and ongoing utility of assets. The outcomes of the reviews are considered by the Australian National Audit Office as part of its assessment of the annual financial statements.
DPS sought to improve the framework and guidance in 2014–15 to ensure the procurement of property and services was conducted and managed in accordance with the Commonwealth Procurement Rules (CPRs) and DPS’ Accountable Authority Instructions (AAIs) and supporting procedures. DPS’ primary procurement objectives are to:
- ensure the principle of value for money is consistently obtained through:
- encouraging competition
- promoting efficient, effective, economical and ethical use of resources
- conducting our business in an environment of accountability and transparency
- support the business requirements of each branch within the department through a focus on better practice procurement
- involve small and medium enterprises wherever practicable.
DPS has a specialist procurement unit to ensure that:
- established guidelines and procedures are observed by DPS staff undertaking procurement and contract management activities
- statutory reporting responsibilities are met, and
- contracting and tendering activities are monitored.
Advice on legal matters relating to DPS procurement was provided by the DPS Legal Unit.
DPS classifies consultants as individuals, partnerships or corporations engaged to provide professional, independent and expert advisory services to the department. DPS engages consultants where there is a need for independent research or assessment, or where specialised or professional skills not available in-house are required.
During 2014–15, DPS engaged 33 new consultants under contract to a total actual expenditure of $2,301,053.20 (GST inclusive). In addition, 10 ongoing consultancy contracts were active during the 2014–15 year, involving total actual expenditure of $441,992.78 (GST inclusive). Refer to table 44.
Table 44: Consultancy cost for the last three years
The method of procurement for consultancy arrangements is determined by the complexity, nature and value of each individual requirement to achieve a value for money outcome that supports DPS’ business requirements.
Consultants were engaged by DPS via approaches to the market and through DPS’ access to consultancy panels and multi-use lists established by other departments for:
- strategic business planning
- economic and financial evaluation
- human resources.
Of the consultants contracted by DPS during the 2014–15 reporting period, 58 per cent were engaged to provide strategic planning, and 36 per cent for financial and audit services. These reflect activity required within DPS to implement and comply with the PGPA Act. The remainder related to miscellaneous business management consultancy services to DPS.
Annual reports contain information about actual expenditure on contracts for consultancies. Information on the value of contracts and consultancies is available on the AusTender website
Australian National Audit Office access clauses
All DPS contracts allow access for audit purposes.
Exempt contracts
During 2014–15, no DPS contracts or standing offers were exempted by the Secretary from being published via AusTender on the basis that they would disclose exempt matters under the FOI Act.
Procurement Initiatives to Support Small Business
The department supports small business participation in the Commonwealth procurement market. Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and Small Enterprise participation statistics are available on the Department of Finance’s website:
With a focus on achieving the best value for money outcome in each circumstance, DPS supports engagement with SMEs wherever practicable.
Consistent with paragraph 5.4 of the CPRs to ensure that SMEs can engage in fair competition for Commonwealth business, DPS applies the following procurement practices:
- the Commonwealth Contracting Suite for low-risk procurements valued under $200,000
- payment cards to facilitate on-time payment performance.
To achieve best practice procurement processes the relevant divisions of the CPRs are applied as appropriate.
The department recognises the importance of ensuring that small businesses are paid on time. The results of the Survey of Australian Government Payments to Small Business are available on Treasury’s website: