PJCIS backs laws to further strengthen intelligence community

Issue date: Friday, 25 March 2022

The Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security (PJCIS) has backed proposed laws that will further strengthen the capacity of the National Intelligence Community to contend with a rapidly deteriorating security environment.

In its Review of the National Security Legislation Amendment (Comprehensive Review and Other Measures No. 1) Bill 2021, the PJCIS closely examined the Government response to several recommendations of the Comprehensive Review of the Legal Framework of the National Intelligence Community (Comprehensive Review), led by Dennis Richardson AC. This includes:

  • enabling the Australian Secret Intelligence Service (ASIS), the Australian Signals Directorate (ASD) and the Australian Geospatial-Intelligence Organisation (AGO) to undertake activities to produce intelligence where there is, or is likely to be, an imminent risk to the safety of an Australian person
  • enabling ASIS, ASD and AGO to seek ministerial authorisation to produce intelligence on a class of Australian persons who are, or are likely to be, involved with a listed terrorist organisation
  • allowing ASIS more flexibility to work with ASIO in the performance of its functions within Australia.

Committee Chair Senator James Paterson said the laws address critical operational challenges currently experienced in the National Intelligence Community.

'These laws modernise the legal framework that binds and empowers our National Intelligence Community by giving them the tools they need to keep pace with an evolving security landscape,' Senator Paterson said.

'The Committee is satisfied that these tools are proportionate to the threat at large, and with only minor amendments, contain robust oversight mechanisms and privacy protections.'

Further information on the review as well as a copy of the report can be obtained from the Committee’s website.

Media enquiries

Chair, Senator James Paterson
Deborah Seccombe
0451 255 891

For background information

Committee Secretariat
(02) 6277 2360

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