Report of the Joint Select Committee on an Australia Card

Report of the Joint Select Committee on an Australia Card

May 1986

© Commonwealth of Australia 1986
ISBN 0 644 04965 0

View the report as a single document - (PDF 6850KB)

View the report as separate downloadable parts:

Spacer Image
Introduction (PDF 340KB)
Terms of Reference
Conduct of inquiry
Explanatory notes
Chapter 1: The Australia Card Proposal (PDF 1160KB)
The Government submission
Taxation uses
Taxation benefits
    Voluntary compliance
    Companion svstem of entities
Benefits and costs of the proposal
Aims of the proposal
    (a) Taxation evasion
    (b) Social Security fraud
    (c) Illegal immigrants
    (d) Benefit protection and other areas of Commonwealth expenditure
Organised crime
Chapter 2: Essential Reforms (PDF 1191KB)
Computerised linkage of births, deaths and marriages registers
Establishment of a Data Protection Agency
The introduction of Privacy legislation
Adoption of recommendations proposed by various Parliamentary and Government reports
    (a) Improved banking controls
    (b) Control of illegal immigration
    (c) Administrative reforms
        (i) Suspected fraud
        (ii) The Department of Education
    (d) Monitaring and possible extension of the Department of Social Security identity procedures
        (i) Audit findings - overpayments
        (ii) Audit findings - identification
            Identification of applicants
            Pre-grant interviews
            Checks with employers
            Intra-departmental verification checks
        (iii) The use of false birth certificates
Chapter 3: National Identification System (PDF 404KB)
Data Privacy in Australia
Civil Libertarian Concerns Arising from the Government Proposal
    (a) Card will become a compulsory internal passport
    (b) Dossier capability
    (c) Access to register
        (i) Logging
    (d) uses
        (i) Location
        (ii) Research
        (iii) Computer matching/data linkage
    (e) Display of information on Card
Chapter 4: Alternatives (PDF 571KB)
Upgrading the Tax File Number
    (a) Existing tax file number
    (b) Moderate integrity tax file number
    (c) High integrity tax file number
Withholding Tax
    (a) Dividends and interest
        Bearer Bonds
    (b) Prescribed Payments System
    (c) U.K. system
Upgrading the resources of the AT0
Conclusions and Recommendations
Addendum - Senator Christopher Puplick (PDF 1280KB)
Dissenting report of Senator Terry Aulich, Mr Bob Brown MP, and Mr John Brumby MP (PDF 878KB)
Appendicies (PDF 1003KB)

For further information or to obtain hard copies of submissions, contact:

Committee Secretary
Parliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations and Financial Services
Department of the Senate
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600


+61 2 6277 3583


+61 2 6277 5719
