Additional Documents

1 PDF: Environmental Authority EPPG00878413 - (Public hearing, Dalby, 17 February 2016) Environmental Authority EPPG00878413 - (Public hearing, Dalby, 17 February 2016)
2 PDF: QGC Map of Nothdurft property Lot 1RP202346 - (Public hearing, Dalby, 17 February 2016) QGC Map of Nothdurft property Lot 1RP202346 - (Public hearing, Dalby, 17 February 2016)
3 PDF: Dr Penny Hutchinson response - (public hearing, Dalby, 17 February 2016) Dr Penny Hutchinson response - (public hearing, Dalby, 17 February 2016)
4 PDF: QGC response to public hearing and submission (public hearing, Dalby, 17 February 2016) QGC response to public hearing and submission (public hearing, Dalby, 17 February 2016)
5 PDF: Ms Anne Kennedy_Great Artesian Basin Recharge Systems and Extent of Petroleum and Gas Leases, Second Edition (public hearing, Narrabri, 29 March 2016) Ms Anne Kennedy_Great Artesian Basin Recharge Systems and Extent of Petroleum and Gas Leases, Second Edition (public hearing, Narrabri, 29 March 2016)
6 PDF: Ms Anne Kennedy_NTN Unconventional Gas Exploration and Production Human Health Impacts and Environmental Legacy (public hearing, Naarabri, 29 March 2016) Ms Anne Kennedy_NTN Unconventional Gas Exploration and Production Human Health Impacts and Environmental Legacy (public hearing, Naarabri, 29 March 2016)
7 PDF: Ms Anne Kennedy_United States House of Representatives Committee on Energy and Commerce, Chemicals used in Hydraulic Fracturing (public hearing, Narrabri, 29 March 2016) Ms Anne Kennedy_United States House of Representatives Committee on Energy and Commerce, Chemicals used in Hydraulic Fracturing (public hearing, Narrabri, 29 March 2016)
8 PDF: Ms Anne Kennedy_The Pilliga Push, March 2016 (public hearing Narrabri, 29 March 2016) Ms Anne Kennedy_The Pilliga Push, March 2016 (public hearing Narrabri, 29 March 2016)
9 PDF: Ms Sonya Marshall_Documents received (public hearing, Narrabri, 29 March 2016) Ms Sonya Marshall_Documents received (public hearing, Narrabri, 29 March 2016)
10 PDF: People for the Plains_The local economic impacts of CSG development (public hearing, Narrabri, 29 March 2016) People for the Plains_The local economic impacts of CSG development (public hearing, Narrabri, 29 March 2016)
11 PDF: People for the Plains_The Australia Institute report 'Be careful of what you wish for' (public hearing, Narrabri, 29 March 2016) People for the Plains_The Australia Institute report 'Be careful of what you wish for' (public hearing, Narrabri, 29 March 2016)
12 PDF: Mr Kevin Humphries, MP (public hearing, Narrabri, 29 March 2016) Mr Kevin Humphries, MP (public hearing, Narrabri, 29 March 2016)
13 PDF: Mr Allan and Mrs Narelle Nothdurft, public hearing, Dalby, 17 February 2016 Mr Allan and Mrs Narelle Nothdurft, public hearing, Dalby, 17 February 2016
14 PDF: Mr Joe Hill, public hearing, Dalby, 17 February 2016 Mr Joe Hill, public hearing, Dalby, 17 February 2016

See Also

Other information presented to the inquiry

Committee Secretariat contact:

Senior Clerk's Office
Department of the Senate
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3555
Fax: +61 2 6277 3899

About this inquiry

The committee is to inquire on the adequacy of Australia‘s legislative, regulatory and policy framework for unconventional gas mining including coal seam gas (CSG) and shale gas mining.

Past Public Hearings

12 Apr 2016: Darwin
29 Mar 2016: Narrabri
17 Feb 2016: Dalby


Inquiry Status

Inquiry lapsed


If you require any special arrangements to enable you to participate in the Committee's inquiry, please contact the Committee Secretariat.

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