
Submissions received by the Committee

Submissions may be re-ordered by clicking on a column header. They may also be grouped by Organisation/Individual, State/Territory.

1Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV) (PDF 750 KB) 
2National Welfare Rights Network (PDF 430 KB) 
3Australian Community Children's Services (ACCS) (PDF 684 KB) 
4Department of Education (PDF 647 KB) 
5Early Childhood Australia (PDF 1028 KB) 
6National In Home Childcare Association Inc.  (PDF 2277 KB) 
7Police Federation of Australia (PDF 1392 KB) 
8SDN Children's Services (PDF 78 KB) 
9Australian Childcare Alliance (PDF 1021 KB) 
10United Voice (PDF 225 KB)  Attachment 1 (PDF 1827 KB) 
11Community Child Care Co-operative (NSW) (PDF 214 KB) 
12KU Children’s Services (PDF 61 KB) 
13Goodstart Early Learning (PDF 312 KB) 
14Early Learning Association Australia (ELAA) (PDF 2078 KB) 
15FamilyVoice Australia (PDF 79 KB) 
16Australia Industry Group (PDF 142 KB) 

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About this inquiry

On 5 June 2014 the Senate referred the provisions of the Family Assistance Legislation Amendment (Child Care Measures) Bill 2014 (the Bill) for inquiry and report by 16 June 2014. The committee has agreed that submissions should be received by 11 June 2014. Unfortunately, due to the short reporting timeframe, no extensions can be granted.

The Bill proposes amendments to the A New Tax System (Family Assistance) Act 1999 (New Tax Act) to implement Budget savings measures. Specifically, the Bill proposes to amend the New Tax Act to:

  • Maintain the current Child Care Rebate (CCR) limit at $7,500 per child, per financial year, by continuing to pause the indexation of the CCR limit for a further three income years to 30 June 2017; and
  • Maintain the Child Care Benefit income thresholds at the amount applicable as at 30 June 2014, for three income years to 30 June 2017.

Inquiry Status

Report Tabled

How to make a submission

The committee invites individuals and organisations to send in their opinions and proposals in writing (submissions)


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