Additional Documents

1 PDF: Information sheet on Australians with difficulty communicating and swallowing, tabled by Speech Pathology Australia, at Melbourne public hearing 11 June 2014 Information sheet on Australians with difficulty communicating and swallowing, tabled by Speech Pathology Australia, at Melbourne public hearing 11 June 2014
2 PDF: Language competence: A hidden disability in antisocial behaviour, InPsych article from June 2013, tabled by Associate Professor Pamela Snow, at Melbourne public hearing 11 June 2014 Language competence: A hidden disability in antisocial behaviour, InPsych article from June 2013, tabled by Associate Professor Pamela Snow, at Melbourne public hearing 11 June 2014
3 PDF: Oral Language Competence, Young Speakers, and the Law, LSHSS article from October 2012, tabled by Associate Professor Pamela Snow, at Melbourne public hearing 11 June 2014 Oral Language Competence, Young Speakers, and the Law, LSHSS article from October 2012, tabled by Associate Professor Pamela Snow, at Melbourne public hearing 11 June 2014
4 PDF: Youth (in)justice: Oral language competence in early life and risk for engagement in antisocial behaviour in adolescence, article from November 2011, tabled by Associate Professor Pamela Snow, at Melbourne public hearing 11 June 2014 Youth (in)justice: Oral language competence in early life and risk for engagement in antisocial behaviour in adolescence, article from November 2011, tabled by Associate Professor Pamela Snow, at Melbourne public hearing 11 June 2014
5 PDF: Model diagrams, tabled by Melbourne Cleft Service, Royal Children's Hospital, at Melbourne public hearing 11 June 2014 Model diagrams, tabled by Melbourne Cleft Service, Royal Children's Hospital, at Melbourne public hearing 11 June 2014
6 PDF: Snapshot of speech pathology in child and adolescent/youth mental health services: Victoria, tabled by Alfred Child and Youth Mental Health Service, at Melbourne public hearing 11 June 2014 Snapshot of speech pathology in child and adolescent/youth mental health services: Victoria, tabled by Alfred Child and Youth Mental Health Service, at Melbourne public hearing 11 June 2014
7 PDF: Language and Social Exclusion, I CAN Talk series - Issue 4, tabled by Alfred Child and Youth Mental Health Service, at Melbourne public hearing 11 June 2014 Language and Social Exclusion, I CAN Talk series - Issue 4, tabled by Alfred Child and Youth Mental Health Service, at Melbourne public hearing 11 June 2014
8 PDF: Opening presentation, tabled by Broken Hill University, Department of Rural Health, University of Sydney, at Sydney public hearing 12 June 2014 Opening presentation, tabled by Broken Hill University, Department of Rural Health, University of Sydney, at Sydney public hearing 12 June 2014
9 PDF: Training Secondary School Teachers in Instructional Language Modification Techniques to Support Adolescents With Language Impairment: A Randomized Controlled Trail, LSHSS article from October 2012, tabled by Discipline of Speech Pathology, University of Sydney, at Sydney public hearing 12 June 2014 Training Secondary School Teachers in Instructional Language Modification Techniques to Support Adolescents With Language Impairment: A Randomized Controlled Trail, LSHSS article from October 2012, tabled by Discipline of Speech Pathology, University of Sydney, at Sydney public hearing 12 June 2014
10 PDF: Mental Health Clinical Guidelines, from Speech Pathology Australia, received 20 June 2014 Mental Health Clinical Guidelines, from Speech Pathology Australia, received 20 June 2014
11 PDF: Mental Health Position Statement, from Speech Pathology Australia, received 20 June 2014 Mental Health Position Statement, from Speech Pathology Australia, received 20 June 2014
12 PDF: Information, from Apunipima Cape York Health Council, received 27 June 2014 Information, from Apunipima Cape York Health Council, received 27 June 2014
13 PDF: Information sheet about Apunipima Cape York Health Council, from Apunipima Cape York Health Council, received 27 June 2014 Information sheet about Apunipima Cape York Health Council, from Apunipima Cape York Health Council, received 27 June 2014
14 PDF: Information on Apunipima's preventative early education program: the Baby One Program, from Apunipima Cape York Health Council, received 4 July 2014 Information on Apunipima's preventative early education program: the Baby One Program, from Apunipima Cape York Health Council, received 4 July 2014

See Also

Other information presented to the inquiry

Committee Secretariat contact:

Committee Secretary
Senate Standing Committees on Community Affairs
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3515

About this inquiry

An inquiry into the prevalence of different types of speech, language and communication disorders and speech pathology services in Australia.

Past Public Hearings

27 Jun 2014: Brisbane
20 Jun 2014: Canberra
12 Jun 2014: Sydney


Inquiry Status

Report Tabled

How to make a submission

The committee invites individuals and organisations to send in their opinions and proposals in writing (submissions)


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