Terms of Reference

Resolution establishing the committee

That, a select committee, to be known as the Select Committee into the Abbott Government’s Commission of Audit, be established to inquire into the Commission of Audit established by the Commonwealth Government and, in particular, any report of that Commission to the Government, with interim reports as the committee sees fit and a final report on or before 13 May 2014, with particular reference to:

  1. the nature and extent of any cuts or changes to government expenditure recommended by the Commission;
  2. the effect of any proposed cuts or changes on the provision of services, programs or benefits by the Government;
  3. the effect of any proposed cuts or changes on the ability of the public service to provide advice to government
  4. the effect of any proposed changes to the current split of roles and responsibilities between the Commonwealth Government and state and territory governments on the current levels of government expenditure, taxation and service delivery;
  5. the potential impact of any proposed revenue measures on the Budget and on taxpayers, including access to services like health and education;
  6. the potential impact of any proposed cuts or changes to government expenditure or service provision on employment and the economy;
  7. the consistency of the Commission’s recommendations with the Government’s commitments on spending on health, medical research, education, and defence spending;
  8. the potential impact of any proposed cuts or changes on the structural budget balance over the forward estimates and the next 10 years;
  9. the potential impact that any proposed changes to Commonwealth budgeting arrangements might have in undermining public confidence in the provision of Commonwealth government accounts;
  10. the potential effects of any proposed cuts or changes on the Government’s medium to long term fiscal position, such as reducing future productivity, reducing the tax base and government revenues, or increasing future demand for government programs or support;
  11. whether the Commission’s terms of reference are appropriate, and, in particular, whether consideration ought be given to alternative means of:
    1. improving the efficiency and effectiveness of government expenditure,
    2. improving the state of the Commonwealth’s finances and addressing medium term risks to the integrity of the budget position,
    3. improving the fairness and efficiency of revenue raising, including that businesses cover the full cost of their activities,
    4. and that individuals with greater capacity contribute more to government revenue
    5. funding infrastructure and enhancing Australia’s human, economic and natural capital, or
    6. improving the public service; and
  12. any other matters the committee considers relevant.

Committee Secretariat contact:

Senior Clerk's Office
Department of the Senate
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3555

About this inquiry

This Select Committee was established to inquire into the Commission of Audit established by the Commonwealth Government and, in particular, any report of that Commission to the Government.

Past Public Hearings

02 May 2014: Canberra
15 Apr 2014: Canberra
01 Apr 2014: West Perth


Inquiry Status

Submissions Closed


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