Public Hearings

Past Public Hearings and Transcripts

18 Jun 2014Canberra, ACT(HTML & PDF)PDF: Inquiry into Australia’s trade and investment relations with countries of the Middle East (18/06/2014) 2297None
25 Jun 2014Canberra, ACT(HTML & PDF)PDF: Inquiry into Australia’s trade and investment relationships with countries of the Middle East (25/06/2014) 2369None
16 Jul 2014Canberra, ACT(HTML & PDF)PDF: Inquiry into Australia’s trade and investment relationships with countries of the Middle East (16/07/2014) 2315PDF Format
27 Aug 2014Canberra, ACT(HTML & PDF)PDF: Inquiry into Australia’s trade and investment relationships with countries of the Middle East (27/08/2014) 2437PDF Format
03 Sep 2014Canberra, ACT(HTML & PDF)PDF: Inquiry into Australia’s trade and investment relationships with countries of the Middle East (3/09/2014) 2481PDF Format
09 Sep 2014Sydney, NSW(HTML & PDF)PDF: Inquiry into Australia’s trade and investment relationships with countries of the Middle East (9/09/2014) 2462PDF Format
24 Sep 2014Canberra, ACT(HTML & PDF)PDF: Inquiry into Australia's trade and investment relationships with countries of the Middle East (24/09/2014) 2512None
01 Oct 2014Canberra, ACT(HTML & PDF)PDF: Inquiry into Australia's trade and investment relationships with countries of the Middle East (1/10/2014) 2506PDF Format
17 Oct 2014East Melbourne, VIC(HTML & PDF)PDF: Inquiry into Australia's trade and investment relationships with countries of the Middle East (17/10/2014) 26178PDF Format
29 Oct 2014Canberra, ACT(HTML & PDF)PDF: Inquiry into Australia's trade and investment relationships with countries of the Middle East (29/10/2014) 26203PDF Format
26 Nov 2014Canberra, ACT(HTML & PDF)PDF: Inquiry into Australia's trade and investment relationships with countries of the Middle East (26/11/2014) 26245PDF Format
03 Dec 2014Canberra, ACT(HTML & PDF)PDF: Inquiry into Australia's trade and investment relationships with countries of the Middle East (3/12/2014) 26252PDF Format
11 Feb 2015Canberra, ACT(HTML & PDF)PDF: Inquiry into Australia's trade and investment relationships with countries of the Middle East (11/02/2015) 26310None
04 Mar 2015Canberra, ACT(HTML & PDF)PDF: Inquiry into Australia's trade and investment relationships with countries of the Middle East (4/03/2015) 26370None
18 Mar 2015Canberra, ACT(HTML & PDF)PDF: Inquiry into Australia's trade and investment relationships with countries of the Middle East (18/03/2015) 26379PDF Format
25 Mar 2015Canberra, ACT(HTML & PDF)PDF: Inquiry into Australia's trade and investment relationships with countries of the Middle East (25/03/2015) 26396PDF Format
13 May 2015Canberra, ACT(HTML & PDF)PDF: Inquiry into Australia's trade and investment relationships with countries of the Middle East (13/05/2015) 26465None
09 Sep 2015Canberra, ACT(HTML & PDF)PDF: Inquiry into Australia's trade and investment relationships with countries of the Middle East (9/09/2015) 26710None
14 Oct 2015Canberra, ACT(HTML & PDF)PDF: Inquiry into Australia's trade and investment relationships with countries of the Middle East (14/10/2015) 26771PDF Format
25 Nov 2015Canberra, ACT(HTML & PDF)PDF: Inquiry into Australia's trade and investment relationships with countries of the Middle East (25/11/2015) 26845None
02 Dec 2015ACT(HTML & PDF)PDF: Inquiry into Australia's trade and investment relationships with countries of the Middle East (2/12/2015) 26846None

About this inquiry

The Trade Sub-Committee will examine opportunities to expand on the billions of dollars in trade and investment between Australia and the countries of the Middle East. Refer to the terms of reference for more information.

Inquiry Status

Report tabled


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