Completed inquiries and reports

Report Name  Date Tabled 
The pursuit of equality: Inquiry into the rights of women and children
Parliamentary Paper:
Date of Government response: No response to date
30 November 2023

Inquiry into supporting democracy in our region
Parliamentary Paper:
Date of Government response: No response to date

16 November 2023
Quality and Integrity - the Quest for Sustainable Growth’: Interim Report into International Education
Parliamentary Paper:
Date of Government response: No response to date

19 October 2023
Inquiry into the Department of Defence Annual Report 2021–22
Parliamentary Paper:
Date of Government response: No response to date

14 September 2023

The Defence Industry Security Program. Review of Auditor-General Report 4 of 2021-22 
Parliamentary Paper:
Date of Government response: 28 November 2023

19 June 2023

Inquiry into international armed conflict decision making
Parliamentary Paper:
Date of Government response: 8 August 2023

31 March 2023
Report Name Date Tabled
Strengthening Australia’s relationships with countries in the Pacific
Parliamentary Paper: 88/2022
Date of Government response: 14 May 2024
30 March 2022
Inquiry into PFAS remediation in and around Defence bases: Final report
Parliamentary Paper: 89/2022
Date of Government response: No response to date
30 March 2022
First periodic report on Human Rights: Final report into certain aspects of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Annual Report 2019–20
Parliamentary Paper: 87/2022
Date of Government response:17 November 2022
30 March 2022
Expanding the membership of the Comprehensive and Progressive Trans-Pacific Partnership
Parliamentary Paper: 27/2022
Date of Government response: 3 June 2024
10 February 2022
Advocating for the elimination of child and forced marriage
Parliamentary Paper: 571/2021
Date of Government response: 21 April 2022
2 December 2021
Inquiry into the human rights of women and girls in the Pacific
Parliamentary Paper: 554/2021
Date of Government response: 23 February 2023         
29 November 2021
Inquiry into the Department of Defence Annual Report 2019-20
Parliamentary Paper: 565/2021
Date of Government response: 1 August 2023
25 November 2021
One Region, One Family, One Future: Deepening relations with the Pacific nations through trade
Parliamentary Paper: 246/2021
Date of Government response: 3 June 2024
3 September 2021 
Australia's response to the coup in Myanmar
Parliamentary Paper: 179/2021
Date of Government response: 16 December 2021
24 June 2021
Inquiry into Australia's defence relationships with Pacific island nations
Parliamentary Paper: 97/2021
Date of Government response: 21 October 2021
1 April 2021
Inquiry into the implications of the COVID-19 pandemic for Australia’s foreign affairs, defence and trade
Parliamentary Paper: 545/2020
Date of Government response: No response to date
8 December 2020
Inquiry into targeted sanctions to address human rights abuses
Parliamentary Paper: 546/2020
Date of Government response: 5 August 2021
 7 December 2020
Inquiry into PFAS remediation in and around Defence bases - Second progress report
Parliamentary Paper: 200/2020
Date of Government response: 20 January 2022
 31 August 2020
Inquiry into PFAS remediation in and around Defence bases - First report
Parliamentary Paper: 551/2019
Date of Government response: No response required
 20 December 2019
Report Name Date Tabled

Inquiry into transition from the Australian Defence Force (ADF)

Parliamentary Paper: 101/2019
Date of Government response: No response required  
 3 April 2019

Inquiry into Australia's aid program in the Indo-Pacific

Parliamentary Paper: 104/2019
Date of Government response: No response required  
 3 April 2019
Inquiry into the status of the human right to freedom of religion or belief
Parliamentary Paper: 100/2019
Date of Government response: No response to date  
 3 April 2019

Inquiry into access to free trade agreements by small and medium sized enterprises
Parliamentary Paper: 37/2019
Date of Government response: 5 December 2019

 14 February 2019

Inquiry into the management of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) contamination in and around Defence bases

Parliamentary Paper: 580/2018
Date of Government response: 28 February 2020 

 3 December 2018

Inquiry into Human Organ Trafficking and Organ Transplant Tourism
Parliamentary Paper: 594/2018
Date of Government response: 19 October 2021

 3 December 2018

Inquiry into the benefits and risks of a Bipartisan Australian Defence Agreement, as a basis of planning for, and funding of, Australian Defence capability
Parliamentary Paper: 598/2018
Date of Government response: 19 March 2019 

16 November 2018

Review of the Defence Annual Report 2015-16
Parliamentary Paper: 549/2017
Date of Government response: 16 August 2018         

7 December 2017

Inquiry into establishing a Modern Slavery Act in Australia

Parliamentary Paper - Final Report: 547/2017
Parliamentary Paper - Interim Report: 266/2017

Date of Government response: 19 October 2020
7 December 2017
Report Name Date Tabled
A world without the death penalty
Parliamentary Papers no: 130/2016
Date of Government Response: 1 March 2017
5 May 2016
First report: Food for thought: improving health and nutrition in the Indo-Pacific region
Parliamentary Papers no: 133/2016
Date of Government Response: 25 January 2017
5 May 2016
Australia’s trade and investment relationships with countries of the Middle East
Parliamentary Papers no: 121/2016
Date of Government Response: 22 March 2019
4 May 2016
Empowering women and girls
Parliamentary Papers no: 459/2015
Date of Government Response: 10 April 2017
3 December 2015
Review of the Defence Annual Report 2013-14
Parliamentary Papers no: 451/2015
Date of Government Response: 21 November 2016 (PDF 10.44 MB)
1 December 2015
Principles and Practice - Australian Defence Industry and Exports
Parliamentary Papers no: 450/2015
Date of Government Response: 1 September 2016 (PDF 75KB)
1 December 2015
The role of the private sector in promoting economic growth and reducing poverty in the Indo-Pacific region
Parliamentary Papers no: 173/2015
Date of Government Response: 31 March 2016 (PDF 13.1MB)
22 June 2015
Review of the Defence Annual Report 2012-13
Parliamentary Papers no: 236/2014
Date of Government Response: 16 June 2015 (PDF 2.38MB)
28 October 2014

Earlier reports of the Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade are available at the following pages:

Register of Committee Reports:

About this committee

The Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade is established under a resolution of appointment passed by the House of Representatives on 26 July 2022 and the Senate on 27 July 2022.

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Committee Secretariat contact:

Committee Secretary
Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade
PO Box 6021
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 2313