Defence portfolio

Defence portfolio

Department of Defence

Senator Date tabled Letters of clarification/correction of evidence
Nettle 08Feb07

Letter dated 23 November 2006, from Air Chief Marshal Angus Houston, CDF, correcting evidence he gave at estimates concerning Operation Mountain Thrust; and, the Iraq war.

Nettle 08Feb07

A letter dated 01Dec06, from Rear Admiral Crane, Deputy Chief of Navy, correcting evidence relating to Naval nuclear powered vessels operating in the Barrier Reef Marine Park..

Bishop 08Feb07

Letter of correction, dated 06Dec06, from Air Vice–Marshal J Monaghan, Chief Information Officer, relating to information technology support in Defence.

Bishop 08Feb07

Letter dated 09Jan07, from Air Chief Marshal Angus Houston, CDF, clarifying evidence relating to Defence’s training in East Timor. Four letters contained in one document: (PDF 861KB)

Defence Housing Organisation

Department of Veterans' Affairs

Attachment to question 10: Services agreement between the Commonwealth, represented by the Department of Veterans' Affairs, the Repatriation Commission and the Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Commission (PDF 2051KB)

Attachment to question 18: Overseas travel by ministers and departmental staff (Excel 46KB)

Attachment to question 38: Grants–in–aid and commemorative grants approved to ex–service organisations in 2005–2006 (Excel 286KB)

Attachment to question 47: Paper version of Pathology voucher and DVA request/referral. (PDF 126KB) (Word 468KB)

For further information, contact:

Estimates Officer
Senate Standing Committees on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3535
Fax: +61 2 6277 5818