Senate Occasional Lecture Series transcripts - 2005

N.B. The following are the original transcripts provided by the lecturers. They have not been edited in anyway.

Date Presenter Transcript Multimedia


11/11/05 Graeme Orr Government Advertising, Parliament, and Political Equality (PDF 771KB)
14/10/05 Greg Craven The New Centralism and the Collapse of the Conservative Constitution (PDF 103KB)
09/09/05 Leslie Zines Sir Robert Garran (PDF 68KB)
01/07/05 Elizabeth McLeay Democratic Experiments In New Zealand (PDF 160KB)
27/05/05 Rod Rhodes The court politics of the Blair presidency (PDF 163KB)
22/04/05 Dr A J Brown The Constitution We Were Meant To Have: Re-examining the origins and strength of Australia’s unitary political traditions (PDF 692KB)
18/03/05 Jennifer Curtin Independents in Federal Parliament: A new challenge or a passing phase? (PDF 58KB)
25/03/05 Ross McMullin First in the World: Australia's Watson Labor Government (PDF 206KB)Spacer Image