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start of business
national apology to victims and survivors of institutional child sexual abuse
Morrison, Scott, MP
Albanese, Anthony, MP
reference to federation chamber
Porter, Christian, MP
social services and other legislation amendment (coronavirus and other measures) bill 2020
first reading
second reading
Robert, Stuart, MP
recycling and waste reduction bill 2020, recycling and waste reduction (consequential and transitional provisions) bill 2020, recycling and waste reduction charges (general) bill 2020, recycling and waste reduction charges (customs) bill 2020, recycling and waste reduction charges (excise) bill 2020
second reading
Wilson, Josh, MP
Falinski, Jason, MP
Coker, Elizabeth, MP
Simmonds, Julian, MP
Burns, Josh, MP
Allen, Katrina, MP
Khalil, Peter, MP
Sharma, Dave, MP
Gorman, Patrick, MP
Wicks, Lucy, MP
Sharkie, Rebekha, MP
Hammond, Celia, MP
Owens, Julie, MP
Wilson, Tim, MP
Thistlethwaite, Matt, MP
Gillespie, David, MP
Zappia, Tony, MP
statements by members
covid-19: finance sector workers, afl grand final 2020
Kearney, Ged, MP
headspace day
Vasta, Ross, MP
national integrity commission
Dreyfus, Mark, MP
queensland: roads
Wallace, Andrew, MP
saffron day
Rowland, Michelle, MP
covid 19: south australia
Webster, Anne, MP
art from trash
Owens, Julie, MP
robertson electorate: broadband
Wicks, Lucy, MP
covid-19: travel industry
Wilkie, Andrew, MP
lyne electorate: mirrabooka place
Gillespie, David, MP
covid 19: arts and entertainment industry
McBain, Kristy, MP
o'connor electorate: media
Wilson, Rick, MP
breast cancer
Murphy, Peta, MP
longman electorate: farm fantastic expo
Young, Terry, MP
prime minister
Chesters, Lisa, MP
higgins electorate: covid-19
Allen, Katrina, MP
victoria: sport
King, Catherine, MP
new south wales government
Alexander, John, MP
geelong football club
Marles, Richard, MP
questions without notice
aged care (Collins, Julie, MP)
economy (Liu, Gladys, MP)
aged care (Albanese, Anthony, MP)
road safety (Gillespie, David, MP)
employment (Stanley, Anne, MP)
murray-darling basin (Sharkie, Rebekha, MP)
covid 19: economy (Pasin, Tony, MP)
prime minister (Marles, Richard, MP)
employment (McIntosh, Melissa, MP)
australia post (Rowland, Michelle, MP)
environment (Leeser, Julian, MP)
australia post (Albanese, Anthony, MP)
national redress scheme for institutional child sexual abuse (Simmonds, Julian, MP)
australia post (Albanese, Anthony, MP)
child abuse (Pearce, Gavin, MP)
national integrity commission (Albanese, Anthony, MP)
national integrity commission (Plibersek, Tanya, MP)
decentralisation (Webster, Anne, MP)
western sydney airport (King, Catherine, MP)
pacific labour scheme (O'Brien, Ted, MP)
national integrity commission (Butler, Terri, MP)
health care (Drum, Damian, MP)
morrison government (Marles, Richard, MP)
indigenous australians (Wilson, Rick, MP)
statements on indulgence
Morrison, Scott, MP
Albanese, Anthony, MP
Smith, Tony, MP
questions to the speaker
covid-19: parliamentary representation (Watts, Tim, MP)
matters of public importance
aged care
Smith, Tony, MP
Collins, Julie, MP
Hunt, Greg, MP
Khalil, Peter, MP
Wilson, Tim, MP
Hayes, Chris, MP
Allen, Katrina, MP
McBain, Kristy, MP
Falinski, Jason, MP
Georganas, Steve, MP
Gillespie, David, MP
recycling and waste reduction bill 2020, recycling and waste reduction (consequential and transitional provisions) bill 2020, recycling and waste reduction charges (general) bill 2020, recycling and waste reduction charges (customs) bill 2020, recycling and waste reduction charges (excise) bill 2020
second reading
Zappia, Tony, MP
O'Brien, Llew (The DEPUTY SPEAKER)
McIntosh, Melissa, MP
hotham electorate: young people
O'Neil, Clare, MP
queensland: infrastructure
O'Brien, Ted, MP
covid-19: victoria
Mitchell, Rob, MP
covid-19: morrison government
Connelly, Vince, MP
fraser electorate: covid-19, budget
Mulino, Daniel, MP
federation chamber
start of business
constituency statements
brand community lecture series
King, Madeleine, MP
chisholm electorate: aged care
Liu, Gladys, MP
King, Catherine, MP
charles sturt university
Gee, Andrew, MP
burt electorate: child and parent centres
Keogh, Matt, MP
pink up penrith
McIntosh, Melissa, MP
whitlam electorate: schools
Jones, Stephen, MP
water infrastructure
Joyce, Barnaby, MP
covid-19: employment, covid-19: mental health
McBride, Emma, MP
Fletcher, Paul, MP
appropriation bill (no. 1) 2020-2021, appropriation bill (no. 2) 2020-2021, appropriation (parliamentary departments) bill (no. 1) 2020-2021
second reading
Aly, Anne, MP
Bell, Angie, MP
Fitzgibbon, Joel, MP
Stevens, James, MP
Coker, Elizabeth, MP
Liu, Gladys, MP
Wilson, Josh, MP
Thompson, Phillip, MP
Goodenough, Ian, MP
Coker, Elizabeth, MP
McIntosh, Melissa, MP
national integrity commission
Perrett, Graham, MP
adelaide holocaust museum and andrew steiner education centre
Stevens, James, MP
diwali, western sydney awards for business excellence, higher education
Owens, Julie, MP
herbert electorate: covid-19
Thompson, Phillip, MP
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