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Table of contents
start of business
asic supervisory cost recovery levy bill 2017, asic supervisory cost recovery levy (collection) bill 2017, asic supervisory cost recovery levy (consequential amendments) bill 2017, social services legislation amendment (energy assistance payment and pensioner concession card) bill 2017, therapeutic goods amendment (2016 measures no. 1) bill 2016
appropriation bill (no. 1) 2017-2018, appropriation bill (no. 2) 2017-2018, appropriation (parliamentary departments) bill (no. 1) 2017-2018, ozone protection and synthetic greenhouse gas management legislation amendment bill 2017, enhancing online safety for children amendment bill 2017, major bank levy bill 2017, treasury laws amendment (major bank levy) bill 2017
returned from senate
treasury laws amendment (gst low value goods) bill 2017
consideration of senate message
oversight of the implementation of redress-related recommendations of the royal commission into institutional responses to child sexual abuse committee
Smith, Tony, MP
Pitt, Keith, MP
national vocational education and training regulator amendment (annual registration charge) bill 2017, national vocational education and training regulator (charges) amendment (annual registration charge) bill 2017
second reading
Andrews, Karen, MP
third reading
Andrews, Karen, MP
national vocational education and training regulator (charges) amendment (annual registration charge) bill 2017
second reading
explanatory memorandum
Andrews, Karen, MP
consideration in detail
Andrews, Karen, MP
third reading
Andrews, Karen, MP
foreign acquisitions and takeovers fees imposition amendment (fee streamlining and other measures) bill 2017
second reading
Leigh, Andrew, MP
Howarth, Luke, MP
Pitt, Keith, MP
third reading
Pitt, Keith, MP
Pitt, Keith, MP
passports legislation amendment (overseas travel by child sex offenders) bill 2017
second reading
Dreyfus, Mark, MP
Broad, Andrew, MP
Wallace, Andrew, MP
Keenan, Michael, MP
third reading
Keenan, Michael, MP
fair work amendment (repeal of 4 yearly reviews and other measures) bill 2017
second reading
O'Connor, Brendan, MP
Chesters, Lisa, MP
statements by members
mavrogiorgis, mr elias
Georganas, Steve, MP
queensland government
Laming, Andrew, MP
big group hug
Macklin, Jenny, MP
swan electorate: bentley regeneration project
Irons, Steve, MP
mcewen electorate: brain fitness conference
Mitchell, Rob, MP
hughes electorate: schools
Kelly, Craig, MP
spinal muscular atrophy
Gosling, Luke, MP
queensland election
Howarth, Luke, MP
Husic, Ed, MP
agricultural shows
Landry, Michelle, MP
brand electorate: queen's birthday awards
King, Madeleine, MP
forde electorate: queen's birthday awards
Van Manen, Bert, MP
world refugee day
Giles, Andrew, MP
farrer electorate: saluting their service commemorative grants program
Ley, Sussan, MP
Khalil, Peter, MP
maranoa electorate: birdsville
Littleproud, David, MP
workplace relations
Chesters, Lisa, MP
ministerial statements
united kingdom: attacks
Turnbull, Malcolm, MP
Shorten, Bill, MP
questions without notice
schools (Shorten, Bill, MP)
Morton, Ben, MP
procedural text
schools (Shorten, Bill, MP)
citizenship (O'Brien, Ted, MP)
schools (Plibersek, Tanya, MP)
distinguished visitors
Smith, Tony, MP
questions without notice
energy (Katter, Bob, MP)
defence industry (Ramsey, Rowan, MP)
workplace relations (Bowen, Chris, MP)
energy (Wicks, Lucy, MP)
schools (McBride, Emma, MP)
water (Broad, Andrew, MP)
distinguished visitors
Smith, Tony, MP
questions without notice
schools (Plibersek, Tanya, MP)
energy (Sudmalis, Ann, MP)
schools (Plibersek, Tanya, MP)
energy (Marino, Nola, MP)
schools (Shorten, Bill, MP)
regional development: energy (Entsch, Warren, MP)
schools (Plibersek, Tanya, MP)
budget (Leeser, Julian, MP)
personal explanations
Rowland, Michelle, MP
auditor-general's reports
Smith, Tony, MP
Pyne, Christopher, MP
matters of public importance
Smith, Tony, MP
Plibersek, Tanya, MP
Andrews, Karen, MP
Giles, Andrew, MP
Evans, Trevor, MP
Ryan, Joanne, MP
Crewther, Chris, MP
Perrett, Graham, MP
Leeser, Julian, MP
Husar, Emma, MP
Wicks, Lucy, MP
human rights committee
Goodenough, Ian, MP
social services legislation amendment (queensland commission income management regime) bill 2017
second reading
Macklin, Jenny, MP
O'Toole, Cathy, MP
Katter, Bob, MP
Fletcher, Paul, MP
third reading
Fletcher, Paul, MP
medicare guarantee bill 2017, medicare guarantee (consequential amendments) bill 2017, superannuation amendment (pssap membership) bill 2016, treasury laws amendment (gst integrity) bill 2017, foreign acquisitions and takeovers fees imposition amendment (fee streamlining and other measures) bill 2017, national vocational education and training regulator (charges) amendment (annual registration charge) bill 2017, national vocational education and training regulator amendment (annual registration charge) bill 2017
returned from senate
fair work amendment (repeal of 4 yearly reviews and other measures) bill 2017
second reading
Chesters, Lisa, MP
Neumann, Shayne, MP
Bandt, Adam, MP
Champion, Nick, MP
Ciobo, Steven, MP
consideration in detail
Ciobo, Steven, MP
O'Connor, Brendan, MP
Prentice, Jane, MP
Buchholz, Scott, MP
Pitt, Keith, MP
Evans, Trevor, MP
Leeser, Julian, MP
Pyne, Christopher, MP
Smith, Tony, MP
Burke, Tony, MP
O'Connor, Brendan, MP
Pyne, Christopher, MP
Bandt, Adam, MP
Pyne, Christopher, MP
third reading
Pyne, Christopher, MP
broadcasting legislation amendment (broadcasting reform) bill 2017, commercial broadcasting (tax) bill 2017
second reading
Rowland, Michelle, MP
Coulton, Mark (The DEPUTY SPEAKER)
brand electorate
King, Madeleine, MP
auckram, mr ben, hankinson, ms jenny, page electorate: queen's birthday honours
Hogan, Kevin, MP
Katter, Bob, MP
petrie electorate: bracken ridge
Howarth, Luke, MP
solomon electorate: employment
Gosling, Luke, MP
swan electorate: infrastructure
Irons, Steve, MP
federation chamber
start of business
constituency statements
turnbull government, longman electorate: pensions and benefits
Lamb, Susan, MP
brabant, dr john, carevan foundation
Ley, Sussan, MP
building and construction industry
Georganas, Steve, MP
capricornia electorate: infrastructure
Landry, Michelle, MP
workplace relations
Elliot, Justine, MP
maranoa electorate: jumpers and jazz in july
Littleproud, David, MP
Freelander, Mike, MP
tangney electorate: sporting organisations
Morton, Ben, MP
blair electorate: agricultural shows
Neumann, Shayne, MP
wide bay: media
O'Brien, Llew, MP
macquarie electorate: ebenezer church, macquarie electorate: winter magic festival
Templeman, Susan, MP
robertson electorate: 5 lands walk
Wicks, Lucy, MP
burt electorate
Keogh, Matt, MP
turnbull government
Prentice, Jane, MP
lindsay electorate
Husar, Emma, MP
victoria: crime
Andrews, Kevin, MP
dobell electorate: schools kitchen garden classroom competition
McBride, Emma, MP
goldstein electorate: community groups
Wilson, Tim, MP
fowler electorate: saints raphael, nicholas and irene greek orthodox church
Hayes, Chris, MP
la trobe electorate: queen's birthday awards
Wood, Jason, MP
colvin, mr mark
Butler, Terri, MP
Leeser, Julian, MP
King, Madeleine, MP
Leigh, Andrew, MP
Brodtmann, Gai, MP
Albanese, Anthony, MP
Rowland, Michelle, MP
Pasin, Tony, MP
public accounts and audit committee
Hill, Julian, MP
Swanson, Meryl, MP
Georganas, Steve, MP
Bird, Sharon, MP
Hart, Ross, MP
grievance debate
herbert electorate: mental health
O'Toole, Cathy, MP
workplace relations
Price, Melissa, MP
Perrett, Graham, MP
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