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start of business
petitions committee
Wicks, Lucy, MP
Wicks, Lucy, MP
health care
toowoomba: refugee and migrant support
toowoomba: refugee and migrant support
asylum seekers
asylum seekers
consumer goods: planned obsolescence
assange, mr julian
defence: superannuation
electoral system
prime minister
health care
mcinnes, mr gavin, robinson, mr tommy
climate change
dividend imputation
okonma, mr tyler gregory
consumer rights
okonma, mr tyler gregory
child support
new zealand citizens
infant formula
federal independent commission against corruption
pharmaceutical benefits scheme
dental health
live animal exports
childcare benefits
sex discrimination amendment (removing discrimination against students) bill 2018
sex discrimination amendment (removing discrimination against students) bill 2018
ball pythons
goods and services tax: remedial massage
asylum seekers
child sexual abuse
private health insurance
climate change
income tax
q fever
workplace relations
food labelling
consumer rights
banking and financial services
health care
asylum seekers
political parties: registration
banking and financial services
sport: broadcasting
defence: superannuation
workplace health and safety
Wicks, Lucy, MP
death penalty
infrastructure: rail
former member entitlements
sexual crimes
national broadband network
defence home ownership assistance scheme
legal defence
m1 pacific motorway
environment: pharmaceuticals
human rights
national security
health care
australian human rights commission
pensions and benefits
workplace relations
election of prime minister
parliamentarians' entitlements
election of prime minister
national redress scheme
human trafficking
health care
human rights
population growth
law enforcement
agriculture industry
prime minister
mental health
higher education
national security
food labelling
western sydney airport
climate change
asylum seekers
alcohol advertising
cost of living
carer visa
immigration detention
milne bay military museum
live animal exports
middle east
live animal exports
aged care
goods and services tax
product labelling: fashion
Wicks, Lucy, MP
national consumer credit protection amendment (small amount credit contract and consumer lease reforms) bill 2019
first reading
second reading
King, Madeleine, MP
Smith, Tony, MP
Dick, Milton, MP
refugee protection bill 2019
first reading
second reading
Wilkie, Andrew, MP
Phelps, Kerryn, MP
galilee basin (coal prohibition) bill 2019
first reading
second reading
Bandt, Adam, MP
coal prohibition (quit coal) bill 2019
first reading
second reading
Bandt, Adam, MP
Mitchell, Rob (The DEPUTY SPEAKER)
Wilkie, Andrew, MP
banking amendment (rural finance reform) bill 2019
first reading
second reading
Sharkie, Rebekha, MP
McGowan, Cathy, MP
office for regional australia bill 2019
first reading
second reading
McGowan, Cathy, MP
reserve bank amendment (australian reconstruction and development board) bill 2019
first reading
second reading
Katter, Bob, MP
export control amendment (banning cotton exports to ensure water security) bill 2019
first reading
second reading
Sharkie, Rebekha, MP
private members' business
queensland: floods
O'Toole, Cathy, MP
Christensen, George, MP
Dick, Milton, MP
Landry, Michelle, MP
national security
Morrison, Scott, MP
Shorten, Bill, MP
corporations and financial services committee
reporting date
Goodenough, Ian (The DEPUTY SPEAKER)
royal commission into institutional responses to child sexual abuse
reporting date
Goodenough, Ian (The DEPUTY SPEAKER)
Ley, Sussan, MP
major sporting events (indicia and images) protection amendment bill 2018
first reading
delegation reports
australian parliamentary delegation to kenya and ethiopia, 3 to 9 june 2018
Broad, Andrew, MP
Watts, Tim, MP
joint standing committee on trade and investment growth
O'Dowd, Ken, MP
joint committee of public accounts and audit
Hill, Julian, MP
reference to federation chamber
Hill, Julian, MP
public works committee
McVeigh, John, MP
Snowdon, Warren, MP
treasury laws amendment (enhancing whistleblower protections) bill 2018
second reading
Kelly, Craig, MP
Leigh, Andrew, MP
Falinski, Jason, MP
Thistlethwaite, Matt, MP
statements by members
disability services
Gosling, Luke, MP
small business
Ramsey, Rowan, MP
canberra electorate: drones
Brodtmann, Gai, MP
international women's day
Sudmalis, Ann, MP
lyons electorate: energy
Mitchell, Rob, MP
deakin electorate: sport facilities
Sukkar, Michael, MP
wills electorate: moreland toy library
Khalil, Peter, MP
glancy, mr samuel
van Manen, Bert, MP
immigration detention
Phelps, Kerryn, MP
bonner electorate: volunteers
Vasta, Ross, MP
household and personal debt
Ryan, Joanne, MP
south-east queensland city deal
Wallace, Andrew, MP
Zappia, Tony, MP
robertson electorate: coast opera australia
Wicks, Lucy, MP
Keay, Justine, MP
Wilson, Tim, MP
Swanson, Meryl, MP
o'connor electorate: radiation therapy
Wilson, Rick, MP
murray-darling basin
Shorten, Bill, MP
minister for small and family business, skills and vocational education
Chesters, Lisa, MP
shadow ministerial arrangements
Shorten, Bill, MP
questions without notice
disability services (Shorten, Bill, MP)
economy (Wicks, Lucy, MP)
disability services (Burney, Linda, MP)
national security (Hartsuyker, Luke, MP)
national disability insurance scheme (Husar, Emma, MP)
banking and financial services (Phelps, Kerryn, MP)
economy (Crewther, Chris, MP)
disability services (Plibersek, Tanya, MP)
economy (Wilson, Rick, MP)
disability services (Shorten, Bill, MP)
national security (Leeser, Julian, MP)
disability services (Burney, Linda, MP)
national security (Hastie, Andrew, MP)
minister for small and family business, skills and vocational education (O'Connor, Brendan, MP)
national security (Flint, Nicolle, MP)
small business (Leigh, Andrew, MP)
building and construction industry (O'Brien, Ted, MP)
prime minister (Butler, Mark, MP)
senior australians (Pitt, Keith, MP)
prime minister (Shorten, Bill, MP)
senior australians (Evans, Trevor, MP)
murray-darling basin (Rishworth, Amanda, MP)
queensland: floods (Katter, Bob, MP)
industry, science and technology (Marino, Nola, MP)
auditor-general's reports
report no. 26 of 2018-19
Smith, Tony, MP
Pyne, Christopher, MP
parliamentary representation
Ellis, Kate, MP
resolutions of the senate
disability services
consideration of senate message
Smith, Tony, MP
Morrison, Scott, MP
Shorten, Bill, MP
Bandt, Adam, MP
Burney, Linda, MP
Macklin, Jenny, MP
ministerial statements
road safety
McCormack, Michael, MP
Albanese, Anthony, MP
industrial chemicals (notification and assessment) amendment bill 2017
returned from senate
aboriginal land rights (northern territory) amendment (land scheduling) bill 2018
first reading
treasury laws amendment (improving accountability and member outcomes in superannuation measures no. 1) bill 2019
first reading
treasury laws amendment (protecting your superannuation package) bill 2018
consideration of senate message
Irons, Steve, MP
O'Neil, Clare, MP
treasury laws amendment (strengthening corporate and financial sector penalties) bill 2018
consideration of senate message
Irons, Steve, MP
O'Neil, Clare, MP
treasury laws amendment (2018 measures no. 5) bill 2018
consideration of senate message
Irons, Steve, MP
Leigh, Andrew, MP
Robert, Stuart, MP
King, Madeleine, MP
Joyce, Barnaby, MP
Burke, Tony, MP
Gillespie, David, MP
electoral legislation amendment (modernisation and other measures) bill 2018
consideration of senate message
Irons, Steve, MP
industrial chemicals bill 2017
consideration of senate message
Irons, Steve, MP
Zappia, Tony, MP
Irons, Steve, MP
industrial chemicals (consequential amendments and transitional provisions) bill 2017
consideration of senate message
Irons, Steve, MP
industrial chemicals charges (general) bill 2017
consideration of senate message
Irons, Steve, MP
Zappia, Tony, MP
industrial chemicals charges (customs) bill 2017
consideration of senate message
Irons, Steve, MP
industrial chemicals charges (excise) bill 2017
consideration of senate message
Irons, Steve, MP
economics committee
Vasta, Ross (The DEPUTY SPEAKER)
Irons, Steve, MP
treasury laws amendment (enhancing whistleblower protections) bill 2018
second reading
Thistlethwaite, Matt, MP
Alexander, John, MP
Perrett, Graham, MP
Pasin, Tony, MP
Keogh, Matt, MP
van Manen, Bert, MP
Sharkie, Rebekha, MP
Owens, Julie, MP
Dick, Milton, MP
Andrews, Kevin (The DEPUTY SPEAKER)
aged care
Collins, Julie, MP
bonner electorate: roads
Vasta, Ross, MP
shortland electorate: community services
Conroy, Pat, MP
fisher electorate
Wallace, Andrew, MP
human rights
Danby, Michael, MP
robertson electorate: awards
Wicks, Lucy, MP
federation chamber
start of business
constituency statements
australian greens
Danby, Michael, MP
cowper electorate: national servicemen
Hartsuyker, Luke, MP
music festivals, petitions: mining
Elliot, Justine, MP
canning electorate: infrastructure
Hastie, Andrew, MP
isaacs electorate: kingston toy library
Dreyfus, Mark, MP
roberts, ms rhoda, mcgillivray, mr max
Hogan, Kevin, MP
Dick, Milton, MP
petrie electorate: bracken ridge
Howarth, Luke, MP
adelaide electorate: road safety
Ellis, Kate, MP
canning electorate: peel health campus
Hastie, Andrew, MP
national security
Byrne, Anthony, MP
private members' business
Entsch, Warren, MP
Gosling, Luke, MP
Prentice, Jane, MP
Freelander, Mike, MP
Evans, Trevor, MP
Brodtmann, Gai, MP
Ryan, Joanne, MP
Stanley, Anne, MP
Claydon, Sharon, MP
Howarth, Luke, MP
McBride, Emma, MP
Kelly, Craig, MP
Gosling, Luke, MP
Leeser, Julian, MP
Leeser, Julian, MP
Rowland, Michelle, MP
Kelly, Craig, MP
Keogh, Matt, MP
Thistlethwaite, Matt, MP
Watts, Tim, MP
international mother language day
Owens, Julie, MP
Alexander, John, MP
Aly, Anne, MP
Joyce, Barnaby, MP
aged care amendment (staffing ratio disclosure) bill 2018
second reading
Phelps, Kerryn, MP
Lamb, Susan, MP
statements by members
national disability insurance scheme
Sharkie, Rebekha, MP
north sydney electorate: energy
Zimmerman, Trent, MP
smashed project
Dick, Milton, MP
la trobe electorate: multicultural education resource centre
Wood, Jason, MP
canberra electorate: broadband
Brodtmann, Gai, MP
goldstein electorate: taskforce community agency
Wilson, Tim, MP
national disability insurance scheme
Hill, Julian, MP
o'connor electorate: community sport infrastructure grant program
Wilson, Rick, MP
townsville: floods
O'Toole, Cathy, MP
nf mcdonnell & sons
Pasin, Tony, MP
Leigh, Andrew, MP
banking and financial services
Wallace, Andrew, MP
murray-darling basin
Rishworth, Amanda, MP
bonner electorate
Vasta, Ross, MP
disability services
Claydon, Sharon, MP
forde electorate: ormeau shearers rugby league club
van Manen, Bert, MP
palliative care
McBride, Emma, MP
banking and financial services
Sukkar, Michael, MP
Jones, Stephen, MP
the land showgirl competition 2019
Sudmalis, Ann, MP
khoshaba, father emmanuel
Vamvakinou, Maria, MP
health care: heart disease
Ramsey, Rowan, MP
Kearney, Ged, MP
ryan electorate: bardon latrobe football club
Prentice, Jane, MP
Husic, Ed, MP
hinkler electorate: sporting clubs
Pitt, Keith, MP
national disability insurance scheme
Mitchell, Rob, MP
robertson electorate: small business
Wicks, Lucy, MP
federal election
Perrett, Graham, MP
O'Dowd, Ken, MP
private members' business
australian natural disasters
Leeser, Julian, MP
O'Toole, Cathy, MP
Kelly, Craig, MP
Dick, Milton, MP
Gosling, Luke, MP
Swanson, Meryl, MP
Perrett, Graham, MP
Templeman, Susan, MP
tasmania: disaster relief funding
Mitchell, Brian, MP
Collins, Julie, MP
Keay, Justine, MP
O'Toole, Cathy, MP
Gillespie, David, MP
Gosling, Luke, MP
O'Brien, Ted, MP
Wilson, Tim, MP
Giles, Andrew, MP
Leeser, Julian, MP
Perrett, Graham, MP
philipinnes: de lima, senator leila
Hayes, Chris, MP
Wilson, Tim, MP
Hayes, Chris, MP
Leeser, Julian, MP
questions in writing
environment protection and biodiversity conservation act 1999 (question no. 1141) (Sharkie, Rebekha, MP)
diesel fuel rebate (question no. 1213) (Sharkie, Rebekha, MP)
australian national contact point (question no. 1214) (Sharkie, Rebekha, MP)
offshore petroleum and greenhouse gas storage (environment) regulations 2009 (question no. 1232) (Sharkie, Rebekha, MP)
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