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start of business
agreement for members to contribute remotely to parliamentary proceedings
Porter, Christian, MP
petitions committee
O'Dowd, Ken, MP
O'Dowd, Ken, MP
skilled visas
freedom of information
covid 19: yan, dr li-meng
leaders' pledge for nature
members of parliament: conduct
covid-19: international travel
banking and financial services
child care
battery recycling
aged care, national disability insurance scheme
covid-19: visitor visas
members of parliament: conduct
tobacco regulation
tobacco regulation
covid-19: international travel
covid-19: international travel
climate change
international development assistance
samoa: human rights
climate change
mental health: youth
human rights: thailand
climate change
australian public service
covid-19: lockdowns
general practice
commonwealth integrity commission
china: human rights
department of home affairs
nigeria: human rights
prime minister
nigeria: human rights
O'Dowd, Ken, MP
bill of rights
law enforcement
services australia
pensions and benefits
child care
facial recognition technology
family law
teachers: mental health
higher education
abdominoplasty surgery
mobile coverage
O'Dowd, Ken, MP
national consumer credit protection amendment (small amount credit contract and consumer lease reforms) bill 2019
first reading
second reading
Wilkie, Andrew, MP
Sharkie, Rebekha, MP
migration amendment (common sense partner visa) bill 2020
first reading
second reading
Hill, Julian, MP
world aids day
Wilson, Tim, MP
Freelander, Mike, MP
Martin, Fiona, MP
Watts, Tim, MP
Sharma, Dave, MP
Murphy, Peta, MP
Allen, Katrina, MP
Perrett, Graham, MP
covid 19: services australia
Shorten, Bill, MP
Alexander, John, MP
Coker, Elizabeth, MP
Broadbent, Russell, MP
Phillips, Fiona, MP
Hammond, Celia, MP
Ryan, Joanne, MP
family law amendment (a step towards a safer family law system) bill 2020
second reading
Owens, Julie, MP
economic recovery package (jobmaker hiring credit) amendment bill 2020, social services and other legislation amendment (coronavirus and other measures) bill 2020, family law amendment (risk screening protections) bill 2020, biosecurity amendment (traveller declarations and other measures) bill 2020, broadcasting services amendment (regional commercial radio and other measures) bill 2020, education legislation amendment (up-front payments tuition protection) bill 2020, higher education (up-front payments tuition protection levy) bill 2020, national disability insurance scheme amendment (strengthening banning orders) bill 2020, services australia governance amendment bill 2020, fair work amendment (improving unpaid parental leave for parents of stillborn babies and other measures) bill 2020, health insurance amendment (administration) bill 2020, social services and other legislation amendment (omnibus) bill 2020, veterans' affairs legislation amendment (supporting the wellbeing of veterans and their families) bill 2020
Gillespie, David (The DEPUTY SPEAKER)
Price, Melissa, MP
health insurance amendment (compliance administration) bill 2020
explanatory memorandum
Price, Melissa, MP
human rights committee
Perrett, Graham, MP
migration joint committee
Leeser, Julian, MP
reference to federation chamber
Leeser, Julian, MP
mcbride, mr david william
Wilkie, Andrew, MP
Sharkie, Rebekha, MP
Porter, Christian, MP
Marles, Richard, MP
Bandt, Adam, MP
statement by the speaker
covid-19: house of representatives procedure
Smith, Tony, MP
federal circuit and family court of australia bill 2019, federal circuit and family court of australia (consequential amendments and transitional provisions) bill 2019
second reading
Dreyfus, Mark, MP
Wallace, Andrew, MP
Templeman, Susan, MP
statements by members
greenway electorate: sikh community
Rowland, Michelle, MP
bennelong electorate: schools
Alexander, John, MP
tasmania: berry industry
Mitchell, Brian, MP
greiner, mrs rita
Allen, Katrina, MP
Watts, Tim, MP
australian bushfires
Andrews, Kevin, MP
mckern, mr gordon, oam
Chesters, Lisa, MP
delphin, ms denise, oam
Archer, Bridget, MP
climate change
Steggall, Zali, MP
moncrieff electorate
Bell, Angie, MP
st mark's catholic primary school, oxley electorate: education
Dick, Milton, MP
arrigo, mr antonio, oam
Broadbent, Russell, MP
Templeman, Susan, MP
keswick island
Christensen, George, MP
Giles, Andrew, MP
perth: korean war memorial
Connelly, Vince, MP
petition: age pension
Butler, Terri, MP
bridging the gap community services
Conaghan, Patrick, MP
ramsey, mr alan graham
Albanese, Anthony, MP
murray-darling basin
Drum, Damian, MP
guilfoyle, hon. dame margaret georgina constance, ac, dbe
Frydenberg, Josh, MP
Albanese, Anthony, MP
reference to federation chamber
Porter, Christian, MP
ministerial arrangements
Porter, Christian, MP
statements on indulgence
australian defence force
Albanese, Anthony, MP
questions without notice
australian bushfires (Templeman, Susan, MP)
covid-19: economy (Flint, Nicolle, MP)
royal commission into national natural disaster arrangements (McBain, Kristy, MP)
covid 19: economy
Morrison, Scott, MP
covid-19: regional australia (Webster, Anne, MP)
pensions and benefits (Albanese, Anthony, MP)
inland rail (Haines, Helen, MP)
distinguished visitors
questions without notice
jobkeeper payment (Broadbent, Russell, MP)
pensions and benefits (Shorten, Bill, MP)
covid-19: trade (Bell, Angie, MP)
pensions and benefits (Shorten, Bill, MP)
covid-19 (Stevens, James, MP)
madgwick, mr jarrad, pensions and benefits (Shorten, Bill, MP)
covid-19: economy (Allen, Katrina, MP)
pensions and benefits (Albanese, Anthony, MP)
homebuilder (Liu, Gladys, MP)
pensions and benefits (Albanese, Anthony, MP)
Porter, Christian, MP
Smith, Tony, MP
Shorten, Bill, MP
Porter, Christian, MP
Smith, Tony, MP
Burke, Tony, MP
Porter, Christian, MP
Smith, Tony, MP
questions without notice
australian natural disasters (Christensen, George, MP)
Porter, Christian, MP
commonwealth ombudsman
Smith, Tony, MP
auditor-general's reports
reports nos 15 to 19 of 2020-21
Smith, Tony, MP
federal circuit and family court of australia bill 2019, federal circuit and family court of australia (consequential amendments and transitional provisions) bill 2019
second reading
Andrews, Kevin (The DEPUTY SPEAKER)
Templeman, Susan, MP
Murphy, Peta, MP
Aly, Anne, MP
Freelander, Mike, MP
Perrett, Graham, MP
Steggall, Zali, MP
Bandt, Adam, MP
Haines, Helen, MP
Kearney, Ged, MP
Albanese, Anthony, MP
Mitchell, Rob, MP
Neumann, Shayne, MP
Burns, Josh, MP
Butler, Terri, MP
Giles, Andrew, MP
Wilson, Josh, MP
Claydon, Sharon, MP
Mitchell, Brian, MP
Coker, Elizabeth, MP
Goodenough, Ian (The DEPUTY SPEAKER)
victorian government
Coker, Elizabeth, MP
federal election
Flint, Nicolle, MP
tasmania: employment
Collins, Julie, MP
Gillespie, David, MP
covid-19: income support payments
Conroy, Pat, MP
curtin electorate: australian defence force
Hammond, Celia, MP
federation chamber
start of business
constituency statements
franklin electorate: tasmanian australian of the year awards
Collins, Julie, MP
ryan electorate: young community leader award
Simmonds, Julian, MP
greenway electorate: blacktown hospital
Rowland, Michelle, MP
curtin electorate: cambridge coastcare
Hammond, Celia, MP
moreton electorate: milpera state high school
Perrett, Graham, MP
guide dogs queensland, kramaric, ms jenny
Howarth, Luke, MP
gilmore electorate: bushfires
Phillips, Fiona, MP
berowra electorate: st john ambulance
Leeser, Julian, MP
kingston electorate: public housing
Rishworth, Amanda, MP
financial services industry
Kelly, Craig, MP
private members' business
australian national audit office
Hill, Julian, MP
Wicks, Lucy, MP
Murphy, Peta, MP
Wilkie, Andrew, MP
covid-19: vaccines
Simmonds, Julian, MP
Vamvakinou, Maria, MP
Wilson, Tim, MP
Burns, Josh, MP
Martin, Fiona, MP
Dick, Milton, MP
Allen, Katrina, MP
national water safety day
Thistlethwaite, Matt, MP
Wallace, Andrew, MP
Phillips, Fiona, MP
Falinski, Jason, MP
McBride, Emma, MP
Conaghan, Patrick, MP
naidoc week
Leeser, Julian, MP
Georganas, Steve, MP
Wilson, Tim, MP
Burns, Josh, MP
Allen, Katrina, MP
Gosling, Luke, MP
asylum seekers
Giles, Andrew, MP
Leeser, Julian, MP
Steggall, Zali, MP
statements by members
workplace relations
Bandt, Adam, MP
new south wales young liberal movement
Zimmerman, Trent, MP
kingsford smith electorate: courage to care
Thistlethwaite, Matt, MP
longman electorate: rural fire service
Young, Terry, MP
la trobe university: modern greek language program
Shorten, Bill, MP
chinese communist party
Wilson, Tim, MP
moore-gilbert, dr kylie
Burns, Josh, MP
esperance royal flying doctor service firewood cutters
Wilson, Rick, MP
oxley electorate: community sporting organisations
Dick, Milton, MP
terrigal rugby union club
Wicks, Lucy, MP
climate change
Leigh, Andrew, MP
mallee electorate: horticulture workforce
Webster, Anne, MP
moreton electorate: queen's scout award
Perrett, Graham, MP
fisher electorate: migration
Wallace, Andrew, MP
Giles, Andrew, MP
bonner electorate: local legends
Vasta, Ross, MP
dolejsi, ms amanda
Smith, David, MP
braddon electorate: montello primary school
Pearce, Gavin, MP
parramatta electorate: domestic and family violence
Owens, Julie, MP
herbert electorate: mental health
Thompson, Phillip, MP
covid-19: northern territory
Gosling, Luke, MP
covid-19: south australia
Stevens, James, MP
bede polding college: food drive
Templeman, Susan, MP
ryan electorate: local business
Simmonds, Julian, MP
corangamite electorate: tivoli drive
Coker, Elizabeth, MP
moore-gilbert, dr kylie
Sharma, Dave, MP
asylum seekers
Wilson, Josh, MP
trade with china
Ramsey, Rowan, MP
roberts, mrs wendy
Phillips, Fiona, MP
williams, aunty eileen
van Manen, Bert, MP
private members' business
Butler, Terri, MP
van Manen, Bert, MP
Freelander, Mike, MP
Conaghan, Patrick, MP
Wilson, Josh, MP
Simmonds, Julian, MP
Templeman, Susan, MP
scouting and guiding movement
Young, Terry, MP
Owens, Julie, MP
Simmonds, Julian, MP
Swanson, Meryl, MP
Connelly, Vince, MP
Mitchell, Brian, MP
Thompson, Phillip, MP
Phillips, Fiona, MP
Flint, Nicolle, MP
Haines, Helen, MP
australian federal integrity commission bill 2020
Haines, Helen, MP
Wilson, Tim, MP
Sharkie, Rebekha, MP
Archer, Bridget, MP
Steggall, Zali, MP
Alexander, John, MP
covid-19: victoria
Webster, Anne, MP
Haines, Helen, MP
Andrews, Kevin, MP
Chesters, Lisa, MP
Liu, Gladys, MP
Burns, Josh, MP
Christensen, George, MP
mahon, hon. hugh
Perrett, Graham, MP
Questioner :
Answer :
Speaker :
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