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start of business
suspension of standing and sessional orders
Albanese, Anthony, MP
Albanese, Anthony, MP
personal explanations
Gray, Gary, MP
aged care (living longer living better) bill 2013, australian aged care quality agency bill 2013, australian aged care quality agency (transitional provisions) bill 2013, aged care (bond security) amendment bill 2013, aged care (bond security) levy amendment bill 2013
second reading
Dutton, Peter, MP
Georganas, Steve, MP
Marino, Nola, MP
Brodtmann, Gai, MP
McCormack, Michael, MP
Markus, Louise, MP
Oakeshott, Robert, MP
aboriginal land rights and other legislation amendment bill 2013, aviation transport security amendment (inbound cargo security enhancement) bill 2013, court security bill 2013, court security (consequential amendments) bill 2013, customs tariff amendment (incorporation of proposals) bill 2013, national measurement amendment bill 2013, veterans' affairs legislation amendment (military compensation review and other measures) bill 2013
reference to federation chamber
Albanese, Anthony, MP
Albanese, Anthony, MP
aged care (living longer living better) bill 2013, australian aged care quality agency bill 2013, australian aged care quality agency (transitional provisions) bill 2013, aged care (bond security) amendment bill 2013
aged care (bond security) levy amendment bill 2013
second reading
Ciobo, Steven, MP
oldmeadow, mr maxwell wilkinson, oam
Burke, Anna, MP
wilson, hon. ian bonython cameron, am
Gillard, Julia, MP
Abbott, Tony, MP
reference to federation chamber
thatcher, baroness margaret
Abbott, Tony, MP
Gillard, Julia, MP
Albanese, Anthony, MP
statement by the speaker
budget and budget reply
Burke, Anna, MP
ministerial arrangements
Gillard, Julia, MP
questions without notice
budget (Abbott, Tony, MP)
budget (O'Neill, Deb, MP)
budget (Abbott, Tony, MP)
education (Melham, Daryl, MP)
budget (Pyne, Christopher, MP)
bruce highway (Slipper, Peter, MP)
workplace relations (Symon, Mike, MP)
budget (Pyne, Christopher, MP)
infrastructure (Gibbons, Steve, MP)
budget (Bishop, Julie, MP)
defence (Champion, Nick, MP)
economy (Truss, Warren, MP)
local government (Rowland, Michelle, MP)
budget (Briggs, Jamie, MP)
tasmanian economy (Adams, Dick, MP)
Albanese, Anthony, MP
auditor-general's reports
reports nos 27 to 34 of 2012-13
Burke, Anna, MP
parliamentary office holders
speaker's panel
Burke, Anna, MP
law making powers of the houses
Burke, Anna, MP
matters of public importance
border protection
Burke, Anna, MP
Morrison, Scott, MP
Clare, Jason, MP
Keenan, Michael, MP
Champion, Nick, MP
Griggs, Natasha, MP
Perrett, Graham, MP
Christensen, George, MP
Simpkins, Luke, MP
offshore petroleum and greenhouse gas storage amendment (compliance measures no. 2) bill 2013
reference to federation chamber
Hayes, Chris, MP
ministerial statements
independent national security legislation monitor annual report 2012, council of australian governments review of counterterrorism legislation
Dreyfus, Mark, MP
Keenan, Michael, MP
maritime powers bill 2013, maritime powers (consequential amendments) bill 2013, agriculture, fisheries and forestry legislation amendment bill (no. 1) 2013, international tax agreements amendment bill 2013, aboriginal and torres strait islander peoples recognition bill 2013, electoral and referendum amendment (improving electoral procedure) bill 2012, national disability insurance scheme bill 2013, appropriation bill (no. 3) 2012-2013, appropriation bill (no. 4) 2012-2013, higher education support amendment (further streamlining and other measures) bill 2013, royal commissions amendment bill 2013, television licence fees amendment bill 2013, electoral and referendum amendment (improving electoral administration) bill 2013, fisheries legislation amendment bill (no. 1) 2013, completion of kakadu national park (koongarra project area repeal) bill 2013, customs amendment (anti-dumping commission) bill 2013, customs amendment (miscellaneous measures) bill 2013, australian capital territory (self-government) amendment bill 2013, broadcasting legislation amendment (convergence review and other measures) bill 2013, export finance and insurance corporation amendment (finance) bill 2013
public accounts and audit committee
Oakeshott, Robert, MP
tax and superannuation laws amendment (2012 measures no. 1) bill 2012
report from committee
Owens, Julie, MP
Ciobo, Steven, MP
referendum (machinery provisions) amendment bill 2013
second reading
Bishop, Bronwyn, MP
Dreyfus, Mark, MP
consideration in detail
Bishop, Bronwyn, MP
Dreyfus, Mark, MP
Bishop, Bronwyn, MP
Dreyfus, Mark, MP
Bishop, Bronwyn, MP
Bishop, Bronwyn, MP
third reading
Dreyfus, Mark, MP
appropriation bill (no. 1) 2013-2014
first reading
second reading
Swan, Wayne, MP
budget documents 2013-14
Swan, Wayne, MP
appropriation bill (no. 2) 2013-2014
first reading
second reading
Bradbury, David, MP
appropriation (parliamentary departments) bill (no. 1) 2013-2014
first reading
second reading
Bradbury, David, MP
ministerial statements
regional australia, continued investment to close the gap, international development assistance program
Bradbury, David, MP
house adjourned at 20:07
questions in writing
sms text based 000 emergency service (question no. 1295) (Fletcher, Paul, MP)
satellite phone subsidy scheme (question no. 1297) (Hartsuyker, Luke, MP)
pharmaceutical benefits scheme (question no. 1332) (Cobb, John, MP)
national broadband network (question no. 1333) (Cobb, John, MP)
telstra exchange: warmambool (question no. 1334) (Fletcher, Paul, MP)
national broadband network (question no. 1335) (Fletcher, Paul, MP)
telecard calling card (question no. 1336) (Fletcher, Paul, MP)
ausaid: overseas development assistance program (question no. 1337) (Gambaro, Teresa, MP)
ausaid (question no. 1338) (Gambaro, Teresa, MP)
disability employment services (question no. 1339) (Fletcher, Paul, MP)
older people and the law: government response (question no. 1344) (Oakeshott, Robert, MP)
financial investments of pensioners (question no. 1346) (Oakeshott, Robert, MP)
financial investments of pensioners (question no. 1347) (Oakeshott, Robert, MP)
financial investment of pensioners (question no. 1348) (Oakeshott, Robert, MP)
deeming rates (question no. 1349) (Oakeshott, Robert, MP)
female labour participation (question no. 1350) (Fletcher, Paul, MP)
national security (question no. 1351) (Robert, Stuart, MP)
israeli settlements on the west bank (question no. 1353) (Bishop, Julie, MP)
aviation: instrument landing system (question no. 1354) (Ciobo, Steven, MP)
quintano, mr luke (question no. 1355) (Oakeshott, Robert, MP)
native title respondent funding program (question no. 1356) (Ramsey, Rowan, MP)
home insulation program (question no. 1361) (Fletcher, Paul, MP)
united nations human rights council (question no. 1364) (Danby, Michael, MP)
macquarie river to orange pipeline project (question no. 1367) (Cobb, John, MP)
budget (question no. 1369) (O'Dwyer, Kelly, MP)
australian citizens overseas (question no. 1373) (Bishop, Julie, MP)
type 1 diabetes: funding (question no. 1374) (Alexander, John, MP)
medical devices (question no. 1377) (Alexander, John, MP)
medical devices (question no. 1379) (Alexander, John, MP)
pharmaceutical benefits advisory council (question no. 1382) (Alexander, John, MP)
pharmaceutical benefits scheme (question no. 1383) (Alexander, John, MP)
pharmaceutical benefits scheme (question no. 1384) (Alexander, John, MP)
pharmaceutical benefits advisory council reviews (question no. 1385) (Alexander, John, MP)
ausaid (question no. 1386) (Gambaro, Teresa, MP)
ausaid (question no. 1387) (Gambaro, Teresa, MP)
ausaid (question no. 1388) (Gambaro, Teresa, MP)
ausaid (question no. 1389) (Gambaro, Teresa, MP)
ausaid (question no. 1390) (Gambaro, Teresa, MP)
child support agency (question no. 1391) (Briggs, Jamie, MP)
child support agency (question no. 1392) (Briggs, Jamie, MP)
child support agency (question no. 1393) (Briggs, Jamie, MP)
child support agency (question no. 1394) (Briggs, Jamie, MP)
child support agency (question no. 1395) (Briggs, Jamie, MP)
457 visa (question no. 1421) (Briggs, Jamie, MP)
subclass 457 visas (question no. 1427) (Briggs, Jamie, MP)
subclass 457 visas (question no. 1428) (Briggs, Jamie, MP)
australian tourism industry (question no. 1455) (Baldwin, Bob, MP)
life saving drugs program (question no. 1470) (Hartsuyker, Luke, MP)
pharmaceutical benefits scheme reviews (question no. 1472) (Alexander, John, MP)
pharmaceutical benefits scheme reviews (question no. 1473) (Alexander, John, MP)
pharmaceutical benefits scheme (question no. 1475) (Alexander, John, MP)
pharmaceutical benefits scheme (question no. 1476) (Alexander, John, MP)
health (question no. 1478) (Alexander, John, MP)
pharmaceutical benefits scheme (question no. 1479) (Alexander, John, MP)
pharmaceutical benefits scheme (question no. 1480) (Alexander, John, MP)
pharmaceutical benefits scheme (question no. 1482) (Alexander, John, MP)
Questioner :
Answer :
Speaker :
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