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start of business
treasury laws amendment (2018 measures no. 2) bill 2019
returned from senate
marine safety (domestic commercial vessel) national law amendment (improving safety) bill 2019
first reading
Chester, Darren, MP
national integrity commission bill 2018 (no. 2)
consideration of senate message
Chester, Darren, MP
Bandt, Adam, MP
Chester, Darren, MP
Smith, Tony, MP
treasury laws amendment (2019 measures no. 3) bill 2019
second reading
Jones, Stephen, MP
Laming, Andrew, MP
Leigh, Andrew, MP
Dick, Milton, MP
Sukkar, Michael, MP
treasury laws amendment (reuniting more superannuation) bill 2020
second reading
Jones, Stephen, MP
van Manen, Bert, MP
Thistlethwaite, Matt, MP
statements by members
levi, mr joshua
Burns, Josh, MP
road safety
O'Brien, Llew, MP
emberson, ms jill
Conroy, Pat, MP
queensland health department: dairy tender, mount cotton: rural fire service
Laming, Andrew, MP
werriwa electorate: infrastructure
Stanley, Anne, MP
robertson electorate: floods
Wicks, Lucy, MP
port milang historic railway museum
Sharkie, Rebekha, MP
climate change
Kelly, Craig, MP
dobell electorate: community centres
McBride, Emma, MP
road safety
Martin, Fiona, MP
workplace relations
Mitchell, Brian, MP
McIntosh, Melissa, MP
coalition government
Jones, Stephen, MP
taylor, mr roger james ernest
McVeigh, John, MP
climate change
Payne, Alicia, MP
cairns men's shed
Entsch, Warren, MP
coalition government
Swanson, Meryl, MP
bennelong electorate: eastwood lunar new year
Alexander, John, MP
Albanese, Anthony, MP
Morrison, Scott, MP
questions without notice
morrison government (Albanese, Anthony, MP)
economy (Pearce, Gavin, MP)
economy (Chalmers, Jim, MP)
regional australia (Webster, Anne, MP)
economy (Chalmers, Jim, MP)
tasmania: bushfires (Wilkie, Andrew, MP)
economy (Young, Terry, MP)
economy (Chalmers, Jim, MP)
energy (Bell, Angie, MP)
distinguished visitors
Smith, Tony, MP
questions without notice
budget (Chalmers, Jim, MP)
agriculture (Conaghan, Patrick, MP)
macquarie electorate: headspace (Templeman, Susan, MP)
economy (Archer, Bridget, MP)
energy (Albanese, Anthony, MP)
economy (Thompson, Phillip, MP)
dairy industry (Fitzgibbon, Joel, MP)
defence industry (Connelly, Vince, MP)
energy (Butler, Mark, MP)
trade (Stevens, James, MP)
Porter, Christian, MP
matters of public importance
aged care
Smith, Tony, MP
Collins, Julie, MP
Hunt, Greg, MP
Kearney, Ged, MP
Howarth, Luke, MP
McBride, Emma, MP
Martin, Fiona, MP
Zappia, Tony, MP
Gillespie, David, MP
Mulino, Daniel, MP
Broadbent, Russell, MP
treasury laws amendment (2019 measures no. 3) bill 2019
second reading
O'Brien, Llew (The DEPUTY SPEAKER)
consideration in detail
Jones, Stephen, MP
Sukkar, Michael, MP
Jones, Stephen, MP
Sukkar, Michael, MP
third reading
Sukkar, Michael, MP
treasury laws amendment (reuniting more superannuation) bill 2020
second reading
Wilson, Tim, MP
Sukkar, Michael, MP
third reading
Sukkar, Michael, MP
australian research council amendment bill 2019
returned from senate
offshore petroleum and greenhouse gas storage amendment (cross-boundary greenhouse gas titles and other measures) bill 2019, offshore petroleum and greenhouse gas storage (regulatory levies) amendment (miscellaneous measures) bill 2019
second reading
Fitzgibbon, Joel, MP
Allen, Katrina, MP
Keogh, Matt, MP
Gee, Andrew, MP
third reading
Gee, Andrew, MP
offshore petroleum and greenhouse gas storage (regulatory levies) amendment (miscellaneous measures) bill 2019
second reading
third reading
Gee, Andrew, MP
treasury laws amendment (your superannuation, your choice) bill 2019
second reading
Jones, Stephen, MP
van Manen, Bert, MP
Thistlethwaite, Matt, MP
Wilson, Tim, MP
Perrett, Graham, MP
Coker, Elizabeth, MP
Bandt, Adam, MP
Sharkie, Rebekha, MP
Gosling, Luke, MP
McVeigh, John (The DEPUTY SPEAKER)
Rishworth, Amanda, MP
great barrier reef
Entsch, Warren, MP
melbourne electorate: community events
Bandt, Adam, MP
address by the president of the republic of indonesia
Sharma, Dave, MP
australian bushfires, community sport infrastructure program
Clare, Jason, MP
boothby electorate: aged care
Flint, Nicolle, MP
federation chamber
start of business
constituency statements
australian capital territory: air quality, climate change: health
Payne, Alicia, MP
Drum, Damian, MP
climate change
Perrett, Graham, MP
petition: horse abattoirs, phelps, mr gordon, new england electorate: australia day awards
Joyce, Barnaby, MP
parramatta electorate: maronite community
Owens, Julie, MP
Kelly, Craig, MP
science, technology, engineering and maths
O'Neil, Clare, MP
australian bushfires
O'Brien, Ted, MP
international day of women and girls in science
O'Connor, Brendan, MP
brisbane electorate: australia day honours
Evans, Trevor, MP
australian bushfires
Collins, Julie, MP
Kelly, Craig, MP
Wilson, Josh, MP
Jones, Stephen, MP
Dick, Milton, MP
Conroy, Pat, MP
Butler, Terri, MP
Jones, Stephen, MP
grievance debate
community sport infrastructure grant program
Haines, Helen, MP
safer internet day
Wallace, Andrew, MP
holt electorate: hampton park secondary college
Byrne, Anthony, MP
townsville: floods
Thompson, Phillip, MP
indigenous australians
Thistlethwaite, Matt, MP
mallee electorate: seasonal workers
Webster, Anne, MP
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