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start of business
fair work amendment (protecting take home pay of all workers) bill 2017
report from committee
Laming, Andrew, MP
Smith, Tony, MP
investigation and prosecution measures bill 2017
second reading
Porter, Christian, MP
third reading
Porter, Christian, MP
treasury laws amendment (junior minerals exploration incentive) bill 2017
second reading
Leigh, Andrew, MP
Clare, Jason, MP
Kelly, Craig, MP
Clare, Jason, MP
Sukkar, Michael, MP
treasury laws amendment (putting consumers first—establishment of the australian financial complaints authority) bill 2017
second reading
O'Dwyer, Kelly, MP
Bowen, Chris, MP
reference to federation chamber
Price, Melissa, MP
great barrier reef marine park amendment (authority governance and other matters) bill 2017
second reading
Frydenberg, Josh, MP
Burke, Tony, MP
statements by members
lunar new year
Owens, Julie, MP
housing affordability
Broadbent, Russell, MP
petition: climate change
Claydon, Sharon, MP
mallee electorate: indigenous affairs
Broad, Andrew, MP
household and personal debt
Dick, Milton, MP
graham, mr matt
Wicks, Lucy, MP
Husar, Emma, MP
lonsdale street greek festival
Banks, Julia, MP
Sharkie, Rebekha, MP
hollands, dr margaret
Chester, Darren, MP
disability services
Brodtmann, Gai, MP
mining industry
Christensen, George, MP
Ryan, Joanne, MP
dunkley electorate: frankston waterfront festival, dunkley electorate: queen's baton relay
Crewther, Chris, MP
wills electorate: strathmore secondary college
Khalil, Peter, MP
leichhardt electorate: chinese lunar new year
Entsch, Warren, MP
apology to australia's indigenous peoples: 10th anniversary
King, Madeleine, MP
roberts, mr bill
O'Brien, Llew, MP
nick xenophon team
Champion, Nick, MP
mackellar electorate: terrey hills public school
Falinski, Jason, MP
distinguished visitors
Smith, Tony, MP
statements on indulgence
apology to australia's indigenous peoples: 10th anniversary
Turnbull, Malcolm, MP
Shorten, Bill, MP
Pyne, Christopher, MP
questions without notice
indigenous affairs (Shorten, Bill, MP)
taxation (Crewther, Chris, MP)
deputy prime minister (Shorten, Bill, MP)
taxation (Howarth, Luke, MP)
ministerial staff (Dreyfus, Mark, MP)
distinguished visitors
Smith, Tony, MP
questions without notice
closing the gap (Katter, Bob, MP)
transport infrastructure (Broad, Andrew, MP)
deputy prime minister (Dreyfus, Mark, MP)
defence industry (Henderson, Sarah, MP)
ministerial staff (Macklin, Jenny, MP)
asylum seekers (Falinski, Jason, MP)
deputy prime minister (Shorten, Bill, MP)
small business (Broadbent, Russell, MP)
infrastructure (Albanese, Anthony, MP)
infrastructure investment program (Flint, Nicolle, MP)
national road toll (Albanese, Anthony, MP)
cashless debit card (Wilson, Rick, MP)
northern australia beef roads program (Snowdon, Warren, MP)
health care (Ramsey, Rowan, MP)
english, mr simon william 'bill' (Marles, Richard, MP)
personal explanations
Sharkie, Rebekha, MP
matters of public importance
health care
Smith, Tony, MP
King, Catherine, MP
Hunt, Greg, MP
Zappia, Tony, MP
Laming, Andrew, MP
Claydon, Sharon, MP
Flint, Nicolle, MP
Freelander, Mike, MP
Ramsey, Rowan, MP
King, Madeleine, MP
Sudmalis, Ann, MP
treasury laws amendment (junior minerals exploration incentive) bill 2017
second reading
Coulton, Mark (The DEPUTY SPEAKER)
third reading
Andrews, Karen, MP
national health amendment (pharmaceutical benefits—budget and other measures) bill 2017, prime minister and cabinet legislation amendment (2017 measures no. 1) bill 2017
returned from senate
social services legislation amendment (cashless debit card) bill 2017
consideration of senate message
Andrews, Karen, MP
parliamentary joint committee on human rights
Goodenough, Ian, MP
great barrier reef marine park amendment (authority governance and other matters) bill 2017
second reading
Burke, Tony, MP
Andrews, Karen, MP
third reading
Andrews, Karen, MP
broadcasting legislation amendment (digital radio) bill 2017
second reading
Fletcher, Paul, MP
Jones, Stephen, MP
reference to federation chamber
Hartsuyker, Luke, MP
Hartsuyker, Luke, MP
appropriation bill (no. 3) 2017-2018, appropriation bill (no. 4) 2017-2018
second reading
Chalmers, Jim, MP
Wood, Jason, MP
Jones, Stephen, MP
Kelly, Craig, MP
Albanese, Anthony, MP
Marino, Nola, MP
Hayes, Chris, MP
Chesters, Lisa, MP
Alexander, John, MP
Smith, Tony, MP
Collins, Julie, MP
national disability insurance scheme
Morton, Ben, MP
Bandt, Adam, MP
stronger communities program
O'Brien, Llew, MP
kiribati: climate change
Conroy, Pat, MP
O'Brien, Ted, MP
federation chamber
start of business
constituency statements
franklin electorate: stronger communities program
Collins, Julie, MP
conquest, mr bryan joseph, mclucas, mr tom, oam, bem, bitcon, mr richard 'dick'
Pitt, Keith, MP
fenner electorate: transport
Leigh, Andrew, MP
cashless debit card
Wilson, Rick, MP
longman electorate: national broadband network
Lamb, Susan, MP
riverland and mallee vocational awards, penola bypass
Pasin, Tony, MP
australia india youth dialogue
Keogh, Matt, MP
western australia: shark conservation
Price, Melissa, MP
parramatta electorate: parramatta female factory precinct
Owens, Julie, MP
flynn electorate: rookwood weir
O'Dowd, Ken, MP
treasury laws amendment (putting consumers first—establishment of the australian financial complaints authority) bill 2017
second reading
Thistlethwaite, Matt, MP
Van Manen, Bert, MP
Bandt, Adam, MP
Hart, Ross, MP
O'Dwyer, Kelly, MP
ministerial statements
closing the gap
Wilson, Tim, MP
Burney, Linda, MP
Wicks, Lucy, MP
Thistlethwaite, Matt, MP
O'Toole, Cathy, MP
grievance debate
cunningham electorate: disability services, cunningham electorate: aged care
Bird, Sharon, MP
Christensen, George, MP
mental health
Wilkie, Andrew, MP
dunkley electorate: infrastructure
Crewther, Chris, MP
national disability insurance scheme
Vamvakinou, Maria, MP
Entsch, Warren, MP
questions in writing
immigration detention (question no. 856) (Sharkie, Rebekha, MP)
Questioner :
Answer :
Speaker :
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