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start of business
Smith, Stephen, MP
criminal code amendment (cluster munitions prohibition) bill 2010
returned from senate
crimes legislation amendment (slavery, slavery-like conditions and people trafficking) bill 2012
report from federation chamber
third reading
Albanese, Anthony, MP
aviation legislation amendment (liability and insurance) bill 2012
first reading
second reading
Albanese, Anthony, MP
human rights committee
Jenkins, Harry, MP
veterans' affairs legislation amendment bill 2012
second reading
Chester, Darren, MP
Baldwin, Bob, MP
Katter, Bob, MP
Snowdon, Warren, MP
third reading
Snowdon, Warren, MP
superannuation legislation amendment (mysuper core provisions) bill 2011
second reading
Brodtmann, Gai, MP
Buchholz, Scott, MP
Leigh, Andrew, MP
O'Neill, Deb, MP
Melham, Daryl, MP
Zappia, Tony, MP
Grierson, Sharon, MP
Shorten, Bill, MP
consideration in detail
Billson, Bruce, MP
Shorten, Bill, MP
Bandt, Adam, MP
Billson, Bruce, MP
Shorten, Bill, MP
Billson, Bruce, MP
third reading
Shorten, Bill, MP
health insurance amendment (extended medicare safety net) bill 2012
returned from senate
greenhouse and energy minimum standards bill 2012, greenhouse and energy minimum standards (registration fees) bill 2012
second reading
Hunt, Greg, MP
Neumann, Shayne, MP
Jensen, Dennis, MP
Cheeseman, Darren, MP
McCormack, Michael, MP
Zappia, Tony, MP
Owens, Julie, MP
Dreyfus, Mark, MP
statements by members
mccaffery, mayor genia
Hockey, Joe, MP
bass electorate: department of human services
Lyons, Geoff, MP
harvey, mr david
Irons, Steve, MP
trans-tasman travel arrangement
Thomson, Kelvin, MP
Simpkins, Luke, MP
women in business
Brodtmann, Gai, MP
forde electorate: boral ormeau quarry
Van Manen, Bert, MP
Leigh, Andrew, MP
ryan electorate: community service
Prentice, Jane, MP
national disability insurance scheme
D'Ath, Yvette, MP
questions without notice
carbon pricing (Abbott, Tony, MP)
economy (Rowland, Michelle, MP)
distinguished visitors
Burke, Anna (The DEPUTY SPEAKER)
questions without notice
economy (Hockey, Joe, MP)
australian defence force (Saffin, Janelle, MP)
electricity prices (Gambaro, Teresa, MP)
renewable energy (Windsor, Tony, MP)
economy (Cheeseman, Darren, MP)
electricity prices (Roy, Wyatt, MP)
health (D'Ath, Yvette, MP)
distinguished visitors
questions without notice
carbon pricing (Stone, Dr Sharman, MP)
families (Hayes, Chris, MP)
distinguished visitors
questions without notice
carbon pricing (Cobb, John, MP)
schools (Owens, Julie, MP)
union funds (Pyne, Christopher, MP)
national broadband network (Brodtmann, Gai, MP)
union funds (Bishop, Julie, MP)
mental health (Mitchell, Rob, MP)
personal explanations
Abbott, Tony, MP
Plibersek, Tanya, MP
Hockey, Joe, MP
Pyne, Christopher, MP
Stone, Dr Sharman, MP
Gambaro, Teresa, MP
statements on indulgence
smith, mr greg
King, Catherine, MP
personal explanations
Hockey, Joe, MP
Robb, Andrew, MP
Cobb, John, MP
questions to the speaker
disruptive conduct (Albanese, Anthony, MP)
Albanese, Anthony, MP
selection committee
Burke, Anna (The DEPUTY SPEAKER)
matters of public importance
cost of living
Burke, Anna (The DEPUTY SPEAKER)
Abbott, Tony, MP
Emerson, Craig, MP
Hockey, Joe, MP
Ripoll, Bernie, MP
Gambaro, Teresa, MP
Mitchell, Rob, MP
Chester, Darren, MP
Zappia, Tony, MP
marriage amendment bill 2012
reference to federation chamber
Dreyfus, Mark, MP
greenhouse and energy minimum standards bill 2012, greenhouse and energy minimum standards (registration fees) bill 2012
second reading
Dreyfus, Mark, MP
consideration in detail
Dreyfus, Mark, MP
third reading
Dreyfus, Mark, MP
greenhouse and energy minimum standards (registration fees) bill 2012
second reading
consideration in detail
Dreyfus, Mark, MP
third reading
Dreyfus, Mark, MP
customs amendment (smuggled tobacco) bill 2012
report from federation chamber
third reading
Ripoll, Bernie, MP
Ripoll, Bernie, MP
statute law revision bill 2012
second reading
Keenan, Michael, MP
Rowland, Michelle, MP
Turnbull, Malcolm, MP
Melham, Daryl, MP
Bird, Sharon, MP
third reading
Bird, Sharon, MP
cybercrime legislation amendment bill 2011
consideration of senate message
Bird, Sharon, MP
international monetary agreements amendment (loans) bill 2012
second reading
Smith, Tony, MP
Georganas, Steve, MP
Neumann, Shayne, MP
Jones, Stephen, MP
Bradbury, David, MP
third reading
Bradbury, David, MP
electoral and referendum amendment (improving electoral procedure) bill 2012
second reading
Bishop, Bronwyn, MP
Leigh, Andrew, MP
Neville, Paul, MP
Melham, Daryl, MP
Burke, Anna (The DEPUTY SPEAKER)
local government super
Fletcher, Paul, MP
employment, queensland economy
Neumann, Shayne, MP
Prentice, Jane, MP
Saffin, Janelle, MP
Stone, Dr Sharman, MP
united nations relief and works agency
Parke, Melissa, MP
treloar, mr john, am
Morrison, Scott, MP
national broadband network
Rowland, Michelle, MP
bruce highway
Christensen, George, MP
film screening
Hayes, Chris, MP
northern territory election
Griggs, Natasha, MP
kite, mrs delcia
Ferguson, Laurie, MP
federation chamber
start of business
constituency statements
carbon pricing
Cobb, John, MP
bielski, ms joan margaret, ao
Plibersek, Tanya, MP
lifeline australia
Alexander, John, MP
deakin electorate: taralye
Symon, Mike, MP
battle of long tan
Markus, Louise, MP
indigenous employment: australian public service
Leigh, Andrew, MP
road infrastructure: roe highway
Jensen, Dennis, MP
corio electorate: railway station
Marles, Richard, MP
swan electorate: roads
Irons, Steve, MP
Danby, Michael, MP
customs amendment (smuggled tobacco) bill 2012
second reading
Keenan, Michael, MP
Georganas, Steve, MP
Tehan, Dan, MP
Zappia, Tony, MP
Entsch, Warren, MP
Livermore, Kirsten, MP
Roxon, Nicola, MP
statements on indulgence
operations of bomber command: 70th anniversary
Markus, Louise, MP
montevideo maru
Garrett, Peter, MP
Forrest, John, MP
Saffin, Janelle, MP
McCormack, Michael, MP
Turnbull, Malcolm, MP
Griffin, Alan, MP
questions in writing
defence (question no. 1061) (Robert, Stuart, MP)
Questioner :
Answer :
Speaker :
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