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start of business
imported food control amendment (country of origin) bill 2017
first reading
second reading
Joyce, Barnaby, MP
treasury laws amendment (banking executive accountability and related measures) bill 2017
first reading
second reading
Morrison, Scott, MP
financial sector legislation amendment (crisis resolution powers and other measures) bill 2017
first reading
second reading
Morrison, Scott, MP
treasury laws amendment (banking measures no. 1) bill 2017
first reading
second reading
Morrison, Scott, MP
treasury laws amendment (junior minerals exploration incentive) bill 2017
first reading
second reading
Sukkar, Michael, MP
fair work laws amendment (proper use of worker benefits) bill 2017
first reading
second reading
Pitt, Keith, MP
public works committee
approval of work
McCormack, Michael, MP
approval of work
McCormack, Michael, MP
approval of work
McCormack, Michael, MP
approval of work
McCormack, Michael, MP
approval of work
McCormack, Michael, MP
publications committee
Christensen, George, MP
crimes legislation amendment (sexual crimes against children and community protection measures) bill 2017
second reading
Husar, Emma, MP
Irons, Steve, MP
Templeman, Susan, MP
Wallace, Andrew, MP
Keenan, Michael, MP
third reading
Keenan, Michael, MP
social services legislation amendment (better targeting student payments) bill 2017
second reading
Macklin, Jenny, MP
O'Toole, Cathy, MP
McBride, Emma, MP
Ryan, Joanne, MP
Perrett, Graham, MP
Husar, Emma, MP
Freelander, Mike, MP
Burney, Linda, MP
Hill, Julian, MP
statements by members
O'Neil, Clare, MP
goods and services tax
Wilson, Rick, MP
oxley electorate: domestic and family violence
Dick, Milton, MP
chisholm, mrs caroline
Banks, Julia, MP
world osteoporosis day
Hart, Ross, MP
la trobe electorate: emerald state emergency service
Wood, Jason, MP
domestic and family violence
Husar, Emma, MP
world osteoporosis day
Zimmerman, Trent, MP
Feeney, David, MP
Alexander, John, MP
mogadishu: attacks
Bandt, Adam, MP
veterans’ health week
Andrews, Kevin, MP
rural other medical practitioners program
Gosling, Luke, MP
petition: vietnam
Wilson, Tim, MP
domestic and family violence
Keogh, Matt, MP
Broad, Andrew, MP
prime minister
Hill, Julian, MP
Broadbent, Russell, MP
car industry
Shorten, Bill, MP
Buchholz, Scott, MP
questions without notice
energy (Shorten, Bill, MP)
energy (Zimmerman, Trent, MP)
energy (Macklin, Jenny, MP)
employment, energy (Falinski, Jason, MP)
energy (Plibersek, Tanya, MP)
seasonal workers incentives trial (Sharkie, Rebekha, MP)
distinguished visitors
Smith, Tony, MP
questions without notice
energy (Kelly, Craig, MP)
energy (Shorten, Bill, MP)
energy (Christensen, George, MP)
distinguished visitors
Smith, Tony, MP
questions without notice
energy (Butler, Mark, MP)
energy (Irons, Steve, MP)
energy (Butler, Mark, MP)
defence industry, energy (Wallace, Andrew, MP)
energy (Butler, Mark, MP)
energy (Ramsey, Rowan, MP)
energy (Butler, Mark, MP)
energy (Landry, Michelle, MP)
government grants (Albanese, Anthony, MP)
energy (O'Dowd, Ken, MP)
broadband (McBride, Emma, MP)
national security (Wood, Jason, MP)
questions to the speaker
questions in writing
Sharkie, Rebekha, MP
auditor-general's reports
report no. 13 of 2017-18
Smith, Tony, MP
Pyne, Christopher, MP
matters of public importance
Smith, Tony, MP
Champion, Nick, MP
Gillespie, David, MP
Rishworth, Amanda, MP
O'Brien, Ted, MP
Butler, Mark, MP
Sudmalis, Ann, MP
Zappia, Tony, MP
Crewther, Chris, MP
Georganas, Steve, MP
Flint, Nicolle, MP
customs amendment (singapore-australia free trade agreement amendment implementation) bill 2017
consideration of senate message
Taylor, Angus, MP
australian grape and wine authority amendment (wine australia) bill 2017
first reading
medicinal cannabis legislation amendment (securing patient access) bill 2017
first reading
customs amendment (anti-dumping measures) bill 2017, treasury laws amendment (2017 measures no. 6) bill 2017, customs tariff amendment (singapore-australia free trade agreement amendment implementation) bill 2017
returned from senate
social services legislation amendment (better targeting student payments) bill 2017
second reading
Keay, Justine, MP
Smith, Tony, MP
walker, mr james, norman, mr peter
Leigh, Andrew, MP
Ramsey, Rowan, MP
mental health
King, Madeleine, MP
first world war armistice
Robert, Stuart, MP
Georganas, Steve, MP
international day of the girl child
Sudmalis, Ann, MP
federation chamber
start of business
constituency statements
blair electorate: disability services
Neumann, Shayne, MP
mitochondrial disease
Keenan, Michael, MP
australian parliament house: school visits
King, Catherine, MP
murray electorate: small business
Drum, Damian, MP
Vamvakinou, Maria, MP
thaler, professor richard: nobel prize in economic sciences
Falinski, Jason, MP
manufacturing industry
O'Toole, Cathy, MP
economy, business
Evans, Trevor, MP
diwali, baha'i faith
Rowland, Michelle, MP
petition: telecommunications
Morrison, Scott, MP
treasury laws amendment (enterprise tax plan no. 2) bill 2017
second reading
Vamvakinou, Maria (The DEPUTY SPEAKER)
Feeney, David, MP
O'Connor, Brendan, MP
Burney, Linda, MP
Husic, Ed, MP
Lamb, Susan, MP
Hill, Julian, MP
Byrne, Anthony, MP
O'Toole, Cathy, MP
petition: climate change
Thistlethwaite, Matt, MP
dunkley electorate: frankston-baxter electrification
Crewther, Chris, MP
federal courts
Dreyfus, Mark, MP
goods and services tax
Hastie, Andrew, MP
national broadband network
Rishworth, Amanda, MP
daniel morcombe foundation, advanced manufacturing growth fund
Henderson, Sarah, MP
Questioner :
Answer :
Speaker :
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