Chapter 1


The Joint Standing Committee on the National Disability Scheme (the committee) was established by resolution of the House of Representatives on 4 July 20191 and by the Senate on 22 July 2019.2 The committee is composed of five members and five senators, and is tasked with reviewing:
The implementation, performance and governance of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS);
The administration and expenditure of the NDIS; and
Such other matters in relation to the NDIS as may be referred to it by either House of Parliament.
The committee is required to present a report to the Parliament on the activities of the committee after 30 June each year, in addition to reporting on any other matters it considers relevant.
The committee is also able to inquire into specific aspects of the scheme. On 6 February 2020, the committee decided to undertake an inquiry into the NDIS Workforce, with particular reference to:
the current size and composition of the NDIS workforce and projections at the full scheme;
challenges in attracting and retaining the NDIS workforce, particularly in regional and remote communities;
the role of Commonwealth Government policy in influencing the remuneration, conditions, working environment (including Workplace Health and Safety), career mobility and training needs of the NDIS workforce;
the role of State, Territory and Commonwealth Governments in providing and implementing a coordinated strategic workforce development plan for the NDIS workforce;
the interaction of NDIS workforce needs with employment in adjacent sectors including health and aged care;
the opportunities available to, and challenges experience by, people with disability currently employed, or wanting to be employed, within the NDIS workforce; and
any other matters.

Conduct of the inquiry

This is the committee’s second and final report in the 46th Parliament for this inquiry. It examines new evidence provided to this inquiry since the tabling of the NDIS Workforce Interim Report (interim report) in December 2020, particularly in relation to the Australian Government’s NDIS National Workforce Plan: 2021–2025 (Workforce Plan), released by the Department of Social Services (DSS) on 10 June 2021.
The committee received a total of 58 submissions, including 6 submissions (in addition to 23 supplementary submissions) which were provided to the inquiry after the interim report was tabled in December 2020. All submissions are listed at Appendix 1 and are available on the committee’s webpage.3
Since the tabling of the interim report in December 2020, the committee held two public hearings:
12 October 2021
14 October 2021
Hearings were conducted via teleconference and videoconference in accordance with arrangements for physical distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic. Transcripts for the hearings, together with answers to questions on notice, are available on the committee’s webpage.4 Witnesses who appeared at the hearings are listed in Appendix 2.

Purpose of this report

This report seeks to examine how adequately the Government’s Workforce Plan, and other relevant initiatives, address the issues canvased in the committee’s interim report. It also considers a number of other matters relating to the NDIS workforce that were raised in the additional evidence.

Structure of the report

The report is divided into eight chapters:
Chapter 1 (this chapter) provides general information about the inquiry.
Chapter 2 provides background on the NDIS and the NDIS workforce.
Chapter 3 discusses the committee’s work and other key updates since the tabling of the NDIS Workforce interim report in December 2020.
Chapter 4 considers the current conditions facing the NDIS workforce and the adequacy of Government strategies to address such issues.
Chapter 5 looks at the issue of thin markets.
Chapter 6 considers employment opportunities for people with disability and evidence regarding the lived experience workforce.
Chapter 7 considers matters regarding education, training and professional development of the NDIS workforce.
Chapter 8 discusses other matters raised in relation to the inquiry, including promoting work in the NDIS, data about the NDIS workforce, workforce planning, and market stewardship.

Note on terminology and references

References to submissions are to individual submissions provided to the committee’s inquiry into NDIS Workforce, unless otherwise indicated. References to Committee Hansard are proof transcripts, unless otherwise indicated.
The committee acknowledges that there are a variety of terms used to reflect the diversity of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures and identities.5 In this report, the term ‘Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ is used, with respect.
The committee also notes that some submitters and witnesses may refer to NDIS participants and other people with disability as ‘clients’ of particular services. This report may use the term ‘client’ when quoting from a submission or a hearing transcript. Otherwise, the report uses the terms ‘participant’, ‘person with disability’ and ‘people with disability’, with respect.


The committee thanks all those who contributed to the inquiry by lodging submissions, providing additional information or expressing their views via correspondence. The committee would also like to thank those who gave their time to attend the committee’s public hearings.
In particular, the committee acknowledges the people with disability, their families and carers who shared their experiences. The testimony of people with lived experience is crucial to identifying issues with the NDIS and improving the operation of the scheme.

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