List of Recommendations

Recommendation 1

The Committee recommends that Austrade increase the priority of collective partnering and cooperation with all levels of government—Commonwealth, state and territory and local. This cooperation should build on the success of the current National Investment Advisory Board and Regional Development Australia Committees processes.

Recommendation 2

The Committee recommends that Austrade investigate the creation of a virtual marketplace for state and territory and local governments to promote investment opportunities and projects for consideration by Austrade and for promotion to foreign investors through its overseas network.

Recommendation 3

The Committee recommends that Austrade further prioritise development and implementation of the digital and data strategies identified as priorities in the 2017 response to their Organisational Capability Assessment, as well as the digital and data strategy and execution roadmap identified in its 2017–18 Annual Report.
The Australian Government should consider allocating appropriate resourcing in forward appropriations to guarantee the development and delivery of these data priorities.

Recommendation 4

The Committee recommends that Austrade develop a performance report detailing target dates and clear performance measurements and indicators for the development and implementation of all current actions and deliverables from responses to its Austrade Strategy 2018–2022, the response to its 2017 Organisational Capability Assessment, the Blueprint Phase One response to its International Network Review, and all other roadmaps, transformation plans and initiatives outlined in its
2017–18 Annual Report and 2018–19 Corporate Plan.

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