Short guide to human rights
The following guide contains short descriptions of human rights
regularly considered by the committee. State parties to the seven principal
human rights treaties are under a binding obligation to respect, protect and
promote each of these rights. For more detailed descriptions please refer to
the committee's Guide to human rights.[1]
Some human rights obligations are absolute under international law, that
is, a state cannot lawfully limit the enjoyment of an absolute right in any
circumstances. The prohibition on slavery is an example. However, in relation
to most human rights, a necessary and proportionate limitation on the enjoyment
of a right may be justified under international law. For further information
regarding when limitations on rights are permissible, please refer to the
committee's Guidance Note 1 (see Appendix 4).[2]
Right to life
Article 6
of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR); and
article 1 of the Second Optional Protocol to the ICCPR
The right to life has three core elements:
it prohibits the state from arbitrarily killing a person;
it imposes an obligation on the state to protect people from
being killed by others or identified risks; and
it imposes on the state a duty to undertake an effective and
proper investigation into all deaths where the state is involved (discussed
below, [1.5]).
Australia is also prohibited from imposing the death penalty.
Duty to investigate
Articles 2 and 6 of the ICCPR
The right to life requires there to be an effective official
investigation into deaths resulting from state use of force and where the state
has failed to protect life. Such an investigation must:
be brought by the state in good faith and on its own initiative;
be carried out promptly;
be independent and impartial; and
involve the family of the deceased, and allow the family access
to all information relevant to the investigation.
Prohibition against torture, cruel, inhuman or
degrading treatment
Article 7 of the ICCPR; and the Convention
against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CAT)
The prohibition against torture, cruel, inhuman or degrading
treatment or punishment is absolute. This means that torture or cruel, inhuman
or degrading treatment or punishment is not permissible under any
The prohibition contains a number of elements:
it prohibits the state from subjecting a person to torture or
cruel, inhuman or degrading practices, particularly in places of detention;
it precludes the use of evidence obtained through torture;
it prevents the deportation or extradition of a person to a place
where there is a substantial risk they will be tortured or treated inhumanely
(see also non-refoulement obligations, [1.9] to [1.11]); and
it requires an effective investigation into any allegations of
such treatment and steps to prevent such treatment occurring.
The aim of the prohibition against torture, cruel, inhuman or degrading
treatment is to protect the dignity of the person and relates not only to acts
causing physical pain but also acts causing mental suffering. The prohibition is
also an aspect of the right to humane treatment in detention (see below, [1.18]).
Non-refoulement obligations
Article 3 of the CAT; articles 2, 6(1)
and 7 of the ICCPR; and Second Optional Protocol to the ICCPR
Non-refoulement obligations are absolute and may not be subject to
any limitations.
Australia has non-refoulement obligations under both the ICCPR and the
CAT, as well as under the Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees and its
Protocol (Refugee Convention). This means that Australia must
not under any circumstances return a person (including a person who is not a
refugee) to a country where there is a real risk that they would face
persecution, torture or other serious forms of harm, such as the death penalty;
arbitrary deprivation of life; or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or
Effective and impartial review by a court or tribunal of decisions to
deport or remove a person, including merits review in the Australian context, is
integral to complying with non-refoulement obligations.
Prohibition against slavery and forced labour
Article 8 of the ICCPR
The prohibition against slavery, servitude and forced labour is a
fundamental and absolute human right. This means that slavery and forced labour
are not permissible under any circumstances.
The prohibition on slavery and servitude is a prohibition on 'owning'
another person or exploiting or dominating another person and subjecting them
to 'slavery‑like' conditions.
The right to be free from forced or compulsory labour prohibits
requiring a person to undertake work that they have not voluntarily consented
to, but which they do because of either physical or psychological threats. The
prohibition does not include lawful work required of prisoners or those in the
military; work required during an emergency; or work or service that is a part
of normal civic obligations (for example, jury service).
The state must not subject anyone to slavery or forced labour, and
ensure adequate laws and measures are in place to prevent individuals or
companies from subjecting people to such treatment (for example, laws and
measures to prevent trafficking).
Right to liberty and security of the person
Article 9 of the ICCPR
Right to liberty
The right to liberty of the person is a
procedural guarantee not to be arbitrarily and unlawfully deprived of liberty. It
applies to all forms of deprivation of liberty, including detention in
criminal cases, immigration detention, forced detention in hospital, detention
for military discipline and detention to control the spread of contagious
diseases. Core
elements of this right are:
the prohibition against arbitrary detention, which requires that
detention must be lawful, reasonable, necessary and proportionate in all the
circumstances, and be subject to regular review;
the right to reasons for arrest or other deprivation of liberty,
and to be informed of criminal charge;
the rights of people detained on a criminal charge, including
being promptly brought before a judicial officer to decide if they should
continue to be detained, and being tried within a reasonable time or otherwise
released (these rights are linked to criminal process rights, discussed below);
the right to challenge the lawfulness of any form of detention in
a court that has the power to order the release of the person, including a
right to have access to legal representation, and to be informed of that right
in order to effectively challenge the detention; and
the right to compensation for unlawful arrest or detention.
Right to security of the person
The right to security of the person requires the state to take steps to
protect people from others interfering with their personal integrity. This
includes protecting people who may be subject to violence, death threats,
assassination attempts, harassment and intimidation (for example, protecting
people from domestic violence).
Right to humane treatment in detention
10 of the ICCPR
The right to humane treatment in detention provides that all people
deprived of their liberty, in any form of state detention, must be treated with
humanity and dignity. The right complements the prohibition on torture and
cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment (see above, [1.6] to [1.8]).
The obligations on the state include:
a prohibition on subjecting a person in detention to inhumane
treatment (for example, lengthy solitary confinement or unreasonable
restrictions on contact with family and friends);
monitoring and supervision of places of detention to ensure
detainees are treated appropriately;
instruction and training for officers with authority over people
deprived of their liberty;
complaint and review mechanisms for people deprived of their
liberty; and
adequate medical facilities and health care for people deprived
of their liberty, particularly people with disability and pregnant women.
Freedom of movement
Article 12 of the ICCPR
The right to freedom of movement provides that:
people lawfully within any country have the right to move freely
within that country;
people have the right to leave any country, including the right
to obtain travel documents without unreasonable delay; and
no one can be arbitrarily denied the right to enter or remain in
his or her own country.
Right to a fair trial and fair hearing
Articles 14(1) (fair trial and
fair hearing), 14(2) (presumption of innocence) and 14(3)‑(7) (minimum
guarantees) of the ICCPR
The right to a fair hearing is a fundamental part of the rule of law,
procedural fairness and the proper administration of justice. The right
provides that all persons are:
equal before courts and tribunals; and
entitled to a fair and public hearing before an independent and
impartial court or tribunal established by law.
The right to a fair hearing applies in both criminal and civil
proceedings, including whenever rights and obligations are to be determined.
of innocence
Article 14(2) of the ICCPR
This specific guarantee protects
the right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty of a criminal offence
according to law. Generally, consistency with the presumption of innocence
requires the prosecution to prove each element of a criminal offence beyond
reasonable doubt (the committee's Guidance Note 2 provides further
information on offence provisions (see Appendix 4)).
Minimum guarantees in criminal
Article 14(2)-(7) of the ICCPR
These specific guarantees apply when a person has been charged with a
criminal offence or are otherwise subject to a penalty which may be considered
criminal, and include:
the presumption of innocence (see above, [1.22]);
the right not to incriminate oneself (the ill-treatment of a
person to obtain a confession may also breach the prohibition on torture,
cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment (see above, [1.6] to [1.8]);
the right not to be tried or punished twice (double jeopardy);
the right to appeal a conviction or sentence and the right to
compensation for wrongful conviction; and
other specific guarantees, including the right to be promptly informed
of any charge, to have adequate time and facilities to prepare a defence, to be
tried in person without undue delay, to examine witnesses, to choose and meet
with a lawyer and to have access to effective legal aid.
Prohibition against retrospective criminal laws
15 of the ICCPR
The prohibition against retrospective criminal laws provides that:
no-one can be found guilty of a crime that was not a crime under
the law at the time the act was committed;
anyone found guilty of a criminal offence cannot be given a
heavier penalty than one that applied at the time the offence was committed;
if, after an offence is committed, a lighter penalty is
introduced into the law, the lighter penalty should apply to the offender. This
includes a right to benefit from the retrospective decriminalisation of an offence
(if the person is yet to be penalised).
The prohibition against retrospective criminal laws does not apply to
conduct which, at the time it was committed, was recognised under international
law as being criminal even if it was not a crime under Australian law (for
example, genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity).
Right to privacy
Article 17 of the ICCPR
The right to privacy prohibits unlawful or arbitrary interference with a
person's private, family, home life or correspondence. It requires the state:
not to arbitrarily or unlawfully invade a person's privacy; and
to adopt legislative and other measures to protect people from
arbitrary interference with their privacy by others (including corporations).
The right to privacy contains the following elements:
respect for private life, including information privacy (for
example, respect for private and confidential information and the right to
control the storing, use and sharing of personal information);
the right to personal autonomy and physical and psychological
integrity, including respect for reproductive autonomy and autonomy over one's
own body (for example, in relation to medical testing);
the right to respect for individual sexuality (prohibiting
regulation of private consensual adult sexual activity);
the prohibition on unlawful and arbitrary state surveillance;
respect for the home (prohibiting arbitrary interference with
a person's home and workplace including by unlawful surveillance, unlawful
entry or arbitrary evictions);
respect for family life (prohibiting interference with
personal family relationships);
respect for correspondence (prohibiting
arbitrary interception or censoring of a person's mail, email and web access),
including respect for professional duties of confidentiality; and
the right to reputation.
Right to protection of the family
Articles 17 and 23 of the ICCPR;
and article 10 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural
Rights (ICESCR)
Under human rights law the family is recognised as the natural and
fundamental group unit of society and is therefore entitled to protection. The
right requires the state:
not to arbitrarily or unlawfully interfere in family life; and
to adopt measures to protect the family, including by funding or
supporting bodies that protect the family.
The right also encompasses:
the right to marry (with full and free consent) and found a
the right to equality in marriage (for example, laws protecting
spouses equally) and protection of any children on divorce;
protection for new mothers, including maternity leave; and
family unification.
Right to freedom of thought and religion
Article 18 of the ICCPR
The right to hold a religious or other belief or opinion is absolute
and may not be subject to any limitations.
However, the right to exercise one's belief may be subject to
limitations given its potential impact on others.
The right to freedom of thought,
conscience and religion includes:
the freedom to choose and change religion or belief;
the freedom to exercise religion or belief publicly or privately,
alone or with others (including through wearing religious dress);
the freedom to exercise religion or belief in worship, teaching,
practice and observance; and
the right to have no religion and to have non-religious beliefs
protected (for example, philosophical beliefs such as pacifism or veganism).
The right to freedom of thought and religion also includes the right of
a person not to be coerced in any way that might impair their ability to have
or adopt a religion or belief of their own choice. The right to freedom of
religion prohibits the state from impairing, through legislative or other
measures, a person's freedom of religion; and requires it to take steps to
prevent others from coercing persons into following a particular religion or
changing their religion.
Right to freedom of opinion and expression
Articles 19 and 20 of the ICCPR;
and article 21 of the Convention
on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD)
The right to freedom of opinion is the right to hold opinions without
interference. This right is absolute and may not be subject to any limitations.
The right to freedom of expression relates to the communication of
information or ideas through any medium, including written and oral
communications, the media, public protest, broadcasting, artistic works and
commercial advertising. It may be subject to permissible limitations.
Right to freedom of assembly
Article 21 of the ICCPR
The right to peaceful assembly is the right of people to gather as a
group for a specific purpose. The right prevents the state from imposing
unreasonable and disproportionate restrictions on assemblies, including:
unreasonable requirements for advance notification of a peaceful
demonstration (although reasonable prior notification requirements are likely
to be permissible);
preventing a peaceful demonstration from going ahead or
preventing people from joining a peaceful demonstration;
stopping or disrupting a peaceful demonstration;
punishing people for their involvement in a peaceful
demonstration or storing personal information on a person simply because of
their involvement in a peaceful demonstration; and
failing to protect participants in a peaceful demonstration from
disruption by others.
Right to freedom of association
Article 22 of the ICCPR; and
article 8 of the ICESCR
The right to freedom of association with others is the right to join
with others in a group to pursue common interests. This includes the right to
join political parties, trade unions, professional and sporting clubs and
non-governmental organisations.
The right prevents the state from imposing unreasonable and
disproportionate restrictions on the right to form associations and trade
unions, including:
preventing people from forming or joining an association;
imposing procedures for the formal recognition of associations
that effectively prevent or discourage people from forming an association;
punishing people for their membership of a group; and
protecting the right to strike and collectively bargain.
Limitations on the right are not permissible if they are inconsistent
with the guarantees of freedom of association and the right to organise as contained
in the International Labour Organisation Convention of 1948 concerning Freedom
of Association and Protection of the Right to Organize (ILO Convention No. 87).
Right to take part in public affairs
Article 25 of the ICCPR
The right to take part in public
affairs includes guarantees of the right of Australian citizens to stand
for public office, to vote in elections and to have access to positions in
public service. Given the importance of free speech and protest to the conduct
of public affairs in a free and open democracy, the realisation of the right to
take part in public affairs depends on the protection of
other key rights, such as freedom of expression, association and assembly.
The right to take part in public affairs is an essential part of
democratic government that is accountable to the people. It applies to all
levels of government, including local government.
Right to equality and non-discrimination
Articles 2, 3 and 26 of the ICCPR;
articles 2 and 3 of the ICESCR; International Convention on the Elimination of
All Forms of Racial Discrimination (CERD); Convention on the Elimination
of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW); CRPD; and article
2 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC)
The right to equality and non-discrimination is a fundamental human
right that is essential to the protection and respect of all human rights. The
human rights treaties provide that everyone is entitled to enjoy their rights
without discrimination of any kind, and that all people are equal before the
law and entitled to the equal and non-discriminatory protection of the law.
'Discrimination' under the ICCPR encompasses both measures that have a
discriminatory intent (direct discrimination) and measures which have a
discriminatory effect on the enjoyment of rights (indirect discrimination).[3]
The UN Human Rights Committee has explained indirect discrimination as 'a rule
or measure that is neutral on its face or without intent to discriminate',
which exclusively or disproportionately affects people with a particular
personal attribute.[4]
The right to equality and non-discrimination requires that the state:
ensure all laws are non-discriminatory and are enforced in a non‑discriminatory
ensure all laws are applied in a non-discriminatory and
non-arbitrary manner (equality before the law);
have laws and measures in place to ensure that people are not
subjected to discrimination by others (for example, in areas such as
employment, education and the provision of goods and services); and
take non-legal measures to tackle discrimination, including
through education.
Rights of the child
Children have special rights under human rights law taking into account
their particular vulnerabilities. Children's rights are protected under a
number of treaties, particularly the CRC. All children under the age of 18
years are guaranteed these rights, which include:
the right to develop to the fullest;
the right to protection from harmful influences, abuse and
family rights; and
the right to access health care, education and services that meet
their needs.
Obligation to consider the best
interests of the child
Articles 3 and 10 of the CRC
Under the CRC, states are required to ensure that, in all actions
concerning children, the best interests of the child are a primary
consideration. This requires active measures to protect children's rights and
promote their survival, growth and wellbeing, as well as measures to support
and assist parents and others who have day-to-day responsibility for ensuring
recognition of children's rights. It requires legislative, administrative and
judicial bodies and institutions to systematically consider how children's
rights and interests are or will be affected directly or indirectly by their
decisions and actions.
Australia is required to treat applications by minors for family
reunification in a positive, humane and expeditious manner. This obligation is
consistent with articles 17 and 23 of the ICCPR, which prohibit interference
with the family and require family unity to be protected by society and the
state (see above, [1.29]).
Right of the child to be heard in judicial
and administrative proceedings
Article 12 of the CRC
The right of the child to be heard in judicial and administrative
proceedings provides that states assure to a child capable of forming his or
her own views the right to express those views freely in all matters affecting
them. The views of the child must be given due weight in accordance with their
age and maturity.
In particular, this right requires that the child is provided the
opportunity to be heard in any judicial and administrative proceedings
affecting them, either directly or through a representative or an appropriate
Right to nationality
Articles 7 and 8 of the CRC;
and article 24(3) of the ICCPR
The right to nationality provides that every child has the right to
acquire a nationality. Accordingly, Australia is required to adopt measures,
both internally and in cooperation with other countries, to ensure that every
child has a nationality when born. The CRC also provides that children have the
right to preserve their identity, including their nationality, without unlawful
This is consistent with Australia's obligations under the Convention on
the Reduction of Statelessness 1961, which requires Australia to grant its
nationality to a person born in its territory who would otherwise be stateless,
and not to deprive a person of their nationality if it would render the person
Right to self-determination
Article 1 of the ICESCR; and
article 1 of the ICCPR
The right to self-determination includes the entitlement of peoples to
have control over their destiny and to be treated respectfully. The right is
generally understood as accruing to 'peoples', and includes peoples being free
to pursue their economic, social and cultural development. There are two
aspects of the meaning of self-determination under international law:
that the people of a country have the right not to be subjected
to external domination and exploitation and have the right to determine their own
political status (most commonly seen in relation to colonised states); and
that groups within a country, such as those with a common racial
or cultural identity, particularly Indigenous people, have the right to a level
of internal self-determination.
Accordingly, it is important that individuals and groups,
particularly Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, should be consulted
about decisions likely to affect them. This includes ensuring that they have
the opportunity to participate in the making of such decisions through the
processes of democratic government, and are able to exercise meaningful control
over their affairs.
Rights to and at work
Articles 6(1), 7 and 8 of the
Right to work
The right to work is the right of all people to have the opportunity to
gain their living through decent work they freely choose, allowing them to live
in dignity. It provides:
that everyone must be able to freely accept or choose their work,
including that a person must not be forced in any way to engage in employment;
a right not to be unfairly deprived of work, including minimum
due process rights if employment is to be terminated; and
that there is a system of protection guaranteeing access to
Right to just and favourable
conditions of work
The right to just and favourable conditions of work provides that
all workers have the right to just and favourable conditions of work,
particularly adequate and fair remuneration, safe working conditions, and the
right to join trade unions.
Right to social security
Article 9 of the ICESCR
The right to social security recognises the importance of adequate
social benefits in reducing the effects of poverty and plays an important role
in realising many other economic, social and cultural rights, in particular the
right to an adequate standard of living and the right to health.
Access to social security is required when a person lacks access to
other income and is left with insufficient means to access health care and
support themselves and their dependents. Enjoyment of the right requires that
sustainable social support schemes are:
available to people in need;
adequate to support an adequate standard of living and health
accessible (providing universal coverage without discrimination;
and qualifying and withdrawal conditions that are lawful, reasonable,
proportionate and transparent); and
affordable (where contributions are required).
Right to an adequate standard of living
Article 11 of the ICESCR
The right to an adequate standard of living requires that the state take
steps to ensure the availability, adequacy and accessibility of food, clothing,
water and housing for all people in its jurisdiction.
Right to health
Article 12 of the ICESCR
The right to health is the right to enjoy the highest attainable
standard of physical and mental health. It is a right to have access to
adequate health care (including reproductive and sexual healthcare) as well as
to live in conditions that promote a healthy life (such as access to safe
drinking water, housing, food and a healthy environment).
Right to education
Articles 13 and 14 of the ICESCR;
and article 28 of the CRC
This right recognises the right
of everyone to education. It recognises that education must be directed to the
full development of the human personality and sense of dignity, and to strengthening
respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. It
requires that primary education shall be compulsorily and freely available to
all; and the progressive introduction of free secondary and higher education.
Right to culture
Article 15 of the ICESCR; and
article 27 of the ICCPR
The right to culture provides that all people have the right to benefit
from and take part in cultural life. The right also includes the right of everyone to benefit from scientific progress;
and protection of the moral and material interests of the authors of
scientific, literary or artistic productions.
Individuals belonging to minority groups have additional protections to
enjoy their own culture, religion and language. The right applies to people who
belong to minority groups in a state sharing a common culture, religion and/or
Right to an effective remedy
Article 2 of the ICCPR
The right to an effective remedy requires states to ensure access to an
effective remedy for violations of human rights. States are required to
establish appropriate judicial and administrative mechanisms for addressing
claims of human rights violations under domestic law. Where public officials
have committed violations of rights, states may not relieve perpetrators from
personal responsibility through amnesties or legal immunities and indemnities.
States are required to make reparation to individuals whose
rights have been violated. Reparation can involve restitution, rehabilitation
and measures of satisfaction—such as public apologies, public memorials,
guarantees of non‑repetition and changes in relevant laws and
practices—as well as bringing to justice the perpetrators of human rights
violations. Effective remedies should be appropriately adapted to take account
of the special vulnerability of certain categories of persons including, and
particularly, children.
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