House of Representatives Committee Reports

Committee Reports of the 40th Parliament

Title: Difficult Choices: Inquiry into the role of the National Capital Authority in determining the extent of redevelopment of the Pierces Creek Settlement in the ACT
Committee Name: Joint Standing Committee on the National Capital and External Territories
Parl Paper Number: 236/04
Date Tabled: 31/08/2004
Date of Government Response: 15/09/2005 View Here.
Responded in time Specified: No
Title: Review of the Reserve Bank of Australia Annual Report 2003
Committee Name: Standing Committee on Economics, Finance and Public Administration
Parl Paper Number: 219/2004
Date Tabled: 13/08/2004
Date of Government Response: 10/05/2005 View Here.
Responded in time Specified: No
Title: Report 402: Review of Auditor-General's Reports, 2003-2004, First and Second Quarters
Committee Name: Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit
Parl Paper Number: 218/2004
Date Tabled: 12/08/2004
Date of Government Response: 09/02/2005
Responded in time Specified: No
Title: Report 401: Annual Report 2003-2004
Committee Name: Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit
Parl Paper Number: 195/2004
Date Tabled: 11/08/2004
Date of Government Response:
Responded in time Specified: Not Relevant
Title: Mid-life upgrade of existing Chancery building for the Australian High Commission, Wellington, New Zealand
Committee Name: Joint Standing Committee on Public Works
Parl Paper Number: 193/04
Date Tabled: 11/08/2004
Date of Government Response:
Responded in time Specified:
Title: Provision of Facilities for Headquarters Joint Operations Command, NSW
Committee Name: Joint Standing Committee on Public Works
Parl Paper Number: 194/04
Date Tabled: 11/08/2004
Date of Government Response:
Responded in time Specified:
Title: Report 122: Review of the Defence Annual Report 2002-03
Committee Name: Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade
Parl Paper Number: 418/04
Date Tabled: 11/08/2004
Date of Government Response: 16/06/2005 View Here.
Responded in time Specified: No
Title: Inquiry into crime in the community: victims, offenders, and fear of crime
Committee Name: Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs
Parl Paper Number: 215/2004
Date Tabled: 11/08/2004
Date of Government Response: 12/06/2007 View Here.
Responded in time Specified: No
Title: Media coverage of House proceedings: Including the Chamber, Main Committee and committees – Interim Report
Committee Name: Standing Committee on Procedure
Parl Paper Number:
Date Tabled: 09/08/2004
Date of Government Response:
Responded in time Specified: Not Relevant
Title: Report 121: Australia's engagement with the World Trade Organisation
Committee Name: Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade
Parl Paper Number: 187/2004
Date Tabled: 09/08/2004
Date of Government Response: 16/02/2006 View Here.
Responded in time Specified: No
Title: Report 120: Watching Brief on the War on Terrorism
Committee Name: Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade
Parl Paper Number: 170/2004
Date Tabled: 09/08/2004
Date of Government Response: 02/12/2004 View Here.
Responded in time Specified: No
Title: A national capital, a place to live: Inquiry into the Role of the National Capital Authority
Committee Name: Joint Standing Committee on the National Capital and External Territories
Parl Paper Number: 188/2004
Date Tabled: 09/08/2004
Date of Government Response: 26/05/2005 View Here.
Responded in time Specified: No
Title: Norfolk Island - Review of the Annual Reports of the Department of Transport and Regional Services and the Department of the Environment and Heritage (Australia's external territories)
Committee Name: Joint Standing Committee on the National Capital and External Territories
Parl Paper Number: 189/2004
Date Tabled: 09/08/2004
Date of Government Response: 23/06/2005
Responded in time Specified: No
Title: Indian Ocean Territories- Review of the Annual Reports of the Department of Transport and Regional Services and the Department of the Environment and Heritage (Australia's external territories)
Committee Name: Joint Standing Committee on the National Capital and External Territories
Parl Paper Number: 189/2004
Date Tabled: 09/08/2004
Date of Government Response: 18/08/2005 View Here.
Responded in time Specified: No
Title: Report 62: Treaties tabled on 30 March 2004
Committee Name: Joint Standing Committee on Treaties
Parl Paper Number: 185/2004
Date Tabled: 05/08/2004
Date of Government Response:
Responded in time Specified: Not Relevant
Title: Corporate Insolvency Laws: a Stocktake
Committee Name: Parliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations & Financial Services
Parl Paper Number: 178/2004
Date Tabled: 03/08/2004
Date of Government Response: 13/10/2005 View Here.
Responded in time Specified: No
Title: Bankruptcy Legislation Amendment (Anti-Avoidance and Other Measures) Bill 2004
Committee Name: Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs
Parl Paper Number: 190/2004
Date Tabled: 23/07/2004
Date of Government Response: 04/08/2005 View Here.
Responded in time Specified: No
Title: Train Illumination: Inquiry into some measures proposed to improve train visibility and reduce level crossing accidents
Committee Name: Standing Committee on Transport and Regional Services
Parl Paper Number: 169/2004
Date Tabled: 24/06/2004
Date of Government Response: 07/12/2005 View Here.
Responded in time Specified: No
Title: Australian Crime Commission’s response to trafficking in women for sexual servitude
Committee Name: Joint Statutory Committee on the Australian Crime Commission
Parl Paper Number: 136/2004
Date Tabled: 24/06/2004
Date of Government Response:
Responded in time Specified: No
Title: Examination of Annual Reports 2002-2003
Committee Name: Joint Committee on Native Title and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Land Fund
Parl Paper Number: 137/2004
Date Tabled: 24/06/2004
Date of Government Response:
Responded in time Specified: Not Relevant
Title: Report 119: Inquiry into Human Rights and Good Governance Education in the Asia Pacific Region
Committee Name: Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade
Parl Paper Number: 168/2004
Date Tabled: 24/06/2004
Date of Government Response: 15/09/2005 View Here.
Responded in time Specified: No
Title: Report 400: Review of Aviation Security in Australia
Committee Name: Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit
Parl Paper Number: 167/2004
Date Tabled: 24/06/2004
Date of Government Response: 09/02/2005
Responded in time Specified:
Title: Report 61: Australia - United States, Free Trade Agreement
Committee Name: Joint Standing Committee on Treaties
Parl Paper Number: 161/2004
Date Tabled: 23/06/2004
Date of Government Response:
Responded in time Specified: No
Title: Report 118: Report of the Parliamentary Delegation to the Gulf States 1-23 April 2004
Committee Name: Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade
Parl Paper Number: 158/2004
Date Tabled: 21/06/2004
Date of Government Response: 09/12/2005
Responded in time Specified: Not Relevant
Title: Report 117: Australia's Maritime Strategy
Committee Name: Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade
Parl Paper Number: 154/2004
Date Tabled: 21/06/2004
Date of Government Response: 25/05/2006 View Here.
Responded in time Specified: No
Title: Ship Salvage: Inquiry into Maritime Salvage in Australian Waters
Committee Name: Standing Committee on Transport and Regional Services
Parl Paper Number: 150/2004
Date Tabled: 21/06/2004
Date of Government Response: 21/03/2007 View Here.
Responded in time Specified: No
Title: National Road Safety - Eyes on the road ahead: Inquiry into National Road Safety
Committee Name: Standing Committee on Transport and Regional Services
Parl Paper Number: 149/2004
Date Tabled: 21/06/2004
Date of Government Response: 07/12/2005 View Here.
Responded in time Specified: No
Title: Science overcoming salinity: Coordinating and extending the science to address the nation's salinity problem: Report of the inquiry into the coordination of the science to combat the nation's salinity problem
Committee Name: Standing Committee on Science and Innovation
Parl Paper Number: 148/2004
Date Tabled: 21/06/2004
Date of Government Response: 06/12/2005 View Here.
Responded in time Specified: No
Title: Arrangements for joint meetings with the Senate
Committee Name: Standing Committee on Procedure
Parl Paper Number: 151/2004
Date Tabled: 21/06/2004
Date of Government Response:
Responded in time Specified:
Title: Review of the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission Annual Report 2003
Committee Name: Standing Committee on Economics, Finance and Public Administration
Parl Paper Number: 153/2004
Date Tabled: 21/06/2004
Date of Government Response:
Responded in time Specified: No
Title: Many Ways Forward: Report of the inquiry into capacity building and service delivery in Indigenous communities
Committee Name: Standing Committee on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs
Parl Paper Number: 157/2004
Date Tabled: 21/06/2004
Date of Government Response: 01/11/2006 View Here.
Responded in time Specified: No
Title: Getting Water Right(s) – The future of rural Australia: Inquiry into future water supplies for Australia's rural industries and communities
Committee Name: Standing Committee on Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
Parl Paper Number: 152/2004
Date Tabled: 21/06/2004
Date of Government Response:
Responded in time Specified: No
Title: From Reel to Unreal: Future opportunities for Australia's film, animation, special effects and electronic games industries
Committee Name: Standing Committee on Communications, Information Technology and the Arts
Parl Paper Number: 155/2004
Date Tabled: 21/06/2004
Date of Government Response: 23/06/2005 View Here.
Responded in time Specified: No
Title: Review of the Special Broadcasting Service Annual Report 2002-03
Committee Name: Standing Committee on Communications, Information Technology and the Arts
Parl Paper Number: 156/2004
Date Tabled: 21/06/2004
Date of Government Response:
Responded in time Specified: Not Relevant
Title: Report 60: Treaties tabled on 2 March 2004
Committee Name: Joint Standing Committee on Treaties
Parl Paper Number: 145/2004
Date Tabled: 16/06/2004
Date of Government Response: 02/12/2004 View Here.
Responded in time Specified: No
Title: Annual Report of Committee Activities 2002-03
Committee Name: Joint Committee on ASIO, ASIS and DSD
Parl Paper Number: 143/2004
Date Tabled: 16/06/2004
Date of Government Response:
Responded in time Specified: Not Relevant
Title: Review of listing of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) as a Terrorist Organisation under the Criminal Code Amendment Act 2004
Committee Name: Joint Committee on ASIO, ASIS and DSD
Parl Paper Number: 144/2004
Date Tabled: 16/06/2004
Date of Government Response:
Responded in time Specified: Not Relevant
Title: CLERP (Audit Reform and Corporate Disclosure) Bill 2003: PART 2: Financial reporting and audit reform
Committee Name: Parliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations & Financial Services
Parl Paper Number: 123/2004
Date Tabled: 15/06/2004
Date of Government Response: 10/03/2005
Responded in time Specified: No
Title: CLERP (Audit Reform and Corporate Disclosure) Bill 2003: PART 1: Enforcement, executive remuneration, continuous disclosure, shareholder participation and relation matters
Committee Name: Parliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations & Financial Services
Parl Paper Number: 122/2004
Date Tabled: 04/06/2004
Date of Government Response: 10/03/2005
Responded in time Specified: No
Title: Renaming the Main Committee
Committee Name: Standing Committee on Procedure
Parl Paper Number: 118/2004
Date Tabled: 03/06/2004
Date of Government Response:
Responded in time Specified:
Title: Corporations Amendment Regulations 7.1.29A, 7.1.35A and 7.1.40(h)
Committee Name: Parliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations & Financial Services
Parl Paper Number: 117/2004
Date Tabled: 02/06/2004
Date of Government Response:
Responded in time Specified: No
Title: Proposed Fitout of New Leased Premises for Department of Health and Ageing at Scarborough House, Woden Town Centre, ACT
Committee Name: Joint Standing Committee on Public Works
Parl Paper Number: 116/04
Date Tabled: 02/06/2004
Date of Government Response:
Responded in time Specified:
Title: Report 116: Near Neighbours - Good Neighbours, An Inquiry into Australia's Relationship with Indonesia - May 2004
Committee Name: Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade
Parl Paper Number: 113/2004
Date Tabled: 31/05/2004
Date of Government Response: 08/09/2005 View Here.
Responded in time Specified: No
Title: Modern-day usage of averments in customs prosecutions
Committee Name: Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs
Parl Paper Number: 114/2004
Date Tabled: 31/05/2004
Date of Government Response: 09/05/2006 View Here.
Responded in time Specified: No
Title: Site remediation and construction of infrastructure for the Defence site at Randwick, NSW
Committee Name: Joint Standing Committee on Public Works
Parl Paper Number: 109/04
Date Tabled: 26/05/2004
Date of Government Response:
Responded in time Specified:
Title: Inquiry into future water supplies for Australia's rural industries and communities (interim report)
Committee Name: Standing Committee on Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
Parl Paper Number: n/a
Date Tabled: 24/05/2004
Date of Government Response:
Responded in time Specified: Not Relevant
Title: Report 115: Report of the Parliamentary Delegation to the Solomon Islands, 17-18 December 2003
Committee Name: Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade
Parl Paper Number: n/a
Date Tabled: 06/05/2004
Date of Government Response:
Responded in time Specified: Not Relevant
Title: Report 399: Management and Integrity of Electronic Information in the Commonwealth
Committee Name: Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit
Parl Paper Number: 90/2004
Date Tabled: 01/04/2004
Date of Government Response: 19/01/2005
Responded in time Specified: No
Title: Report 398: Review of Auditor-General's Reports, 2002-2003, Fourth Quarter
Committee Name: Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit
Parl Paper Number: 88/2004
Date Tabled: 31/03/2004
Date of Government Response: 23/11/2004
Responded in time Specified: No
Title: Report 59: Treaties tabled on 2nd and 3rd December 2003
Committee Name: Joint Standing Committee on Treaties
Parl Paper Number: 89/2004
Date Tabled: 31/03/2004
Date of Government Response:
Responded in time Specified: Not Relevant
Title: To make a contribution: Review of skilled migration
Committee Name: Joint Standing Committee on Migration
Parl Paper Number: 85/2004
Date Tabled: 29/03/2004
Date of Government Response: 01/12/2005 View Here.
Responded in time Specified: No
Title: Learning to Work: Report on the inquiry into vocational education in schools
Committee Name: Standing Committee on Education and Training
Parl Paper Number: 83/2004
Date Tabled: 29/03/2004
Date of Government Response: 23/06/2005 View Here.
Responded in time Specified: No
Title: Corporations Amendment Regulations 2003 (Batch 6); Corporations Amendment Regulations 2003/04 (Batch 7); and Draft Regulations-Corporations Amendment Regulations 2004 (Batch 8)
Committee Name: Parliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations & Financial Services
Parl Paper Number: 75/2004
Date Tabled: 25/03/2004
Date of Government Response:
Responded in time Specified: No
Title: Cybercrime
Committee Name: Joint Statutory Committee on the Australian Crime Commission
Parl Paper Number: 74/2004
Date Tabled: 24/03/2004
Date of Government Response: 09/02/2006
Responded in time Specified: No
Title: Report 58: Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment
Committee Name: Joint Standing Committee on Treaties
Parl Paper Number: 72/2004
Date Tabled: 23/03/2004
Date of Government Response:
Responded in time Specified: Not Relevant
Title: Review of the Reserve Bank of Australia Annual Report 2002-03 (interim report)
Committee Name: Standing Committee on Economics, Finance and Public Administration
Parl Paper Number: 68/2004
Date Tabled: 22/03/2004
Date of Government Response:
Responded in time Specified: Not Relevant
Title: Review of the Intelligence Services Amendment Bill 2003
Committee Name: Joint Committee on ASIO, ASIS and DSD
Parl Paper Number: 71/2004
Date Tabled: 11/03/2004
Date of Government Response: 30/03/2004
Responded in time Specified: Yes
Title: Sixty-seventh Annual Report
Committee Name: Joint Standing Committee on Public Works
Parl Paper Number: 57/04
Date Tabled: 10/03/2004
Date of Government Response:
Responded in time Specified:
Title: Inquiry into Intelligence on Iraq's Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD)
Committee Name: Joint Committee on ASIO, ASIS and DSD
Parl Paper Number: 47/2004
Date Tabled: 01/03/2004
Date of Government Response:
Responded in time Specified: Not Relevant
Title: Report on the operations of the committee for 2003
Committee Name: Members' Interests Committee
Parl Paper Number: 29/04
Date Tabled: 19/02/2004
Date of Government Response:
Responded in time Specified:
Title: Money matters in the bush - inquiry into the Level of Banking and Financial Services in Rural, Regional and Remote Areas of Australia
Committee Name: Parliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations & Financial Services
Parl Paper Number: 15/2004
Date Tabled: 15/02/2004
Date of Government Response:
Responded in time Specified: No
Title: Report on the ATM fee structure - a supplement to the report, Money Matters in the Bush
Committee Name: Parliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations & Financial Services
Parl Paper Number: 14/2004
Date Tabled: 10/02/2004
Date of Government Response:
Responded in time Specified:
Title: Every picture tells a story: Report on the inquiry into child custody arrangements in the event of family separation
Committee Name: Standing Committee on Family and Community Affairs
Parl Paper Number: 43/2004
Date Tabled: 29/12/2003
Date of Government Response: 23/06/2005 View Here.
Responded in time Specified: No
Title: Report 57: Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 and the International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code
Committee Name: Joint Standing Committee on Treaties
Parl Paper Number: 435/2003
Date Tabled: 04/12/2003
Date of Government Response: 21/06/2005 View Here.
Responded in time Specified: No
Title: Effectiveness of the National Native Title Tribunal in fulfilment of the Committee’s duties pursuant to subparagraph 206(d) (i) of the Native Title Act 1993
Committee Name: Joint Committee on Native Title and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Land Fund
Parl Paper Number: 434/2003
Date Tabled: 04/12/2003
Date of Government Response: 10/11/2005
Responded in time Specified: No
Title: Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?: Inquiry into Governance on Norfolk Island
Committee Name: Joint Standing Committee on the National Capital and External Territories
Parl Paper Number: 414/2003
Date Tabled: 03/12/2003
Date of Government Response: 01/11/2005 View Here.
Responded in time Specified: No
Title: Proposed Christmas Island community recreation centre
Committee Name: Joint Standing Committee on Public Works
Parl Paper Number: 413/03
Date Tabled: 02/12/2003
Date of Government Response:
Responded in time Specified:
Title: Construction of a respecified immigration reception and processing centre on Christmas Island
Committee Name: Joint Standing Committee on Public Works
Parl Paper Number: 412/03
Date Tabled: 02/12/2003
Date of Government Response:
Responded in time Specified:
Title: Development of off-base housing for Defence at Queanbeyan, NSW
Committee Name: Joint Standing Committee on Public Works
Parl Paper Number: 411/03
Date Tabled: 02/12/2003
Date of Government Response:
Responded in time Specified:
Title: Trial of additional tellers
Committee Name: Standing Committee on Procedure
Parl Paper Number: 408/2003
Date Tabled: 01/12/2003
Date of Government Response:
Responded in time Specified: Not Relevant
Title: Arrangements for second reading speeches
Committee Name: Standing Committee on Procedure
Parl Paper Number: 407/2003
Date Tabled: 01/12/2003
Date of Government Response:
Responded in time Specified:
Title: Review of the Reserve Bank of Australia Annual Reports 2001-02
Committee Name: Standing Committee on Economics, Finance and Public Administration
Parl Paper Number: 711/2003
Date Tabled: 01/12/2003
Date of Government Response:
Responded in time Specified: Not Relevant
Title: Regional Aviation and Island Transport Services - Making Ends Meet: An inquiry into commercial regional aviation services in Australia and alternative transport links to major populated islands
Committee Name: Standing Committee on Transport and Regional Services
Parl Paper Number: 402/2003
Date Tabled: 01/12/2003
Date of Government Response: 10/05/2007 View Here.
Responded in time Specified: No
Title: Employment in the environment sector: Methods, Measurements and Messages
Committee Name: Standing Committee on Environment and Heritage
Parl Paper Number: 403/2003
Date Tabled: 01/12/2003
Date of Government Response: 06/12/2005 View Here.
Responded in time Specified: No
Title: Report 56: Treaties tabled 8 October 2003
Committee Name: Joint Standing Committee on Treaties
Parl Paper Number: 406/2003
Date Tabled: 01/12/2003
Date of Government Response: 12/08/2004 View Here.
Responded in time Specified: No
Title: Inquiry into representation of the Territories in the House of Representatives
Committee Name: Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters
Parl Paper Number: 712/2003
Date Tabled: 01/12/2003
Date of Government Response: 25/03/2004 View Here.
Responded in time Specified: No
Title: Report 397: Annual Report 2002-03
Committee Name: Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit
Parl Paper Number: 400/2003
Date Tabled: 26/11/2003
Date of Government Response:
Responded in time Specified: Not Relevant
Title: Redevelopment of Radiopharmaceutical Production Building No. 23 at Lucas Heights, NSW
Committee Name: Joint Standing Committee on Public Works
Parl Paper Number: 399/03
Date Tabled: 26/11/2003
Date of Government Response:
Responded in time Specified:
Title: New main entrance at the Lucas Heights Science and Technology Centre, Lucas Heights, NSW
Committee Name: Joint Standing Committee on Public Works
Parl Paper Number: 398/03
Date Tabled: 26/11/2003
Date of Government Response:
Responded in time Specified:
Title: Revised Standing Orders
Committee Name: Standing Committee on Procedure
Parl Paper Number: 394/2003
Date Tabled: 24/11/2003
Date of Government Response: 24/06/2004
Responded in time Specified:
Title: Rates and Taxes: A Fair Share for Responsible Local Government: Inquiry into Local Government and Cost Shifting
Committee Name: Standing Committee on Economics, Finance and Public Administration
Parl Paper Number: 392/2003
Date Tabled: 24/11/2003
Date of Government Response: 22/06/2005 View Here.
Responded in time Specified: No
Title: Report 114: Defence Sub Committee Visit to RAAF Williamtown, Darwin Establishments, East Timor and RAAF Tindal, 14-17 July 2003
Committee Name: Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade
Parl Paper Number: 393/2003
Date Tabled: 24/11/2003
Date of Government Response:
Responded in time Specified: Not Relevant
Title: Report concerning an application from Mr IDS Collie for the publication of a response to a reference made in the House of Representatives
Committee Name: Privileges Committee
Parl Paper Number:
Date Tabled: 06/11/2003
Date of Government Response:
Responded in time Specified:
Title: A Nation Charred: Inquiry into the Recent Australian Bushfires
Committee Name: Select Committee on Recent Australian Bushfires
Parl Paper Number: 343/2003
Date Tabled: 05/11/2003
Date of Government Response: 15/09/2005 View Here.
Responded in time Specified: No
Title: Examination of annual report for 2001–02 of the National Crime Authority
Committee Name: Joint Statutory Committee on the Australian Crime Commission
Parl Paper Number: 341/2003
Date Tabled: 30/10/2003
Date of Government Response:
Responded in time Specified: Not Relevant
Title: Report 55: Treaties tabled 9 September 2003
Committee Name: Joint Standing Committee on Treaties
Parl Paper Number: 268/2003
Date Tabled: 16/10/2003
Date of Government Response: 02/12/2004 View Here.
Responded in time Specified: No
Title: RAAF Base Richmond Reinvestment Project, Richmond, NSW
Committee Name: Joint Standing Committee on Public Works
Parl Paper Number: 214/03
Date Tabled: 15/10/2003
Date of Government Response:
Responded in time Specified:
Title: House Estimates: Consideration of the annual estimates by the House of Representatives
Committee Name: Standing Committee on Procedure
Parl Paper Number: 211/2003
Date Tabled: 13/10/2003
Date of Government Response:
Responded in time Specified:
Title: Private Review of Agency Security Arrangements
Committee Name: Joint Committee on ASIO, ASIS and DSD
Parl Paper Number: 213/2003
Date Tabled: 13/10/2003
Date of Government Response:
Responded in time Specified: No
Title: Report 113: Statement to the Parliament on the JSCFADT Human Rights Sub-Committee’s recent activities concerning conditions within immigration detention centres and the treatment of detainees
Committee Name: Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade
Parl Paper Number: n/a
Date Tabled: 13/10/2003
Date of Government Response:
Responded in time Specified: Not Relevant
Title: Report 112: Review of Foreign Affairs and Trade Portfolio Annual Reports 2001-2002
Committee Name: Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade
Parl Paper Number: 212/2003
Date Tabled: 13/10/2003
Date of Government Response:
Responded in time Specified: Not Relevant
Title: Report 111: Review of the Defence Annual Report 2001-02
Committee Name: Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade
Parl Paper Number: 209/2003
Date Tabled: 13/10/2003
Date of Government Response: 11/03/2004 View Here.
Responded in time Specified: No
Title: Not a Town Centre: The Proposal for Pay Parking in the Parliamentary Zone
Committee Name: Joint Standing Committee on the National Capital and External Territories
Parl Paper Number: 210/2003
Date Tabled: 13/10/2003
Date of Government Response: 30/11/2004 View Here.
Responded in time Specified: No
Title: Report 396: Review of Auditor-General's Reports, 2002-2003, First, Second & Third Quarters
Committee Name: Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit
Parl Paper Number: 208/2003
Date Tabled: 08/10/2003
Date of Government Response: 13/05/2004
Responded in time Specified: No
Title: Report 54: Treaties tabled June and August 2003
Committee Name: Joint Standing Committee on Treaties
Parl Paper Number: 203/2003
Date Tabled: 17/09/2003
Date of Government Response:
Responded in time Specified: Not Relevant
Title: Construction of a new Chancery for the Australian High Commission, New Delhi, India
Committee Name: Joint Standing Committee on Public Works
Parl Paper Number: 189/03
Date Tabled: 17/09/2003
Date of Government Response:
Responded in time Specified:
Title: Refurbishment of staff apartments at the Australian Embassy Complex, Paris, France
Committee Name: Joint Standing Committee on Public Works
Parl Paper Number: 190/03
Date Tabled: 17/09/2003
Date of Government Response:
Responded in time Specified:
Title: Exploring: Australia's Future - impediments to increasing investment in minerals and petroleum exploration in Australia
Committee Name: Standing Committee on Industry and Resources
Parl Paper Number: 186/2003
Date Tabled: 15/09/2003
Date of Government Response: 23/06/2005
Responded in time Specified: No
Title: Report 110: Expanding Australia's trade and investment relationship with the countries of Central Europe - August 2003
Committee Name: Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade
Parl Paper Number: 185/2003
Date Tabled: 15/09/2003
Date of Government Response: 14/05/2004 View Here.
Responded in time Specified: No
Title: Construction of a new Chancery building for the Australian High Commission, Colombo, Sri Lanka
Committee Name: Joint Standing Committee on Public Works
Parl Paper Number: 182/03
Date Tabled: 10/09/2003
Date of Government Response:
Responded in time Specified:
Title: Road to recovery: Report on the inquiry into substance abuse in Australian communities
Committee Name: Standing Committee on Family and Community Affairs
Parl Paper Number: 179/2003
Date Tabled: 08/09/2003
Date of Government Response: 10/08/2006 View Here.
Responded in time Specified: No
Title: Perimeter Security Fence, RAAF Base Tindal, Katherine, NT
Committee Name: Joint Standing Committee on Public Works
Parl Paper Number: 170/03
Date Tabled: 20/08/2003
Date of Government Response:
Responded in time Specified:
Title: Provisions of facilities for collocation and re-equipping of the 1st Aviation Regiment at Robertson Barracks, Darwin
Committee Name: Joint Standing Committee on Public Works
Parl Paper Number: 169/03
Date Tabled: 20/08/2003
Date of Government Response:
Responded in time Specified:
Title: Redevelopment of the Australian Institute of Sport, Bruce, ACT
Committee Name: Joint Standing Committee on Public Works
Parl Paper Number: 168/03
Date Tabled: 20/08/2003
Date of Government Response:
Responded in time Specified:
Title: Report 395: Inquiry into the Draft Financial Framework Legislation Amendment Bill
Committee Name: Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit
Parl Paper Number: 167/2003
Date Tabled: 20/08/2003
Date of Government Response: 03/08/2004
Responded in time Specified: No
Title: Report 53: Treaties tabled May and June 2003
Committee Name: Joint Standing Committee on Treaties
Parl Paper Number: 166/2003
Date Tabled: 19/08/2003
Date of Government Response: 02/12/2004 View Here.
Responded in time Specified: No
Title: Review of the conduct of divisions
Committee Name: Standing Committee on Procedure
Parl Paper Number: 163/2003
Date Tabled: 18/08/2003
Date of Government Response:
Responded in time Specified:
Title: Inquiry into the disclosure of commissions on risk products
Committee Name: Parliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations & Financial Services
Parl Paper Number: 156/2003
Date Tabled: 12/08/2003
Date of Government Response: 17/06/2004 View Here.
Responded in time Specified: No
Title: Inquiry into Regulation 7.1.29 in Corporations Amendment Regulations 2003 (No. 3), Statutory Rules 2003 No. 85
Committee Name: Parliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations & Financial Services
Parl Paper Number: 138/2003
Date Tabled: 26/06/2003
Date of Government Response:
Responded in time Specified: No
Title: Report 52: Treaties tabled 4 March 2003
Committee Name: Joint Standing Committee on Treaties
Parl Paper Number: 178/2003
Date Tabled: 26/06/2003
Date of Government Response: 17/06/2004 View Here.
Responded in time Specified: No
Title: Examination of Annual Reports 2001-2002
Committee Name: Joint Committee on Native Title and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Land Fund
Parl Paper Number: 136/2003
Date Tabled: 25/06/2003
Date of Government Response:
Responded in time Specified: Not Relevant
Title: ACT Multi User Depot at HMAS Harman, ACT
Committee Name: Joint Standing Committee on Public Works
Parl Paper Number: 132/03
Date Tabled: 25/06/2003
Date of Government Response:
Responded in time Specified:
Title: Inquiry into the Corporations Amendment Regulations 2003 (No. 1), Statutory Rules 2003 No. 31
Committee Name: Parliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations & Financial Services
Parl Paper Number: 134/2003
Date Tabled: 24/06/2003
Date of Government Response:
Responded in time Specified: Not Relevant
Title: Riding the Innovation Wave: The case for increasing business investment in R&D: Report of the inquiry into business commitment to research and development in Australia
Committee Name: Standing Committee on Science and Innovation
Parl Paper Number: 123/2003
Date Tabled: 23/06/2003
Date of Government Response: 01/04/2004 View Here.
Responded in time Specified: No
Title: Report 109: Report of the 2003 New Zealand Parliamentary Committee Exchange 6-11 April 2003
Committee Name: Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade
Parl Paper Number: 122/2003
Date Tabled: 23/06/2003
Date of Government Response: 16/10/2003 View Here.
Responded in time Specified: No
Title: 2001 Federal Election: Report of the inquiry into the 2001 Federal Election and Matters Related Thereto
Committee Name: Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters
Parl Paper Number: 121/2003
Date Tabled: 23/06/2003
Date of Government Response: 16/10/2003 View Here.
Responded in time Specified: No
Title: Sessional Order 344
Committee Name: Standing Committee on Procedure
Parl Paper Number: 119/2003
Date Tabled: 19/06/2003
Date of Government Response: 24/06/2004
Responded in time Specified:
Title: Fitout of new Customs Building at Sydney Airport
Committee Name: Joint Standing Committee on Public Works
Parl Paper Number: 117/03
Date Tabled: 18/06/2003
Date of Government Response:
Responded in time Specified:
Title: Back on the job: Report into aspects of Australian workers' compensation schemes
Committee Name: Standing Committee on Employment and Workplace Relations
Parl Paper Number: 105/2003
Date Tabled: 02/06/2003
Date of Government Response: 17/11/2004 View Here.
Responded in time Specified: No
Title: Review of Migration Regulation 4.31B, 2003
Committee Name: Joint Standing Committee on Migration
Parl Paper Number: 103/2003
Date Tabled: 26/05/2003
Date of Government Response: 13/05/2004 View Here.
Responded in time Specified: No
Title: Development of off-base housing for Defence at Adamstown, Newcastle
Committee Name: Joint Standing Committee on Public Works
Parl Paper Number: 69/03
Date Tabled: 14/05/2003
Date of Government Response:
Responded in time Specified:
Title: Report on the operations of the committee for 2002
Committee Name: Members' Interests Committee
Parl Paper Number: 29/03
Date Tabled: 05/05/2003
Date of Government Response:
Responded in time Specified:
Title: Report concerning an application from Ms Anne Henderson and Mr Gerard Henderson for the publication of a response to a reference made in the House of Representatives
Committee Name: Privileges Committee
Parl Paper Number:
Date Tabled: 26/03/2003
Date of Government Response:
Responded in time Specified:
Title: Report on the review of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission - March 2003
Committee Name: Parliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations & Financial Services
Parl Paper Number: 27/2003
Date Tabled: 26/03/2003
Date of Government Response:
Responded in time Specified: Not Relevant
Title: Proposed fit-out of new leased premises for the Bureau of Meteorology at Docklands, Melbourne
Committee Name: Joint Standing Committee on Public Works
Parl Paper Number: 33/03
Date Tabled: 26/03/2003
Date of Government Response:
Responded in time Specified:
Title: Report 51: Treaties tabled November and December 2002
Committee Name: Joint Standing Committee on Treaties
Parl Paper Number: 24/2003
Date Tabled: 25/03/2003
Date of Government Response:
Responded in time Specified: Not Relevant
Title: Sixty-Sixth Annual Report
Committee Name: Joint Standing Committee on Public Works
Parl Paper Number: 25/03
Date Tabled: 19/03/2003
Date of Government Response:
Responded in time Specified:
Title: Report 394: Review of Australia's Quarantine Function
Committee Name: Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit
Parl Paper Number: 30/2003
Date Tabled: 05/03/2003
Date of Government Response: 01/06/2004
Responded in time Specified: No
Title: Report 393: Review of Auditor-General's Reports, 2001-2002, Fourth Quarter
Committee Name: Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit
Parl Paper Number: 13/2003
Date Tabled: 12/02/2003
Date of Government Response: 01/06/2004
Responded in time Specified: No
Title: Report on the Examination of Annual Reports for 2000-2001 in fulfilment of the Committee's duties pursuant to s.206(c) of the Native Title Act 1993
Committee Name: Joint Committee on Native Title and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Land Fund
Parl Paper Number: 605/2002
Date Tabled: 12/12/2002
Date of Government Response:
Responded in time Specified: Not Relevant
Title: Inquiry into the Review of the Managed Investments Act 1998
Committee Name: Parliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations & Financial Services
Parl Paper Number: 611/2002
Date Tabled: 12/12/2002
Date of Government Response:
Responded in time Specified: No
Title: Report concerning an application from Ms Jane Singleton for the publication of a response to a reference made in the House of Representatives
Committee Name: Privileges Committee
Parl Paper Number:
Date Tabled: 12/12/2002
Date of Government Response:
Responded in time Specified:
Title: Parliamentary privilege: the operation of the committee, some historical notes and Guidelines for Members
Committee Name: Privileges Committee
Parl Paper Number: 609/02
Date Tabled: 12/12/2002
Date of Government Response:
Responded in time Specified:
Title: Examination of annual report for 2000–01 of the National Crime Authority
Committee Name: Joint Committee on the National Crime Authority
Parl Paper Number: 603/2002
Date Tabled: 11/12/2002
Date of Government Response:
Responded in time Specified: Not Relevant
Title: Moving on intelligent transport systems - An inquiry into variable speed limits: A case study of intelligent transport systems
Committee Name: Standing Committee on Transport and Regional Services
Parl Paper Number: 581/2002
Date Tabled: 09/12/2002
Date of Government Response: 09/02/2005 View Here.
Responded in time Specified: No
Title: Report 50: Treaties tabled 15 October 2002
Committee Name: Joint Standing Committee on Treaties
Parl Paper Number: 582/2002
Date Tabled: 09/12/2002
Date of Government Response: 19/06/2003 View Here.
Responded in time Specified: No
Title: Annual Report 2001-02
Committee Name: Joint Committee on ASIO, ASIS and DSD
Parl Paper Number: 572/2002
Date Tabled: 02/12/2002
Date of Government Response: 21/08/2003
Responded in time Specified: No
Title: Report 392: Annual Report 2001-02
Committee Name: Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit
Parl Paper Number: 571/2002
Date Tabled: 14/11/2002
Date of Government Response:
Responded in time Specified: Not Relevant
Title: Report 49: The Timor Sea Treaty
Committee Name: Joint Standing Committee on Treaties
Parl Paper Number: 502/2002
Date Tabled: 11/11/2002
Date of Government Response: 14/08/2003 View Here.
Responded in time Specified: No
Title: Audit Report No.42 of 2001-2002, Integrity of the Electoral Roll
Committee Name: Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters
Parl Paper Number: 501/2002
Date Tabled: 11/11/2002
Date of Government Response: 16/10/2003 View Here.
Responded in time Specified: No
Title: Australian Crime Commission Establishment Bill 2002
Committee Name: Joint Committee on the National Crime Authority
Parl Paper Number: 507/2002
Date Tabled: 11/11/2002
Date of Government Response: 05/02/2003
Responded in time Specified: Yes
Title: Connecting Australia: Wireless Broadband. Report of the inquiry into wireless broadband technologies
Committee Name: Standing Committee on Communications, Information Technology and the Arts
Parl Paper Number: 500/2002
Date Tabled: 11/11/2002
Date of Government Response: 23/06/2005 View Here.
Responded in time Specified: No
Title: Report on the Regulations and ASIC policy statements made under the Financial Services Reform Act 2001
Committee Name: Parliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations & Financial Services
Parl Paper Number: 499/2002
Date Tabled: 23/10/2002
Date of Government Response:
Responded in time Specified: No
Title: Boys: Getting it right: Report on the inquiry into the education of boys
Committee Name: Standing Committee on Education and Training
Parl Paper Number: 695/2002
Date Tabled: 21/10/2002
Date of Government Response: 26/06/2003 View Here.
Responded in time Specified: No
Title: Report 108: Visit to Australian Forces deployed to the International Coalition Against Terrorism
Committee Name: Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade
Parl Paper Number: 392/2002
Date Tabled: 21/10/2002
Date of Government Response: 09/10/2003 View Here.
Responded in time Specified: No
Title: Report 107: Enterprising Australia - planning, preparing and profiting from trade and investment
Committee Name: Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade
Parl Paper Number: 391/2002
Date Tabled: 21/10/2002
Date of Government Response:
Responded in time Specified: Not Relevant
Title: Report 48: Treaties tabled August and September 2002
Committee Name: Joint Standing Committee on Treaties
Parl Paper Number: 623/2002
Date Tabled: 21/10/2002
Date of Government Response: 19/06/2003 View Here.
Responded in time Specified: No
Title: Striking the Right Balance: Draft Amendment 39, National Capital Plan
Committee Name: Joint Standing Committee on the National Capital and External Territories
Parl Paper Number: 393/2002
Date Tabled: 21/10/2002
Date of Government Response: 17/06/2003 View Here.
Responded in time Specified: No
Title: Report 106: Review of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Defence Annual Reports, 2000-2001
Committee Name: Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade
Parl Paper Number: 370/2002
Date Tabled: 23/09/2002
Date of Government Response: 27/03/2003 View Here.
Responded in time Specified: No
Title: Review of the Reserve Bank of Australia Annual Report 2000-01
Committee Name: Standing Committee on Economics, Finance and Public Administration
Parl Paper Number: 369/2002
Date Tabled: 23/09/2002
Date of Government Response:
Responded in time Specified: Not Relevant
Title: Report 391: Review of Independent Auditing by Registered Company Auditors
Committee Name: Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit
Parl Paper Number: 368/2002
Date Tabled: 18/09/2002
Date of Government Response: 10/03/2005
Responded in time Specified: No
Title: RAAF Base Williamtown Redevelopment Stage 1 and Facilities for the Airborne Early Warning and Control Aircraft
Committee Name: Joint Standing Committee on Public Works
Parl Paper Number: 366/02
Date Tabled: 17/09/2002
Date of Government Response:
Responded in time Specified:
Title: Discussion Paper Proposed Revised Standing Orders
Committee Name: Standing Committee on Procedure
Parl Paper Number:
Date Tabled: 16/09/2002
Date of Government Response:
Responded in time Specified:
Title: Discussion Paper Proposed Revised Standing Orders
Committee Name: Standing Committee on Procedure
Parl Paper Number:
Date Tabled: 16/09/2002
Date of Government Response:
Responded in time Specified:
Title: Report 390: Review of Auditor-General's Reports, 2001-02, First, Second & Third Quarters
Committee Name: Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit
Parl Paper Number: 347/2002
Date Tabled: 28/08/2002
Date of Government Response: 12/05/2004
Responded in time Specified: No
Title: Proposed common use infrastructure on Christmas Island
Committee Name: Joint Standing Committee on Public Works
Parl Paper Number: 346/02
Date Tabled: 27/08/2002
Date of Government Response:
Responded in time Specified:
Title: Inquiry into Norfolk Island Electoral Matters
Committee Name: Joint Standing Committee on the National Capital and External Territories
Parl Paper Number: 341/2002
Date Tabled: 26/08/2002
Date of Government Response: 13/09/2007 View Here.
Responded in time Specified: No
Title: Report 47: Treaties tabled 18 and 25 June 2002
Committee Name: Joint Standing Committee on Treaties
Parl Paper Number: 342/2002
Date Tabled: 26/08/2002
Date of Government Response:
Responded in time Specified: Not Relevant
Title: Report 389: Review of Auditor-General's Reports, 2000-01, Fourth Quarter
Committee Name: Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit
Parl Paper Number: 305/2002
Date Tabled: 26/06/2002
Date of Government Response: 24/06/2003
Responded in time Specified: No
Title: Report 46: Treaties tabled 12 March 2002
Committee Name: Joint Standing Committee on Treaties
Parl Paper Number: 301/2002
Date Tabled: 24/06/2002
Date of Government Response:
Responded in time Specified: Not Relevant
Title: Report 388: Review of the Accrual Budget Documentation
Committee Name: Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit
Parl Paper Number: 297/2002
Date Tabled: 19/06/2002
Date of Government Response: 13/05/2003
Responded in time Specified: No
Title: An Advisory Report on the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation Legislation Amendment (Terrorism) Bill 2002
Committee Name: Joint Committee on ASIO, ASIS and DSD
Parl Paper Number: 290/2002
Date Tabled: 05/06/2002
Date of Government Response:
Responded in time Specified: Not Relevant
Title: Report on the operations of the committee for 2001
Committee Name: Members' Interests Committee
Parl Paper Number: 289/02
Date Tabled: 30/05/2002
Date of Government Response:
Responded in time Specified:
Title: Report 45: The Statute of the International Criminal Court
Committee Name: Joint Standing Committee on Treaties
Parl Paper Number: 257/2002
Date Tabled: 14/05/2002
Date of Government Response: 12/02/2004 View Here.
Responded in time Specified: No
Title: Report 44: Four Nuclear Safeguards Treaties
Committee Name: Joint Standing Committee on Treaties
Parl Paper Number: 256/2002
Date Tabled: 14/05/2002
Date of Government Response:
Responded in time Specified: Not Relevant
Title: Sixty-Fifth Annual Report
Committee Name: Joint Standing Committee on Public Works
Parl Paper Number: 255/03
Date Tabled: 13/05/2002
Date of Government Response:
Responded in time Specified:
Title: Interim Report on the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation Legislation Amendment (Terrorism) Bill 2002
Committee Name: Joint Committee on ASIO, ASIS and DSD
Parl Paper Number: n/a
Date Tabled: 03/05/2002
Date of Government Response:
Responded in time Specified: Not Relevant