Bills Lists


  • Final Senate Bills List for 2008

    As at cob 18 December 2008 (2008 Final Edition) Abbreviations AD Australian Democrats [Dem] AG Australian Greens ALP Australian Labor Party [Govt] FFP Family First Party Ind Independent LP Liberal Party of Australia [Opp] NATS The Nationals [Opp] CID Consideration in detail stage (House of Representatives) ED Exposure draft PM Private member’s bill PS Private senator’s bill R Restored to Notice Paper S Senate bill SBC Selection of Bills Committee PSA New Tax System (Family Assistance) (Improved Access to Baby Bonus) Amendment Bill 2008 (Introduced by Senator Stott Despoja - AD) Amends the A New Tax System (Family Assistance) Act 1999 to abolish the age restriction to enable all adoptive parents access to the baby bonus scheme. Senate: Intro. 20/3/08; 2nd reading adjourned 20/3/08 SBC report 4/08 (tabled and adopted 14/5/08): No reference A New Tax System (Luxury Car Tax Imposition—Customs) Amendment Bill 2008 Part of a package of four bills to increase the luxury car tax rate from 1 July 2008, the bill amends the A New Tax System (Luxury Car Tax Imposition—Customs) Act 1999 to impose a 33 per cent tax rate on taxable 
  • Final Senate Bills List for 2007

    AS AT 10 DECEMBER 2007 (2007 Final Edition) This is a list of all bills before the Parliament for the 2007 calendar year to date Abbreviations ADAustralian Democrats [Dem] AGAustralian Greens ALPAustralian Labor Party [Opp] FFPFamily First Party IndIndependent LPLiberal Party of Australia [Govt] NATS The Nationals [Govt] CIDConsideration in Detail stage (House of Representatives) EDExposure Draft PMPrivate Member’s bill PSPrivate Senator’s bill RRestored to Notice Paper SSenate bill SBCSelection of Bills Committee Aboriginal Land Rights (Northern Territory) Amendment (Township Leasing) Bill 2007 Amends the Aboriginal Land Rights (Northern Territory) Act 1976 and Aboriginal Land Rights (Northern Territory) Amendment Act 2006 to establish an office of Executive Director of Township Leasing to enter into and administer 99 year leases over townships on Aboriginal land in the Northern Territory. Reps: Intro. 24/5/07; Passed 13/6/07 Senate: Intro. 14/6/07; Passed 15/6/07 SBC report 9/07 (tabled and adopted 13/6/07): No reference Assent: 28/6/07; Act No. 121, 2007 ACIS Administration Amendment (Unearned Credit Liability) Bill 2007 Amends the ACIS Administration Act 1999 to confirm the circumstances under which the Commonwealth can issue an unearned credit liability 
  • Final Senate Bills List for 2006

    AS AT 25 JANUARY 2007 (2006 Final Edition) This is a list of all bills before the Parliament for the 200 6 calendar year to date Abbreviations ADAustralian Democrats [Dem] AGAustralian Greens ALPAustralian Labor Party [Opp] FFPFamily First Party IndIndependent LPLiberal Party of Australia [Govt] NATS The Nationals [Govt] CIDConsideration in Detail stage (House of Representatives) EDExposure Draft PMPrivate Member’s bill PSPrivate Senator’s bill RRestored to Notice Paper SSenate bill SBCSelection of Bills Committee SAboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Heritage Protection Amendment Bill 2005 [2006] (Act citation: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Heritage Protection Amendment Act 2006) Amends the: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Heritage Protection Act 1984 to: give certainty to international cultural loan arrangements by providing that a certificate of exemption issued under the Protection of Movable Cultural Heritage Act 1986 allowing the return of loaned cultural heritage objects cannot be overridden by a declaration under the Act; repeal Part IIA and other Victoria-specific provisions to enable the Victorian Government to administer Aboriginal heritage protection in Victoria directly through its own legislation; and make technical amendments as a consequence of 
  • Final Senate Bills List for 2005

    AS AT 18 JANUARY 2006 (2005 Final Edition) This is a list of all bills before the Parliament for the 2005 calendar year Abbreviations ADAustralian Democrats [Dem] AGAustralian Greens ALPAustralian Labor Party [Opp] APAAustralian Progressive Alliance CLPCountry Liberal Party FFPFamily First Party IndIndependent LPLiberal Party of Australia [Govt] NATS The Nationals [Govt] CIDConsideration in Detail stage (House of Representatives) PMPrivate Member’s bill PSPrivate Senator’s bill RRes tored to Notice Paper SSenate bill SBCSelection of Bills Committee A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax Imposition (Recipients)—Customs) Bill 2004 (Act citation: A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax Imposition (Recipients)—Customs) Act 2005) Part of a package of four bills, the bill imposes a goods and services tax on recipients of taxable supplies made under a long-term non-reviewable contract to the extent that it is a duty of customs. Reps: Intro. 8/12/04; Passed 8/12/04 Senate: Intro. 9/12/04; Passed 8/2/05 Assent: 18/2/05; Act No. 1, 2005 A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax Imposition (Recipients)—Excise) Bill 2004 (Act citation: A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax Imposition (Recipients)—Excise) Act 2005) Part of 
  • Final Senate Bills List for 2004

    AS AT 21 JANUARY 2005 (2004 Final Edition) This is a list of all bills considered by the Parliament for the 2004 calendar year to date. Bills which lapsed at the end of the 40th Parliament are annotated accordingly. Abbreviations ADAustralian Democrats [Dem] AGAustralian Greens ALPAustralian Labor Party [Opp] APAAustralian Progressive Alliance IndIndependent LPLiberal Party of Australia [Govt] NATS The Nationals [Govt] PHONPauline Hanson’s One Nation CIDConsideration in Detail stage (Hou se of Representatives) PMPrivate Member’s bill PSPrivate Senator’s bill RRestored to Notice Paper SSenate bill SBCSelection of Bills Committee A New Tax System (Commonwealth-State Financial Arrangements) Amendment Bill 2003 (Act citation: A New Tax System (Commonwealth-State Financial Arrangements) Amendment Act 2004) Amends the A New Tax System (Commonwealth-State Financial Arrangements) Act 1999 in relation to: accounting by the Commissioner of Taxation for all Goods and Services Tax (GST) refunds; the timing of final determinations; and introduction of a mechanism for residual Budget Balancing Assistance adjustments for GST transitional years. Also contains application provisions. Reps: Intro. 4/12/03; Passed 19/2/04 2nd reading amendment: 1 Opp/negatived Senate: Intro. 1/3/04; Passed 9/3/04 SBC report 2/04 (tabled 
  • Final Senate Bills List for 2003

    AS AT 22 JANUARY 2004 (2003 Final Edition) This is a list of all bills before the Parliament for the 2003 calendar year to date Abbreviations ADAustralian Democrats [Dem] AGAustralian Greens ALPAustralian Labor Party [Opp] APAAustralian Progressive Alliance IndIndependent LPLiberal Party of Australia [Govt] NATS The Nationals [Govt] PHONPauline Hanson’s One Nation CIDConsideration in Detail stage (House of Representatives) PMPrivate Member’s bill PSPrivate Senator’s bill RRestored to Notice Paper SSenate bill SBCSelection of Bills Committee PMA Better Future for Our Kids Bill 2003 (Introduced by Ms Roxon - ALP) The bill: establishes the Office of the National Commissioner for Children and Young People; provides for a national code for the protection of children; and provides for a probity check on all persons undertaking child-related employment or volunteer work. Also includes reporting requirements and a regulation-making power. Reps: Intro. 26/5/03; Read a 1st time 26/5/03; 2nd reading order of day for next sitting Removed from Notice Paper 3/11/03 A New Tax System (Commonwealth-State Financial Arrangements) Amendment Bill 2003 Amends the A New Tax System (Commonwealth-State Financial Arrangements) Act 1999 in relation to: 
  • Final Senate Bills List for 2002

    AS AT 21 JANUARY 2003 (2002 Final Edition) This is a list of all bills before the Parliament for the 2002 calendar year to date Abbreviations SSenate bill PSPrivate Senator’s Bill PMPrivate Member’s Bill DBill created as a result of dividing a bill RRestored to Notice Paper CIDConsideration in Detail stage (House of Representatives) SBCSelection of Bills Committee ADAustralian Democrats [Dem] AGAustralian Greens ALPAustralian Labor Party [Opp] GWAThe Greens (WA) IndIndependent LPLibe ral Party [Govt] NPANational Party of Australia [Govt] PHONPauline Hanson’s One Nation PSABC Amendment (Online and Multichannelling Services) Bill 2001 [2002] R (Introduced by Senator Bourne - AD) Amends the: Australian Broadcasting Corporation Act 1983 in relation to the provision of online and multichannelling services; and Broadcasting Services Act 1992 to enable the Australian Broadcasting Corporation and Special Broadcasting Service Corporation to provide unrestricted multichannelling services. Senate: Intro. 3/4/01; 2nd reading adjourned 3/4/01 SBC report 7/01 (tabled and adopted 23/5/01): No reference Restored to Notice Paper at 2nd reading 13/2/02 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission Amendment Bill 2002 Amends the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission Act 1989 in relation to: 
  • Final Senate Bills List for 2001

    AS AT 12 FEBRUARY 2002 (2001 Final Edition) This is a list of all bills before the Parliament for the 2001 calendar year to date. Abbreviations SSenate bill PSPrivate Senator’s Bill PMPrivate Member’s Bill RRestored to Notice Paper CIDConsideration in Detail stage (House of Representatives) SBCSelection of Bills Committee ADAustralian Democrats [Dem] AGAustralian Greens ALPAustralian Labor Party [Opp] GWAThe Greens (WA) IndIndependent LPLiberal Party [Govt] NPANational Party of Au stralia [Govt] PHONPauline Hanson’s One Nation PSABC Amendment (Online and Multichannelling Services) Bill 2001 (Introduced by Senator Bourne - AD) Amends the: Australian Broadcasting Corporation Act 1983 in relation to the provision of online and multichannelling services; and Broadcasting Services Act 1992 to enable the Australian Broadcasting Corporation and Special Broadcasting Service Corporation to provide unrestricted multichannelling services. Senate: Intro. 3/4/01; 2nd reading adjourned 3/4/01 SBC report 7/01 (tabled and adopted 23/5/01): No reference Abolition of Compulsory Age Retirement (Statutory Officeholders) Bill 2001 Amends 59 Acts to abolish the compulsory retirement age limits for statutory office holders and remove any age restrictions on their reappointment. Also contains application provisions. Reps: Intro. 29/8/01; 
  • Final Senate Bills List for 2000

    AS AT 19 JANUARY 2001 (2000 Final Edition) A New Tax System (Family Assistance and Related Measures) Bill 2000 Simplifies the structure and administration of family assistance by amending the: A New Tax System (Family Assistance) Act 1999 and A New Tax System (Family Assistance) (Administration) Act 1999 to: provide the administrative infrastructure to support the payment of child care benefit; clarify the operation of certain aspects of the family assistance law; replace regulation-making powers with substantive provisions; and make technical amendments; and Social Security Act 1991 in relation to a 4 per cent increase for certain social security payment supplements and allowances. Also makes consequential and technical amendments to 7 other Acts and contains savings and transitional provisions. Reps: Intro. 9/3/00; Passed 5/4/00 Main committee: Referred 4/4/00 Senate: Intro. 5/4/00; Passed 12/4/00 SBC report 6/00 (tabled and adopted 12/4/00): No reference Committee amendments: 1 Govt/passed; 4 Opp/passed Committee requests: 2 Govt/passed [Reps made Senate requests and agreed to Senate amendments nos 1 and 5 and disagreed to amendments nos 2, 3 and 4, 12/4/00; Senate did not insist on its amendments 13/4/00] Assent: 3/5/00; Act No. 45, 2000 A New 
  • Final Senate Bills List for 1999

    AS AT 1 FEBRUARY 2000 (1999 Final Edition — Revised ) A New Tax System (Aged Care Compensation Measures Legislation Amendment) Bill 1998 (Act citation: A New Tax System (Aged Care Compensation Measures Legislation Amendment) Act 1999) Part of a package of 16 bills to introduce a new taxation system, the bill amends the Aged Care Act 1997 to quarantine the 4 per cent pension increase from the fees payable by residential aged care recipients; and to ensure that war widows and widowers pay the same amount in income tested fees as other care recipients on the same total income. Reps: Intro. 2/12/98; Passed 10/12/98 2nd reading amendment: 1 Opp/negatived Senate: Intro. 10/12/98; Passed 28/6/99 References: Provisions of bill referred 2/12/98 (agreed to 25/11/98): Committee Report due Report tabled Community Affairs References Committee 31/3/99 30/3/99 Employment, Workplace Relations, Small Business and Education References Committee 31/3/99 31/3/99 Environment, Communications, Information Technology and the Arts References Committee 31/3/99 29/3/99 Select Committee on a New Tax System *related report tabled 18/2/99; addenda 

What is a bill?

A bill is a proposal for a law or a change to an existing law. A bill becomes law (an Act) when agreed to in identical form by both houses of Parliament and assented to by the Governor-General.