Chapter 33 - Effect and suspension of standing orders

210  Effect of suspension

The suspension of a standing or other order shall be limited in its operation to the particular purpose for which the suspension has been sought.

Amendment history

Adopted: 19 August 1903 as SO 440 but renumbered as SO 435 for the first printed edition

1989 revision: Old SO 450 renumbered as SO 210; unchanged except for the replacement of “Standing Orders” with “a standing or other order” to reflect the different types of orders affecting the Senate’s proceedings


A successful suspension motion suspends only those standing orders that would otherwise interfere with the achievement of the mover’s purpose. All other standing orders (such as those providing for the conduct of senators and rules of debate) remain in operation. See Odgers’ Australian Senate Practice, 12th edition, pp.167–70 for further commentary on the suspension of standing orders.