What's new in statistics . . . June

Statistics and Data
Joanne Simon-Davies

This month focuses on the following topics: sources of income, cost of living and child maltreatment.

Forthcoming releases

If you are interested in any of the forthcoming releases or datasets, please contact the Parliamentary Library to discuss in more detail.



Statistical reports

Release date


Retail Trade, April 2023

1 June


Assets and Liabilities of Australian Securitisers, March 2023

1 June


Managed Funds, March 2023

1 June


Private New Capital Expenditure and Expected Expenditure, March 2023

1 June


Lending Indicators, April 2023

2 June


Mineral and Petroleum Exploration, March 2023

5 June


Business Indicators, March 2023

5 June


ANZ Job Advertisement, May 2023

6 June


Child Protection, 2021–22

6 June


Government Finance Statistics, March 2023

6 June


Balance of Payments and International Investment Position, March 2023

6 June


Monthly Household Spending Indicator, April 2023

6 June


Building Approvals, April 2023

6 June


Australian National Accounts: National Income, Expenditure and Product, March 2023

7 June

JSA (a)

Nowcast of Employment by Region and Occupation, May 2023

7 June


Housing Affordability: Australia's Welfare Topic Summary Update

8 June


Industrial Disputes, March 2023

8 June


Weekly Payroll Jobs and Wages in Australia, May 2023

8 June


International Trade in Goods and Services, April 2023

8 June


Corrective Services, March Quarter 2023

8 June


Labour Account, March 2023

9 June


Monthly Business Turnover Indicator, April 2023

9 June


Total Value of Dwellings, March Quarter 2023

13 June


International Trade: Supplementary Information, 2022

14 June


Overseas Arrivals and Departures, April 2023

14 June


Methodology Used in Final Rebased Population Estimates, 2021–22

15 June


National, State and Territory Population, December 2022

15 June


Labour Force, May 2023

15 June


2021 Census Update of the Net Interstate Migration Model, 2020–21

15 June


Tourism Satellite Accounts: Quarterly Tourism Labour Statistics, March 2023

16 June


Monthly Employee Earnings Indicator, April 2023 (new release)

21 June


Data by Region, 2011–22

21 June


Housing Assistance in Australia, 2023

22 June


Film, Television and Digital Games, 2021–22

22 June


Characteristics of Australian Business, 2021–22

22 June


Labour Force (Detailed), May 2023

22 June


Microdata: Longitudinal Labour Force, 1982–2023

27 June


Improving Regional Labour Force Estimates, June 2023

27 June


Health of Australia's Males and Females (new release)

27 June


Provisional Mortality Statistics, January–March 2023

28 June


Engineering Construction Activity, March 2023

28 June


Monthly Consumer Price Index Indicator, May 2023

28 June


Congenital Anomalies, 2017

29 June


Stillbirths and Neonatal Deaths in Australia, 2019–2020

29 June


Retail Trade, May 2023

29 June


Australian National Accounts: Finance and Wealth, March 2023

29 June


Recorded Crime – Victims, 2022

29 June


Job Vacancies, 2022

29 June


Participation, Job Search and Mobility, February 2023

30 June


Potential Workers, February 2023

30 June


Underemployed Workers, May 2023

30 June


Job Mobility, February 2023

30 June


Microdata: Participation, Job Search and Mobility, 2015–23

30 June

(a) Jobs and Skills Australia (JSA)

Note: Release dates may be subject to change without notice.

After the latest key economic statistics? Visit the Parliamentary Library’s Key Economic and Social Indicators Dashboard (KESI).

Recent reports

Article: New Census insights on income in Australia using administrative data (Australian Bureau of Statistics)

The ABS Census of Population and Housing captures a person's income using a tick-box question with 16 income ranges to choose from. The question is intended to cover all forms of income the person may receive, including salary, government benefits, superannuation, and interest. To enhance the income information available in the Census, the ABS has added new income variables to the Census dataset using linked administrative data from the Australian Tax Office (including personal Income Tax Returns and Payment Summaries for the 2020–21 financial year) and pension and allowance data from the Department of Social Services.


There are 3 new income variables, each of which are available for the person, family, and household levels:

  • Total income (weekly income to $10,000 or more)
  • Main source of income (including wages and salary; government benefits and allowances; and investment income)
  • Main type of government benefit payment (including the Age Pension; Newstart Allowance and Jobseeker; Family Tax Benefits; and Disability Support Pension).

Table 1  Main source of personal income (%), persons 15 years and over, Australia, 2021

Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics, New Census insights on income in Australia using administrative data, (Canberra: ABS, 2023)

Additional articles: Understanding income in administrative data, the Census and ABS surveys (ABS); 2021 Census Dictionary: Main source of personal income (ABS)

Cost of Living Insights Report, May 2023 (CommBank iQ)

Based on the report:

  • In the first calendar quarter of 2023, Australians spent 39% more on travel and accommodation than they did during the same period in 2022. Eating out and food delivery is also up, by 8.5%, which is still an overall increase even after accounting for the national average inflation of 7.0% over the same period. Some customers are drawing down on savings buffers they accumulated during COVID-19. Others are choosing to be frugal in some areas so they can continue to prioritise experiences.
  • While older Australians are increasing their expenditure, younger customers are cutting back. Notably, Australians aged 18 to 24 have sustained their spending in real terms. With many in this age group still living with their parents, they have a lower exposure to rent and mortgage interest rate pressures. The next age group is a different story. As Australians aged 25 to 29 move out and establish their lives with rent and home ownership, they make the largest reductions in expenditure compared with other age groups.

Other reports: Household Spending Intentions (CommBank, April 2023), Selected Living Cost Indexes (ABS, March 2023)

Australian Child Maltreatment Study, 2023 (National Health and Medical Research Council)

The Australian Child Maltreatment Study (ACMS) is the first study conducted to assess the national prevalence of child maltreatment in Australia, and its associated impacts on health. In summary:


  • In total 62.2% of the Australian population, 16 years and over had experienced at least one type of child maltreatment. Exposure to domestic violence was the most common form of maltreatment, followed by physical abuse, emotional abuse, and sexual abuse. The least common type of maltreatment was neglect. Among those aged 16 and over:

    • 32.0% experienced physical abuse
    • 28.5% experienced sexual abuse
    • 30.9% experienced emotional abuse
    • 8.9% experienced neglect
    • 39.6% experienced exposure to domestic violence.
  • Of those aged 16–24 years, 25.4% surveyed had experienced 3 to 5 types of maltreatment. Compared to the full sample, young people were more likely to experience emotional abuse (34.6% compared to 30.9%) and exposure to domestic violence (43.8% compared to 39.6%).

Interested in finding out what the latest statistics are telling us about the Australian economy and population? Each month the Parliamentary Library publishes a Flag Post article listing new reports on a wide variety of topics. The list includes important upcoming ABS releases and other research organisations and government departments.