What's New in Statistics . . . February

Statistics and Data
Joanne Simon-Davies

This month: the latest data from the 2022 Youth Survey and the 2022 Population Statement.

Forthcoming releases

If you are interested in any of the forthcoming releases or datasets, please contact the Parliamentary Library to discuss in more detail.

  Statistical reports Release date
Jobs (a) Nowcast of Employment by Region and Occupation, January 2023 1 Feb
ABS Selected Living Cost Indexes, December 2022 1 Feb
ABS Building Approvals, December 2022 2 Feb
ABS Lending Indicators, December 2022 3 Feb
ABS Retail Trade, December 2022 6 Feb
ABS International Trade in Goods and Services, December 2022 7 Feb
ANZ ANZ Australian Job Ads, January 2022 7 Feb
AIHW Alcohol Related Injury, 2019–20 7 Feb
AIHW Chronic Health Conditions Among Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Australians, 2021 8 Feb
ABS Recorded Crime: Offenders, 2021–22 9 Feb
ABS Building Approvals, December 2022 9 Feb
ABS Weekly Payroll Jobs and Wages in Australia, week ending 14 January 9 Feb
AIHW Diabetes: National Hospital Morbidity Update 9 Feb
ABS Monthly Business Turnover Indicator, December 2022 10 Feb
ABS Counts of Australian Businesses, July 2018–June 2022 10 Feb
ABS Monthly Household Spending Indicator, December 2022 14 Feb
ABS Apparent Consumption of Selected Foodstuffs, 2020–21 15 Feb
ABS Work-Related Injuries, 2020–21 15 Feb
ABS Schools, 2022 15 Feb
ABS Overseas Arrivals and Departures, December 2022  16 Feb
ABS Labour Force, January 2023 16 Feb
ABS Livestock Products, December 2022 16 Feb
ABS Guide to Labour Statistics, 2022 21 Feb
ABS Gender indicators 21 Feb
ABS Characteristics of Australian Importers, 2020–21 21 Feb
ABS Wage Price Index, December 2022 22 Feb
ABS Construction Work Done (Preliminary), December 2022 22 Feb
ABS Average Weekly Earnings, November 2022 23 Feb
ABS Private New Capital Expenditure and Expected Expenditure, December 2022 23 Feb
ABS Labour Force (Detailed), January 2023 23 Feb
AIHW Dementia in Australia, 2022 23 Feb
ABS Prisoners in Australia, 2022 24 Feb
ABS Business Indicators, December 2022 27 Feb
ABS Mineral and Petroleum Exploration, December 2022 27 Feb
ABS Balance of Payments and International Investment Position, December 2022 28 Feb
ABS Retail Trade, January 2023 28 Feb
ABS Government Finance Statistics, December 2022 28 Feb

(a) Department of Jobs and Skills Australia.  Note: Release dates may be subject to change without notice.

After the latest key economic statistics? Visit the Parliamentary Library’s Key Economic and Social Indicators Dashboard (KESI).

Recent reports

2022 Youth Survey (Mission Australia)

The Mission Australia Youth Survey is the largest annual survey of young people aged 15–19 years in Australia. In 2022, 18,800 young people completed the survey and the results were released in December. Here are some interesting findings from the report:


Asked to list the 3 most important issues in Australia today, young people identified:

  1. The environment: 51% of young people identified the environment as one of the most important issues in Australia, compared with 38.0% in 2021 and 29.8% in 2020. A quarter of young people (25.5%) were personally extremely or very concerned about climate change.
  2. Equity and discrimination: 35.9% of young people identified equity and discrimination as an issue, compared with 35.4% in 2021 and 40.2% in 2020. 27.1% of young people felt they were treated unfairly or discriminated against in the last year, most commonly due to gender, race or cultural background, and mental health.
  3. Mental health: 33.9% of young people identified mental health as an important issue, compared with 34.6% in 2021 and 30.6% in 2020. 38.5% of young people were personally extremely or very concerned about mental health.

The top 4 issues of personal concern for young people were coping with stress (44.0%), school or study problems (40.5%), mental health (38.5%) and body image (34.5%).


What are the plans of young people after school?

  • Seven in 10 (71.9%) respondents planned to go to university after school. Close to half (46.3%) reported plans to get a job and almost a third (31.4%) indicated travel or gap year plans.
  • A greater proportion of female respondents reported they intend to get a job (48.8% compared to 41.6% of males) or have travel/gap year plans after leaving school (35.5% of females compared with 23.6% of males).
  • Four times the proportion of males than females indicated they were planning to get an apprenticeship after school (14.6% compared with 4.0% of females) and close to double the proportion of males than females were planning to join the defence force or emergency services (10.1% compared to 5.4% of females).

Figure 1: Plans after leaving school (%), 2022

Chart - Plans after leaving school (%), 2022

Source: Mission Australia (S. Leung, N. Brennan, T. Freeburn, W. Waugh & R. Christie), Youth Survey 2022 (Sydney, 2022), Figure 4.1

2022 Population Statement (Centre for Population)

The Population Statement is the Centre for Population’s flagship annual publication. It provides insights into how Australia’s population has recently changed and projects future population changes. This is the third edition of the Statement, building on the analysis and projections contained in the 2020 and 2021 Population Statements.

  • Australia’s annual population growth is expected to reach 1.4% in 2022–23, before gradually slowing to 1.2% by 2032–33. Australia’s population is expected to reach 29.9 million by 2032–33. In the longer-term, the population is projected to grow to 39.2 million by 2060–61.
  • Australia’s population is expected to continue ageing, reflecting long-running trends of declining fertility and increasing life expectancies, with the median age increasing by 1.5 years between 2021–22 and 2032–33. This ageing trend was accelerated by the pandemic, with the projected median age in 2030–31 being 1.4 years older than what was projected pre-pandemic (39.8 years compared to 38.4 years).

Additional tables:

Melbourne Institute: Applied Economic and Social Research

The Melbourne Institute’s Taking the Pulse of the Nation survey collects information on ‘the changing behaviours and attitudes of Australians’. Some of its recent findings include:

The Melbourne Institute has also released the first of 3 reports on the connection between social housing and poverty:

Interested in finding out what the latest statistics are telling us about the Australian economy and population? Each month the Parliamentary Library publishes a Flag Post article listing new reports on a wide variety of topics. The list includes important upcoming ABS releases and other research organisations and government departments.