What's new in Statistics . . . March

Statistics and Data
Joanne Simon-Davies

This month: Recent reports on housing affordability and International Women’s Day. 

Forthcoming releases

If you are interested in any of the forthcoming releases or datasets, please contact the Parliamentary Library to discuss in more detail.

  Statistical reports Release date
 JSA (a)
 Nowcast of Employment by Region and Occupation, February 2023 1 Mar
 ABS  Australian National Accounts: National Income, Expenditure and Product, December 2022 1 Mar
 ABS  Monthly Consumer Price Index indicator, January 2023 1 Mar
 ABS  Assets and Liabilities of Australian Securitisers, December 2022 2 Mar
 ABS  Modernising ABS agricultural statistics (new release), March 2023 2 Mar
 ABS  Building Approvals, January 2023 2 Mar
 ABS  Managed Funds, December 2022 2 Mar
 ABS  Lending Indicators, January 2023 3 Mar
 ABS  Modellers' Database, December Quarter 2022 3 Mar
 ABS  Labour Account, December 2022 3 Mar
 ABS  Criminal Courts, 2021–22 3 Mar
 ABS  International Trade in Goods and Services, January 2023 7 Mar
 ABS  Retail Trade, January 2023 7 Mar
 ANZ  ANZ Job Advertisement, February 2022 7 Mar
 ABS  Building Approvals, January 2023 9 Mar
 ABS  Weekly Payroll Jobs and Wages in Australia, Week ending 11 February 2023 9 Mar
 ABS  Industrial Disputes, December 2022 9 Mar
 ABS  Monthly Business Turnover Indicator, January 2023 14 Mar
 ABS  Corrective Services, December Quarter 2022 14 Mar
 ABS  Monthly Household Spending Indicator, January 2023 14 Mar
 ABS  Total Value of Dwellings, December Quarter 2022 14 Mar
 ABS  Overseas Arrivals and Departures, January 2023 15 Mar
 ABS  Tourism Satellite Accounts: Quarterly Tourism Labour Statistics, December 2022 15 Mar
 ABS  National, State and Territory Population, September 2022 16 Mar
 ABS  Labour Force, February 2023 16 Mar
 ABS  Australian National Accounts: Input-Output Tables, 2020–21 17 Mar
 AIHW  Alcohol-Related Injury: Hospitalisations and Deaths, 2019–220 21 Mar
 ABS  Australian National Accounts: Finance and Wealth, December 2022 23 Mar
 ABS  Labour Force (Detailed), February 2023 23 Mar
 NCVER  Apprentice and Trainee Outcomes, 2022 23 Mar
 ABS  Retail Trade, February 2023  28 Mar
 ABS  Engineering Construction Activity, December 2022 29 Mar
 ABS  Monthly Consumer Price Index Indicator, February 2023 29 Mar
 AIHW  Cancer in Adolescents and Young Adults 29 Mar
 ABS  Job Vacancies, February 2023 30 Mar
 ABS  Barriers and Incentives to Labour Force Participation, December 2022 31 Mar
 AIHW  Youth Justice in Australia, 2021–22 31 Mar

(a) Department of Jobs and Skills Australia.  Note: Release dates may be subject to change without notice.

After the latest key economic statistics? Visit the Parliamentary Library’s Key Economic and Social Indicators Dashboard (KESI).

Recent reports on housing affordability

ANZ CoreLogic Housing Affordability report, May 2022

This report identifies the main trends and drivers of housing affordability across Australia. According to the report:

  • As at March 2022, the national median dwelling value was an estimated 8.5 times the median annual household income level nationally. This is a record high for the series and has increased from 6.8 since the onset of COVID-19 two years prior.
  • The portion of household income required to service new mortgage repayments sat at 41.4% nationally in March 2022, above the decade average of 36.5%. This was the third consecutive increase at the national level, with higher average mortgage rates and property values contributing to the uplift.
  • At the national level, the portion of household income required to service rent on a new lease increased to 30.6%, up from 29.8% in December 2021, and 28.5% in the March quarter of 2020.

Additional articles: Is Renting Out of Reach in Regional Australia?, May 2022 (CoreLogic)

Guide to Housing Affordability Statistics, February 2023  (Australia Bureau of Statistics)

The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) recently released a guide to housing affordability statistics, outlining the main data sources available and when to use each source:

  • Survey of Income and Housing (SIH)
  • Census of Population and Housing
  • The Household Expenditure Survey (HES)

According to the guide:

Housing affordability statistics, namely estimates of the number of households paying more than a given proportion of income on housing costs, can be obtained from a number of ABS data sources. However, due to the comparative advantages of each, some may be more suitable than others. This fact sheet outlines the main data sources available, and when to use each.

Analysis on Australia’s Rental Market, December 2022 (National Housing Finance and Investment Corporation)

The paper ‘provides a comprehensive snapshot of Australia’s rental markets. It covers social housing rentals and how they relate to private rentals in capital city and regional areas, including the distribution of rental changes. It also looks at gross rental yields for all major cities and states and catalogues the top 10 Local Government Areas (LGAs) in major city and regional areas with the highest and lowest rental growth and highest and lowest vacancy rates.’

Additional housing reports:

Anglicare Australia

Australian Institute of Health and Welfare


Data sourced from the Australian Bureau of Statistics, Gender Indicators (Canberra, 2022), and the Department of Education, source. Image: National Cancer Institute–Unsplash.com


Interested in finding out what the latest statistics are telling us about the Australian economy and population? Each month the Parliamentary Library publishes a Flag Post article listing new reports on a wide variety of topics. The list includes important upcoming ABS releases and other research organisations and government departments.