What's new in statistics . . .October

Statistics and Data
Joanne Simon-Davies

This month: snapshot of the Australian economy, economic gains and losses during COVID-19, National Ocean Account, elder abuse and National Work Safety Month.

Forthcoming releases

If you are interested in any of the forthcoming releases or datasets, please contact the Parliamentary Library to discuss in more detail.

2021 Census of Population and Housing, 2nd release

The second release of data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) 2021 Census of Population and Housing is due on 12 October and will include data on:

  • Occupation
  • Industry of employment
  • Status of employment
  • Public or private employer indicator
  • Non-school qualifications
  • Hours worked
  • Method of travel to work
  • Internal migration (address of usual residences 1 year ago and 5 years ago).

The ABS will update their flagship products to reflect the new datasets: Census TableBuilder, Census QuickStats and the Census Community Profiles.

  Statistical reports Release date
ABS Building Approvals, August 2022 4 Oct
ABS Lending Indicators, August 2022 4 Oct
AIHW Breast Screen Australia Monitoring Update, 2022 4 Oct
AIHW Cancer data in Australia: update 4 Oct
ANZ ANZ Australian Job Ads, September 2022 4 Oct
ABS Retail Trade, August 2022 5 Oct
ABS How Australians Use Their Time, 2020–21 (first release) 7 Oct
AIHW Specialist Homelessness Services Indicators, 2020–21 7 Oct
ABS Monthly Business Turnover Indicator, August 2022 10 Oct
AIHW Socioeconomic Characteristics Among Ex-serving ADF Males Who Died by Suicide 11 Oct
ABS Building Approvals, August 2022 11 Oct
ABS Overseas Arrivals and Departures, August 2022 11 Oct
ABS Monthly Household Spending Indicator, August 2022 11 Oct
ABS Weekly Payroll Jobs and Wages in Australia, Week ending 17 September 2022 13 Oct
ABS Labour Force Status of Families, June 2022 18 Oct
ABS Building Activity, June 2022 19 Oct
ABS Education and Work, May 2022 19 Oct
ABS Causes of Death, 2021 19 Oct
ABS Water Account, 2020–21 20 Oct
ABS Labour Force, September 2022 20 Oct
AIHW National Social Housing Survey, 2021 20 Oct
ABS Births, 2021 25 Oct
ABS Language Statistics for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, 2021 25 Oct
ABS Consumer Price Index, September Quarter 2022 26 Oct
ABS Provisional Mortality Statistics, January–July 2022 27 Oct
ABS Labour Force, Detailed, August 2022 27 Oct
ABS International Trade Price Indexes, September 2022 27 Oct
ABS Australian System of National Accounts, 2021–22 28 Oct
ABS Producer Price Indexes, September 2022 28 Oct
ABS Australian National Accounts: Supply Use Tables, 2020–21 28 Oct
ABS Retail Trade, September 2022 31 Oct
ABS Estimated Dwelling Stock, June Quarter 2022 (first release) 31 Oct
ABS Foreign Currency Exposure, March Quarter 2022 31 Oct

Note: Release dates may be subject to change without notice.

After the latest key economic statistics? Visit the Parliamentary Library’s Key Economic and Social Indicators Dashboard

Recent reports

16 things that happened in the Australian economy in June Quarter 2022 (article) (ABS)

Of the 16 ‘things that happened’ listed by the ABS, here are 2 of note:

  • The Australian economy grew 0.9% during the June quarter 2022, and 3.6% over the past year. Strength came from household consumption, which grew 2.2%, and exports.
  • We took to the skies again. The June quarter was the first since the start of the pandemic when international and domestic borders were open and there were no restrictions of movement. We began travelling internationally again and spending on international travel reached 38.6% of pre-pandemic levels.

Economic Gains and Losses over the Covid-19 Pandemic (article) (ABS)

According to the ABS, ‘This article looks at the components of the Australian economy most impacted by the pandemic and discusses the cumulative gains or losses in comparison to their pre-pandemic trajectory. Projections of key economic aggregates were calculated based on average quarterly growth for the 10 years prior to the pandemic (March 2010 to December 2019). These projections were compared to actual estimates from March quarter 2020 to assess the magnitude of potential gains or losses.’

National Ocean Account, Experimental Estimates (ABS)

The Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW), and the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) have partnered to develop Australia’s first National Ocean Ecosystem Account (the National Ocean Account). In this first report:

  • There was over 1 million hectares of mangrove forests and up to 3 million hectares of seagrass meadows in 2021. From 2020 to 2021, total mangroves increased 2.3% to 1.07 million hectares.
  • As at 30 June 2021, 243 million tonnes of carbon were stored in mangrove ecosystems. The Northern Territory has the largest amount of carbon stored in mangrove ecosystems in 2021.

Elder Abuse in Australia (Australian Institute of Family Studies)

As part of the National Plan to Respond to the Abuse of Older Australians (Council of Attorneys-General, 2019), the Attorney-General’s Department commissioned the National Elder Abuse Prevalence Study (NEAPS) to investigate elder abuse. This snapshot provides the key findings of the Survey of Older People (2020), a nationally representative survey of 7,000 people aged 65 and over living in the community (i.e., they did not live in residential aged care settings). 

According to the findings, 15% of people aged 65 and older living in community dwellings in Australia reported an experience of at least one of five subtypes of elder abuse in the 12 months preceding the survey.

  • 12% reported psychological abuse
  • 3% neglect
  • 2% financial abuse
  • 2% physical abuse
  • 1% sexual abuse.

The most common form of physical abuse reported was threats to harm (61%), followed by reports of being grabbed, pushed or shoved (47%). Most older people who experienced physical abuse reported experiencing one type of physical abuse (57%), with 43% reporting multiple types.

According to the survey, 12% of community-dwelling people aged 65 and older in Australia reported experiencing psychological abuse in the 12 months prior to the survey.

The most common forms of psychological abuse experienced involved being:

  • insulted, called names or sworn at in a way they found offensive or aggressive (49%)
  • excluded or repeatedly ignored (46%)
  • undermined or belittled (46%).


Small Business Data Portal (Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman)

Photo of building under construction

October: National Work Safety Month

In 2020 there were 194 worker fatalities due to injuries sustained in the course of a work-related activity. Overall, the number of fatalities has been trending downward since 2007. The highest number of work-related injury fatalities was recorded in 2007, when there were 310 deaths.

In the year to date (to 25 August 2022), 109 Australian workers have been killed at work, compared to 90 in the corresponding period year (to August 2021).

Most workers killed from work-related activities are men (96% or 186 fatalities in 2020). The male fatality rate has remained relatively steady at around 2.6 fatalities per 100,000 male workers in the past 5 years. However, this rate is almost half of that recorded in 2007 when the fatality rate for male workers was 5.0 fatalities per 100,000 male workers.

Source: Safe Work Australia, Work-related Traumatic Injury Fatalities, 2020; Preliminary work-related fatalities, 2022; Image: Nathan Waters/Unsplash.com


Interested in finding out what the latest statistics are telling us about the Australian economy and population? Each month the Parliamentary Library publishes a Flag Post article listing new reports on a wide variety of topics. The list includes important upcoming ABS releases and other research organisations and government departments.