What's new in Statistics . . . . July

Statistics and Data
Joanne Simon-Davies

This month: Report on Government Services, size of new homes and insights into working hours.

Releases in July

If you are interested in any of the forthcoming releases or datasets, please contact the Parliamentary Library to discuss in more detail.

  Statistical reports Release date
BITRE Motor Vehicle Census, 2022 1 July
ABS Building Approvals, May 2022 4 July
ABS Lending Indicators, May 2022 4 July
ABS Retail Trade, May 2022 5 July
ABS Canola, Experimental Regional Estimates, 2019–2020 6 July
ANZ ANZ Australian Job Ads, May 2022 6 July
ABS International Trade in Goods and Services, May 2022 7 July
ABS Weekly Payroll Jobs and Wages in Australia, Week ending 11 June 2022 7 July
AIHW Australia’s Health, 2022 7 July
ABS Monthly Business Turnover Indicator, May 2022 8 July
ABS Innovation in Australian Business, 202021 8 July
ABS Monthly Household Spending Indicator, May 2022 12 July
ABS Overseas Arrivals and Departures, May 2022 12 July
ABS Building Activity, March 2022 13 July
AIHW Diabetes: Australian Facts 13 July
ABS Labour Force, June 2022 14 July
AIHW  Australia’s Attitudes and Perceptions Towards Drugs by Region 15 July
NCVER VET in Schools, 2021 20 July
ABS Labour Force, Detailed, June 2022 21 July
ABS National Study of Mental Health and Wellbeing, 2020–2021 22 July
AIHW  Australia’s Mothers and Babies, 2020 22 July
ABS Value of Agricultural Commodities Produced, 2020–2021 26 July
ABS Regional population, 2021 26 July
ABS Water Use on Australian Farms, 2020–21 26 July
ABS Agricultural Commodities, 2020–21 26 July
NCVER Apprentices and Trainees,  December Quarter 2021 26 July
ABS Consumer Price Index, June 2022 27 July
AIHW  Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs in Australia 27 July
ABS International Trade Price Indexes, June 2022 28 July
ABS Retail Trade, June 2022 28 July
ABS Recorded Crime – Victims, 2021 28 July
AIHW  Younger Onset Dementia 28 July
ABS Housing Mobility and Conditions, 2019–20 29 July
ABS Provisional Mortality Statistics, January–April 2022 29 July
ABS Producer Price Indexes, June 2022 29 July

Please contact the Parliamentary Library if you would like to see further information on any of these releases. Note: Release dates may be subject to change without notice.

After the latest key economic statistics? Visit the Parliamentary Library’s new Dashboard: Key Economic and Social Indicators Dashboard

New reports

Report on Government Services (Productivity Commission)

The Report on Government Services (RoGS) provides information on the equity, effectiveness and efficiency of government services in Australia. It focuses on social services which aim to enhance the wellbeing of people and communities by improving ‘largely intangible’ outcomes (such as health, education, and community safety). The Report also contains performance information on childcare, education and training, health, justice, emergency management, community services, social housing and homelessness across 17 service areas.

The mid-year release provides new data for a sub-set of indicators in the following sections:

Building Approvals, April 2022 (Article: New houses being built on smaller blocks) (Australian Bureau of Statistics)

According to the ABS:

  • Australians are building houses on smaller blocks: the average site area of new house approvals decreased considerably over the last 10 calendar years, falling by 64 square metres (‑13%), whilst the average floor area decreased by only 3 square metres (-1%).
  • Across the 5 largest states, average site areas for house approvals trended downwards in all capital cities over the past 10 years, resulting in increased housing density across the capitals. Greater Brisbane decreased the most, falling by 112 square metres (-20%), from 571 square metres in 2012 to 459 square metres in 2021. Greater Adelaide decreased the least (‑6%), by 30 square metres, from 498 square metres to 468 square metres over 10 years.
  • The combined trends of smaller site areas and largely unchanged floor areas of house approvals shows that Australians are building similar sized houses with smaller yards. The ratio of floor-to-site area increased between 2012 to 2021 from 0.49 to 0.56, resulting in greater densification. This is due to a combination of factors, including increases in land cost, a greater proportion of new houses being constructed in urban infill locations, and more two-storey houses that maximise living space on smaller lots.

Labour Force, May 2022 (Article: Insights into hours worked) (Australian Bureau of Statistics)

According to the ABS, there has been an increase in the number of people working fewer hours due to continued disruption from the Omicron variant and influenza between April and May 2022. In May, 780,500 people worked fewer hours due to illness, this was the highest level recorded during the pandemic.

Other reports of interest:

Interested in finding out what the latest statistics are telling us about the Australian economy and population?

Each month the Parliamentary Library will publish a Flag Post listing new reports on a wide variety of topics. The list will include important upcoming releases from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) as well as other research organisations and government departments.