Taskforce Meeting: 3 April 2023
Issue date: Thursday, 13 April 2023
The Parliamentary Leadership Taskforce met on 3 April 2023.
The Taskforce agreed on Terms of Reference for the new Staff Consultation Group. The Staff Consultation Group will aim to facilitate open communication between Commonwealth parliamentary workplace staff and those responsible for implementing Set the Standard reforms, allowing staff to express their opinions and concerns related to the reforms. Membership and terms of reference of the Staff Consultation Group will be published shortly.
The Taskforce noted the ongoing consultation and feedback on the development of a draft baseline alcohol policy for parliamentarians and their staff. This policy will be underpinned by the principles previously agreed by the Taskforce, which will ensure consistency across alcohol policies in Commonwealth parliamentary workplaces.
Any policy must set clear expectations of conduct, values and behaviours, and policies should acknowledge different cultural views in relation to the consumption of alcohol.
The Taskforce noted that legislation will soon be drafted to support the establishment of the new Parliamentary Workplace Support Service.
The next meeting will be held in mid-May 2023.
A progress report on recommendations can be found in a refreshed Implementation Tracker – 3 April 2023.