The Parliamentary Leadership Taskforce met on 27 June 2023.
The Taskforce reaffirmed its commitment to the timely implementation of the recommendations made in the Set the Standard report to bring meaningful change to Commonwealth parliamentary workplaces and ensure our workplaces are models of safety and respect.
The Taskforce considered the proposed draft amendments to the Members of Parliament (Staff) Act 1984 following staff consultations on the proposed reforms. The proposed amendments seek to modernise the employment framework for parliamentarians and MoP(S) Act employees to better support a safe and respectful workplace. Further consultation on the proposed amendments with the Staff Consultation Group were held following the meeting in the last week of June.
The Taskforce is prioritising the implementation of the new statutory Parliamentary Workplace Support Service. The Taskforce noted the consultations held with Taskforce members, staff and unions on exposure draft legislation to establish the new service. Taskforce members will continue to support refining the draft bill ahead of its introduction to Parliament in the Spring sittings.
A progress report on recommendations can be found in a refreshed Implementation Tracker – 27 June 2023.