Taskforce Meeting: 19 October 2022
Issue date: Monday, 24 October 2022
The Parliamentary Leadership Taskforce held its sixth meeting on 19 October 2022.
The Taskforce discussed its upcoming annual report on progress on the implementation of the recommendations from the Set the Standard report. The Taskforce will work towards reporting baseline information on the diversity characteristics of Commonwealth parliamentary workplace participants. The Taskforce’s annual report is expected to be tabled in early 2023.
Taskforce members discussed the feedback from recent staff consultations on the establishment of the Office of Parliamentarian Staffing and Culture (OPSC). Some feedback noted that any new human resources support function to parliamentarians and MOP(S) Act employees must be independent, of high quality, have strong leadership and include clear accountability mechanisms which involve staff. Members also noted the positive feedback received through the consultation on the operation of the Parliamentary Workplace Support Service. The Taskforce will further consider the implications of the feedback on the OPSC’s operational design.
The Taskforce noted the feedback received on the refreshed induction program for new parliamentarians and their staff following the 2022 Federal Election. The feedback received on the induction program will be provided to the OPSC when established and will inform further development of induction programs in future years. Members also discussed participation in the Safe and Respectful Workplaces Training Program, noting that future enhancements to the program are likely.
Taskforce members welcomed the 7 October 2022 release of the MoP(S) Act review. The Government’s implementation of the review’s recommended reforms will be progressed alongside the implementation of other Set the Standard recommendations.
A progress report on recommendations can be found in a refreshed Implementation Tracker – 19 October 2022.
The next meeting will be held in November 2022.