Taskforce Meeting: 12 September 2022
Issue date: Monday, 19 September 2022
The Parliamentary Leadership Taskforce held its fifth meeting on 12 September 2022.
The Taskforce discussed a proposal for consultation with MoP(S) Act employees on the design of the Office of Parliamentarian Staffing and Culture (OPSC). Once established, the OPSC will provide a centralised people and culture function for parliamentarians and MoP(S) Act employees. The Taskforce agreed that consultation with staff is essential to ensure that the proposed OPSC will effectively serve their needs and encourage consideration of the best possible approach to support staff.
The Taskforce noted that consultation sessions will be held with current MoP(S) Act employees over September 2022. OPSC consultation sessions are expected to be hour long, small group sessions and held on a party basis for parliamentary and electorate office staff, in addition to a session with the Work Health and Safety Committee and Employee Consultative Group once reconstituted. Further information will be provided to participants ahead of each session.
Consultation on the OPSC will be conducted by the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet. Interested parties can also contact jenkins.response@pmc.gov.au for further information.
The Taskforce noted the progress of the Joint Select Committee on Parliamentary Standards, in preparing to draft codes of conduct for Parliamentarians and their staff. The Committee is still welcoming submissions to the inquiry and now is due to report by 1 December 2022.
The Taskforce will soon write to fellow parliamentarians and their staff outlining opportunities for maintaining safe and healthy workplaces. The letter will broadly outline workplace health and safety responsibilities, available training, how the Parliamentary Workplace Support Service can help resolve workplace conflict, and the work of the Joint Select Committee on Parliamentary Standards.
A progress report on recommendations can be found in a refreshed Implementation Tracker – 12 September 2022.
The next meeting is expected to be held in October 2022.